Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

When is the October price cap decided as they were saying 40% a few weeks ago.

Both are **** though

Edit: Just checked and all the fixed tariffs available to me are at the same rate as a 50% increase anyway so no point fixing.
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Already have... Unfortunately it's currently in roll form :cry:

Good stuff. Find a wet rainy day and crack on and don’t do what my neighbours did.

When we moved in there was the standard 100mm that the builders did (in most places, some areas were actually bare…). They had boarded a small area by the hatch and placed enough to add another 100mm up there. I checked the date and it had been there for years and the layer of dust on the top of the packaging was very thick.
When is the October price cap decided as they were saying 40% a few weeks ago.

Both are **** though

Edit: Just checked and all the fixed tariffs available to me are at the same rate as a 50% increase anyway so no point fixing.
There is a point if you gamble that the prices are going to keep going up and up next year.
Looking at wholesale prices and the governments unwillingness to subsidise anymore (they have been keeping prices low for a long time), it looks likely.
There is a point if you gamble that the prices are going to keep going up and up next year.
Looking at wholesale prices and the governments unwillingness to subsidise anymore (they have been keeping prices low for a long time), it looks likely.
But I'd be paying 50% extra from today rather than from October, if they are offering those rates later in the year then I'd agree.
There is a point if you gamble that the prices are going to keep going up and up next year.
Looking at wholesale prices and the governments unwillingness to subsidise anymore (they have been keeping prices low for a long time), it looks likely.

They are predicting 1% rise next march, let's face it 50% rises cannot be sustained.
They are predicting 1% rise next march, let's face it 50% rises cannot be sustained.

Yeah, a lot people can barely afford the current increase, let alone the extra £1k/year predicted in October, further rises after that would almost certainly result in riots

Good stuff. Find a wet rainy day and crack on and don’t do what my neighbours did.

When we moved in there was the standard 100mm that the builders did (in most places, some areas were actually bare…). They had boarded a small area by the hatch and placed enough to add another 100mm up there. I checked the date and it had been there for years and the layer of dust on the top of the packaging was very thick.

Hah, definitely not doing it at the moment though, went up there the other day to grab something and I swear it was about 40c :eek:
Well obviously I'm not atm as that is a prediction but last time I looked earlier in the year it was like 18 years to break even.
18 years ?!?- what were you planning on buying :cry:
I’ve just got solar and battery storage installed and the payback is 5-6 years. Diverting solar to heat water saves on gas bills too.
5-6 years. Really. That's is way above average BTW if it's even true.

The article is from the beginning of April so out of date in my view. The energy saving trust is using 28.3p/kWh (I.e current cap ex vet) we all know this is going up 50%. It will be based on around 50% self consumption.

Battery storage (although expensive) accelerates payback as you can use 80-90% of what you generate. Also charge ar cheep rates in the winter (octopus go = 7.5p/kWh for 4hr)

5-6 years is around my most optimistic projections but not completely unrealistic. I’m happy with 10, any more is a bonus!

Edit m, I just did the calculator linked to this article and it’s suggests around 10 years.
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