Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

The slaves aren't happy, work them harder

That's what your ideology sounds like
Sounds exactly like that. The hamsters on the wheel can only increase their time at work or productivity up to a certain point. Productivity is one of those things that is definitely a finite resource but capitalism is failing to understand that.

For the record I have always been against socialism but maybe it has some useful ideas after all
AFAIK, all phone companies will be doing this in the very near future.
Didnt Japan do this 20 years ago, all telephones are IP based. BT had DSL technology in the 1970's one of the first to develop a system but decided against development over continuation. Both represent far better use of resources afaik
Nokia had a smart phone ready to go long before Apple but decided to stay with their legacy systems as their revenue was epic at that time, Nokia's most profitable divisions feared competition from within their own company so suppressed development. Again a mistake, seems to be a pattern of fail :p
Sounds exactly like that. The hamsters on the wheel can only increase their time at work or productivity up to a certain point. Productivity is one of those things that is definitely a finite resource but capitalism is failing to understand that.

For the record I have always been against socialism but maybe it has some useful ideas after all
That's what I can't get my head around with disaster capitalism AKA the conservatives..

Even looking at it from a really cynical perspective, if your workers are under fed, live in crap houses and generaly unhappy then they are not going to be very productive. And might even rebel.
I don't see prices ever getting back to 2021 levels. It's a bit concerning. There's going to be a massive part of the population who just won't be able to get by

Effectively all their disposable income will be going to energy corps. Not supporting our economy

I'm not sure what future that leaves in the UK.

How much different will landscape look in 5 years
Well, it's what the people voted for... Can't really turn around and blame farage.. He'll be quaffing champers in his French chateau on his EU passport from his German citizenship.
OVO finally unlocked the direct debit change input to allow me to reduce our charge from £151 a month to £120. They suggested £103 but I decided to leave it a little higher. With over £300 in credit on the account earning them interest, it was about time too.
OVO finally unlocked the direct debit change input to allow me to reduce our charge from £151 a month to £120. They suggested £103 but I decided to leave it a little higher. With over £300 in credit on the account earning them interest, it was about time too.
Mine sits at £0. Why on earth do people want money sat earning for others rather than themselves.
Fair enough. Think its 3% actually. Very little difference in the real world anyway.
It's certainly better than nothing. Under normal conditions though they haven't even been close to being competitive in my area so the interest wouldn't even pay for the extra they charge anyway.
For those they are cheapest that like to pay a fixed monthly it's good.
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