Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
That is amazing really.
So sad that poorer people can't benefit from things like this. I know a few it would save 100s a month for.
Not really, it’s still a lot more expensive than buying a used car. Likewise the new EV is a more expensive than an ICE equivalent.
It’s this. The upfront cost is difficult. It’s getting better with more used EVs on the market but it will take a while before we have a significant used car market. Once over that upfront cost then the overall cost is ridiculously low.
13 Jan 2010
Not really, it’s still a lot more expensive than buying a used car. Likewise the new EV is a more expensive than an ICE equivalent.
That's what I mean. I don't really understand why we haven't got some ridiculously cheap versions here that they have abroad. Don't know if it's safety, demand etc. But they do exist
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Surely the cheap EV rates will disappear if electricity prices carry on rising? Already some chargers are nearly 60p, that would be more expensive than a tank of petrol...
In other (Sky) news:

New forecast bills could top £5,000 next year - with costs of £571 in January alone​

The cap on energy bills could top £5,000 next year, according to the bleakest forecast for struggling households.
Experts said regulator Ofgem could be forced to set the cap at £5,038 per year for the average household in the three months beginning next April.
It is more than £200 higher than previous forecasts, which were already grim, and heaps extra pressure on households across Britain.
Auxilione, an energy consultancy, also predicted that bills would reach £4,467 in January.
This forecast is likely to worry energy users more than April's higher number, as households use more gas during the winter months.
The new nightmare scenario would mean an average household will spend £571 on energy in January alone.
18 Oct 2002
Those using smart plugs - I assume you've considered the power consumption of the plug compared with leaving something on standby? If you are using it to turn of router etc and it then becomes a dumb plug, well isn't that just a little bit dumb?
13 Jan 2010
Surely the cheap EV rates will disappear if electricity prices carry on rising? Already some chargers are nearly 60p, that would be more expensive than a tank of petrol...
In other (Sky) news:

New forecast bills could top £5,000 next year - with costs of £571 in January alone​

The cap on energy bills could top £5,000 next year, according to the bleakest forecast for struggling households.
Experts said regulator Ofgem could be forced to set the cap at £5,038 per year for the average household in the three months beginning next April.
It is more than £200 higher than previous forecasts, which were already grim, and heaps extra pressure on households across Britain.
Auxilione, an energy consultancy, also predicted that bills would reach £4,467 in January.
This forecast is likely to worry energy users more than April's higher number, as households use more gas during the winter months.
The new nightmare scenario would mean an average household will spend £571 on energy in January alone.

Unaffordable. Homeowners with mortgages will lose their homes due to credit files issues. People renting will be evicted.

400 a month extra on average.. Hard to even conceptualise .
18 Mar 2008
I love that the government would rather wait to announce anything for purely political reasons to give their new leader an arbitrary bonus whilst the country rots, no doubt they're desperate for another 'save Christmas' headline.
13 Jan 2010
I love that the government would rather wait to announce anything for purely political reasons to give their new leader an arbitrary bonus whilst the country rots, no doubt they're desperate for another 'save Christmas' headline.

Worst thing is. It will probably win people over.
1 Mar 2010
Rishi just needs to announce he would cap prices like the french, surely the Con party members realise that if a recession collapses consumer consumption and the economy,
the value of their investments and money is going to decline. - no one is safe until everyone is safe - the real Pandemic 2.0

Auxilione, an energy consultancy, also predicted that bills would reach £4,467 in January.
another opinion on top of cornwall insites / investec ... can we see the workings out.

EV's are we there yet ? - computer still not yet saying yes (unless it's a company purchase)

1 Aug 2005
Unaffordable. Homeowners with mortgages will lose their homes due to credit files issues. People renting will be evicted.

400 a month extra on average.. Hard to even conceptualise .

This is absolutely disastrous already for many. As I have said here before, I am currently paying £253 a month for electricity for a one-bed in London. It's insanity. To think that that will go up is just bonkers.

Some companies are doing their bit to help. My credit card company are giving some users three months off any payments interest-free. Which in my case is very helpful indeed.
23 Oct 2002
Those using smart plugs - I assume you've considered the power consumption of the plug compared with leaving something on standby? If you are using it to turn of router etc and it then becomes a dumb plug, well isn't that just a little bit dumb?
It would be, yeah. My smart plug controls a 6-way connector with Virgin box, PS5, controller charger, Nintendo Switch, TV and Amazon Fire Cube all connected. Router and wifi mesh sits on another socket that's always on.
18 Oct 2002
Sandwich, Kent
I use smart plugs to turn off the PC (PC, monitor, speakers, printer etc) and the TV (TV, games consoles, sound bar, tv box etc).

I figure the standby usage of the smart plug is going to be less than the standby use of those combined groups of devices.
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
This is absolutely disastrous already for many. As I have said here before, I am currently paying £253 a month for electricity for a one-bed in London. It's insanity. To think that that will go up is just bonkers.

Some companies are doing their bit to help. My credit card company are giving some users three months off any payments interest-free. Which in my case is very helpful indeed.

How are you paying/using so much, I'm in a 2 bed flat on my own, computer is on 18+ hours a day, kettle boiled 4-6 times a day and yet I am only currently using £66/month, paying £114/month DD to cover winter.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
That is amazing really.
So sad that poorer people can't benefit from things like this. I know a few it would save 100s a month for.

Not really, it’s still a lot more expensive than buying a used car. Likewise the new EV is a more expensive than an ICE equivalent.

It’s this. The upfront cost is difficult. It’s getting better with more used EVs on the market but it will take a while before we have a significant used car market. Once over that upfront cost then the overall cost is ridiculously low.

Ah the Sam Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness again :) Funny but it is so very true esp with EV cars

And then once you are on an EV tarriff and paying 7.5p, dead easy to add a battery for the house from £5k to £10k and have that charge up during the night at 7.5p and end up paying 7.5p for all your daytime electric use as well. Payback on the battery will be only 3.5 years, less if electric keeps rising

The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness
13 Jan 2010
This is absolutely disastrous already for many. As I have said here before, I am currently paying £253 a month for electricity for a one-bed in London. It's insanity. To think that that will go up is just bonkers.

Some companies are doing their bit to help. My credit card company are giving some users three months off any payments interest-free. Which in my case is very helpful indeed.

That seems a lot.

253 just in your own?
In summer?
If it's summer heating is an irrelevant point.

What are your unit prices?
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