Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Debt management companies are going to be taking on lots of new staff...
I can see government intervening more at some point, I pictured something in my head what happens if we get a massive drop in compliance on paying energy bills, the obvious answer is that will soon spread to other services, credit cards, loans, water bills, council tax, mortgages, rent etc. It would be a mutiny from the population, law and order would potentially be at breaking point. Its simply not sustainable.

To push things along though people need to get organised and protest in numbers otherwise it will just be a longer road than it needs to be.
I just don't see anything different today than what we've seen in past decades. History repeating itself as it always does.

There are always lots of people who can afford an OK to great lifestyle. We won't see a breakdown in law and order because a small percentage of people can't pay bills. Anyone who can't pay for electricity and gas gets cut off. That's it, nothing more, nothing less.
I just don't see anything different today than what we've seen in past decades. History repeating itself as it always does.

There are always lots of people who can afford an OK to great lifestyle. We won't see a breakdown in law and order because a small percentage of people can't pay bills. Anyone who can't pay for electricity and gas gets cut off. That's it, nothing more, nothing less.

When it's potentially a third of the population, and they come knocking on your doors (of parliament) what are you going to do then?
When it's potentially a third of the population, and they come knocking on your doors (of parliament) what are you going to do then?
Where did that third of the population figure come from?

It's not the government's job to fix people's problems. That's the harsh reality of it. The £400 worth of essentially free money people are getting is a one-off gesture which can't keep on being repeated. Giving people free money is highly inflationary, and over time, the only thing it does is cause prices to go up even higher.
Where I'm renting has a pre payment meter and a couple of months ago I was spending £1/day on electricity, now it's around £2/day, ridiculous. Live alone, at work most of the day, only use PC and TV when at home.

Charge my phone and tablet at work now every day.
Where did that third of the population figure come from?

It's not the government's job to fix people's problems. That's the harsh reality of it. The £400 worth of essentially free money people are getting is a one-off gesture which can't keep on being repeated. Giving people free money is highly inflationary, and over time, the only thing it does is cause prices to go up even higher.
While it might not be the governments job to "fix peoples problems" they are supposed to be responsible and plan ahead and try to make deicsions and policy to make life better for its citizens. Sadly we have had a government for many decades that are mostly about making life better for themselves.

Anyway below is the ammount of households who will be in fuel poverty on the old predicted october rise so probably add some more millions to that figure now. And when it goes up again in early next year add some more again.

Energy experts Cornwall Insight predicted that when the price cap rises in October, the average energy bill could reach £3,250 per year, with bills expected to increase by over 60%. If that happens, National Energy Action predicts 8.2 million UK households will be in fuel poverty – that’s one in three.

So come october moving forward expect about 40% of the UK to be in fuel poverty. And yet the "im alright jack" crowd will still think its all fine.
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Where I'm renting has a pre payment meter and a couple of months ago I was spending £1/day on electricity, now it's around £2/day, ridiculous. Live alone, at work most of the day, only use PC and TV when at home.

Charge my phone and tablet at work now every day.


Shift work so not the same time every week, but usually about 4 hours in.

That's what it should be, but we instead work it so we don't get an official break, instead either start couple hours later or finish couple hours earlier. So 6 hour shifts instead of 8. Most days. Love it.
Where did that third of the population figure come from?

It's not the government's job to fix people's problems. That's the harsh reality of it. The £400 worth of essentially free money people are getting is a one-off gesture which can't keep on being repeated. Giving people free money is highly inflationary, and over time, the only thing it does is cause prices to go up even higher.

27% of the population are considered in poverty after housing costs, that figure was from 2020 before significant increases across the board, I can guarantee that those who were once on the borderline, comfortable but not "poor" will be come October.

I'll remember that when anyone brings up any other issue they want the government to fix because they aren't happy. Like inflation, bills, education, the NHS, crime etc etc.
While it might not be the governments job to "fix peoples problems" they are supposed to be responsible and plan ahead and try to make deicsions and policy to make life better for its citizens. Sadly we have had a government for many decades that are mostly about making life better for themselves.

Anyway below is the ammount of households who will be in fuel poverty on the old predicted october rise so probably add some more millions to that figure now. And when it goes up again in early next year add some more again.

Energy experts Cornwall Insight predicted that when the price cap rises in October, the average energy bill could reach £3,250 per year, with bills expected to increase by over 60%. If that happens, National Energy Action predicts 8.2 million UK households will be in fuel poverty – that’s one in three.
There's no evidence of a third of the population. Anyone can make predictions, and most end up being completely wrong. There are far too many factors to consider. If people use less electricity and gas, the equation changes.
There's no evidence of a third of the population. Anyone can make predictions, and most end up being completely wrong. There are far too many factors to consider. If people use less electricity and gas, the equation changes.
You do realise the prediction is based on the predicted Price cap of energy, which is not really a prediction anymore as it will be the 70% rise plus due to how its calculated. And thats on the previous rise in April. Not sure you know what you are commenting on.
I just don't see anything different today than what we've seen in past decades. History repeating itself as it always does.

There are always lots of people who can afford an OK to great lifestyle. We won't see a breakdown in law and order because a small percentage of people can't pay bills. Anyone who can't pay for electricity and gas gets cut off. That's it, nothing more, nothing less.
If you think its a small % you must be incredibly out of touch.

Incidentally I am now seeing this dont pay website spreading like wildfire over social media.

Do you also believe poverty doesnt exist in the UK?
27% of the population are considered in poverty after housing costs, that figure was from 2020 before significant increases across the board, I can guarantee that those who were once on the borderline, comfortable but not "poor" will be come October.

I'll remember that when anyone brings up any other issue they want the government to fix because they aren't happy. Like inflation, bills, education, the NHS, crime etc etc.
You're talking to someone who thinks 17k 'pocket money' is normal. He is out of touch.
27% of the population are considered in poverty after housing costs, that figure was from 2020 before significant increases across the board, I can guarantee that those who were once on the borderline, comfortable but not "poor" will be come October.

I'll remember that when anyone brings up any other issue they want the government to fix because they aren't happy. Like inflation, bills, education, the NHS, crime etc etc.
With their typical high usage, sure. The answer is to reduce consumption and not be so wasteful. Is someone considered to be in sugar poverty because they were eating too many foods containing sugar and now can't because they have now developed a medical issue because of it?
You do realise the prediction is based on the predicted Price cap of energy, which is not really a prediction anymore as it will be the 70% rise plus due to how its calculated. And thats on the previous rise in April. Not sure you know what you are commenting on.
See previous posts. There are many more factors at play here. The average person is actually very wasteful. The fact they now have to stop being so wasteful solves most of the issues and have no right to be crying fuel-poverty.
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