Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I don't think you realise how precarious the UK power supply is and this winter we will have 2 (or 3?) Fewer nuclear reactors online. It'll only take a few days of low wind and we will be in the ****. Of course the real culprit is decades of abysmal energy policy but they will blame the war.
I agree, but politicians can't seem to see past the next couple of years or so, why bother building something that the other party will get credit for. Should have built at least a couple of nuclear plants by now. Winter will definitely be interesting.
Paid my £150 to Eon Next. Can’t reduce the DD to below 10% of what they were initially want - £55 more than £65.

I won’t be happy if I contact them they won’t able to reduce it further. Why should I pay more for my energy than my parents whose home is twice as big?

Without knowing consumption levels between you and your parents, it's hard to judge if you are correct.
I meant in kWh... The above you mention takes no account for differing uses and home efficiencies etc.

The only proper way to compare bills is to look at usage in kWh and also tariff rates including standing charge
My landline has been connected to my Virgin Media SuperHub since about May, something I never really wanted to do in case the internet goes down, leaving me with no landline to call Virgin Media from as I normally do when it goes off. But now, if the electric goes off, I won't have either internet or a phone line. I'm wondering if UPS would be a worthy investment? Really, it should be Virgin Media providing me with a UPS.

Of course, I have a mobile phone to make phone calls. But if I'm paying for a landline, then why shouldn't I be allowed to use it in emergencies?

The annual consumption can be found on your bill. If not, then two meter readings - one roughly a year ago and one today, or the most recent reading. Estimated readings are fruitless, though.
UBI does not solve any cost of living issues, the reason we have such issues is due to the lower relative productivity of the people within the country/world etc.

If productivity increases, prices fall, and thus things are more affordable.

The more benefits you pay, the lower the productivity, the higher the wealth gap, the more cost of living issues you will face.

These cost of living prices have little connection to UK productivity. Blaming benefits, are you crazy?
My landline has been connected to my Virgin Media SuperHub since about May, something I never really wanted to do in case the internet goes down, leaving me with no landline to call Virgin Media from as I normally do when it goes off. But now, if the electric goes off, I won't have either internet or a phone line. I'm wondering if UPS would be a worthy investment? Really, it should be Virgin Media providing me with a UPS.

Of course, I have a mobile phone to make phone calls. But if I'm paying for a landline, then why shouldn't I be allowed to use it in emergencies?
When our virgin was installed they supplied a box that went between the superhub and the landline for that reason. Think it had a sim card in it but not sure about backup battery though. The guy did explain it and I promptly disconnected it as soon as he'd finished :cry:
most recently California had rolling blackouts of an hours duration ... I'm thinking uk telecomms/broadband backbone has UPS for that period of time, and it will have recharged for following day,

unless you have a real new laptop though, whose battery will sustain it even for an hour ? laptops(&mobiles to some degree) don't have the precautions electric cars have to preserve battery life.
Trident would be an example of small scale reliable nuclear power which is their plan to increase UK production by the end of the decade far faster then is normal. Its probably a related topic that such things are feasible because we already were doing it for decades now militarily. I read Rolls Royce wont get plans approved til 2024 so its not that fast. Someone did point out that if we have global warming, rising sea levels dont build long term near shore lines to save money on cooling hopefully thats an obvious one

Paid my £150 to Eon Next.
They have the nicest 1yr fix for existing customers apparently
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My landline has been connected to my Virgin Media SuperHub since about May, something I never really wanted to do in case the internet goes down, leaving me with no landline to call Virgin Media from as I normally do when it goes off.
AFAIK, all phone companies will be doing this in the very near future.
Trident would be an example of small scale reliable nuclear power which is their plan to increase UK production by the end of the decade far faster then is normal. Its probably a related topic that such things are feasible because we already were doing it for decades now militarily. I read Rolls Royce wont get plans approved til 2024 so its not that fast. Someone did point out that if we have global warming, rising sea levels dont build long term near shore lines to save money on cooling hopefully thats an obvious one

They have the nicest 1yr fix for existing customers apparently
Also sounds like current output is about 2gw of new supply per year from the RR deployment.
The only solution to improve quality of life is more productivity or more work.

Nothing else can make any impact, and so, if any idea does not create the above, it is entirely nonsense.
Based on the the simple fact of consume consume consume... That got us in this mess in the first place. Keep on repeating the sam mistakes is stupid.

Energy now is like water a necessity for human life. It should not be done for profit. The only profit allowed should be for R&D. Fusion is expensive currently :)
Based on the the simple fact of consume consume consume... That got us in this mess in the first place. Keep on repeating the sam mistakes is stupid.

Energy now is like water a necessity for human life. It should not be done for profit. The only profit allowed should be for R&D. Fusion is expensive currently :)
Water, energy, food, clothing, shelter all not for profit?
I agree, but politicians can't seem to see past the next couple of years or so, why bother building something that the other party will get credit for. Should have built at least a couple of nuclear plants by now. Winter will definitely be interesting.
And this is exactly why things should be nationalised. That way every government that's gets in to power *should* have equal reasons to make them viable and worthwhile.

At the moment we just have governments helping out their mates and families with as much help as they can for the duration of their term with no forward planning for the people they serve. Anything that goes wrong is blamed on previous governments and the short sightedness of past policies.

The handing out of billions to help people should be going into finding or funding new technologies or building tidal power or such things.

It's the teach a man to fish scenario but in energy terms.
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