Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

AFAIK, all phone companies will be doing this in the very near future.
Thinking back over the years post mobile service, for me mobile is much more reliable than landlines.

I have only really kept a landline because historically broadband ISPs have forced you to have it and of course one is required for DSL (although I currently have it as a DSL only line, no voice service).
The slaves aren't happy, work them harder

That's what your ideology sounds like

Sounds exactly like that. The hamsters on the wheel can only increase their time at work or productivity up to a certain point. Productivity is one of those things that is definitely a finite resource but capitalism is failing to understand that.

For the record I have always been against socialism but maybe it has some useful ideas after all

That's what I can't get my head around with disaster capitalism AKA the conservatives..

Even looking at it from a really cynical perspective, if your workers are under fed, live in crap houses and generaly unhappy then they are not going to be very productive. And might even rebel.

Not sure if you are being confused by the word productivity, or if you have a problem with understanding how economics works.
The current prediction for energy prices from October 1st - A 46% increase on April prices !

Is up based off initial price or the date preceding it ?
% increases are based from the previous Price cap period (6 months) : October -> April and April -> October.
After October 22 it's expected the price cap will be reviewed every 3 months, hence the Jan to March 2023 forecast.
If this winter is a cold one going to be a high death rate.
Takes a while to get cut off, people shouldn't die over worrying about bills. Keep warm, ignore the debt letters and agree a debt repayment plan in the Spring based on what you can afford.

I really feel for those on pre-payment meters and think it should be illegal for energy companies to put peoples health at risk by cutting supplies, its barbaric. Its not like you can chuck some wood on a fire now, majority of homes rely on central heating.

We used to have social energy tariffs with discounted rates for those that couldn't afford market prices but I think they scrapped them and put in the warm home discount.
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Takes a while to get cut off, people shouldn't die over worrying about bills. Keep warm, ignore the debt letters and agree a debt repayment plan in the Spring based on what you can afford.

I really feel for those on pre-payment meters and think it should be illegal for energy companies to put peoples health at risk by cutting supplies, its barbaric. Its not like you can chuck some wood on a fire now, majority of homes rely on central heating.

There's a lot of people I see asking about custom meter replacements where the meter reports lower use than actual. People are desperate and can't really blame them.

But if you have nothing to lose like credit rating etc why not?
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