Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Four adults, all got our own PCs and stuff. I work from home and my boy is at home all the time. I’ve got a lot of stuff in my radio shack but I’m trying to reduce what’s running all the time and slowly getting everyone else to use less.

Our windows are all single glazed and very old. They need replacing as all the heat goes out through them. If I set the stat to 20°C, the house never reaches 20°C, even with the boiler running continually. I can’t afford to replace them so this winter, the stat will get set to 15°C just to take the chill off and we’ll have to layer up.
16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Did you not just post in another thread about some new MAC's you bought? I don't mean to sound like a dick, but surly if you can't afford some of the above new MAC's should have been down the list a little?
Yes, that was bought using some money I came into unexpectedly. The kit was ordered in April when we didn’t know what we know now. Also, the Mac studio draws about 15W at idle and even taking the display into account, it’s significantly lower power than the iMac it’s replaced so that’s saving energy as well.
10 Jul 2010
Monzo has an option on the app to switch suppliers. When I put in our actual energy use figures, it quotes me £586/month to switch to Octopus.

I literally cannot afford that. If Shell (who I’m currently with) charges me the same, I quite simply won’t be able to pay it.

When we run out of flour, I’ll have to start buying bread rather than baking because it’ll be cheaper. I genuinely don’t see how we will be able to have the heating above 15°C this winter. I need new windows throughout the whole house but can’t afford to get them done.

We use a lot of juice and I’m already energy saving. RPis that used to be on 24/7 have been switched off. My NAS shuts down for seven hours overnight. All bulbs have been changed to LEDs already.
I'm not sure I'd use Monzo to switch, as convenient as it might be, as I recall reading that the app shows tariffs that are expensive. However, using a website such as uSwitch to compare energy prices, is more likely to find you a cheaper tariff compared to what Monzo finds.

How is your home heated? If storage heaters, then do you have the option to have a gas boiler installed? Other than the glazing of the windows (is that why you need windows?), is the house well insulated around the doors and windows? You could perhaps try cling film or clear polyethylene film sellotaped around the windows - while unsightly, does provide good savings. Tinfoil behind the radiators is a good tip too, but put it on cardboard to insulate on external walls.

You say you use a lot of energy. What is your annual usage in kWh?
16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I'm not sure I'd use Monzo to switch, as convenient as it might be, as I recall reading that the app shows tariffs that are expensive. However, using a website such as uSwitch to compare energy prices, is more likely to find you a cheaper tariff compared to what Monzo finds.
I'm not going to use Monzo to switch, it's just that it was offered to me in the app so I thought I'd have a look and see what it said.

How is your home heated? If storage heaters, then do you have the option to have a gas boiler installed?
Combi boiler, radiators.

Other than the glazing of the windows (is that why you need windows?), is the house well insulated around the doors and windows?
Not at the moment. I have used those plastic clingfilm type sheets in the past, I suspect I'm going to have to do the same again this year.

You say you use a lot of energy. What is your annual usage in kWh?
Electricity is 6,363 kWh and gas is 11,163 kWh according to my most recent bill.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
What good times? We have had multiple financial crisis and other crisis the last 30 years.

Its been a continuous downward spiral.

Monetary policy hasnt been this regularly easy possibly ever. Rates below 5% is not normal progress and its been well over a decade. If you own no assets Im not disagreeing with you exactly just early nineties was properly harsh and hope we arent boxing ourselves into returning there.
Only thing that can slightly bail us out is we've made a few long term deals with USA gas exports, they have so much supply its in excess for 70 years. They are OPEC size any time they want to, being our largest trading partner is just a tad important, still doesnt mean we shouldnt be turning on taps on here. Its so weak I hear nothing about action, Norway shares the same North sea as us with far better policies
9 Feb 2004
Smart meters absolutely have the means to remotely disconnect you.
Are you sure about that? Can you provide any links?
I have not seen a single smart meter with the equivalent of a 100 Amp contactor inside, which is usually what would be required to "remotely disconnect your electricity".

They are not even wired up that way to allow them to "interrupt" the supply from what I recall?

Gas meters may be different, but I have not seen an electrical smart meter with the capability of interrupting supply.
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7 Aug 2003
Are you sure about that? Can you provide any links?
I have not seen a single smart meter with the equivalent of a 100 Amp contactor inside, which is usually what would be required to "remotely disconnect your electricity".

They are not even wired up that way to allow them to "interrupt" the supply from what I recall?

Gas meters may be different, but I have not seen an electrical smart meter with the capability of interrupting supply.

“Can my supply be turned off remotely” section.

It’s not a full contractor, it’s a single relay switch on the live conductor.
1 Sep 2013
Would any of this madness make you vote labour at the next election?

I couldn't vote tory now after the show tory have put on over the last few years

It gets me how there is still hard up working class people who still think tories are the saviors

In fact I'd rather a g e called now not another 2 years of this circus
9 Feb 2004
I couldn't vote tory now after the show tory have put on over the last few years

It gets me how there is still hard up working class people who still think tories are the saviors

In fact I'd rather a g e called now not another 2 years of this circus

This is the reality we should be facing tbh. It should not really be a matter of "would this make you vote labour", it's a matter of "given the last 12 years, do you think the Tories have ANY right at all to be in power again, ever?"

Until they have a fundamental change of both policy and mentality, They should not be allowed back in power at all. They have demonstrated exactly what their aims are, what they really stand for and who they look to enrich by their leadership and should be judged accordingly.

Sadly this will not resolve the "here and now" problems we are facing.
26 Dec 2009
Would any of this madness make you vote labour at the next election?

Life was good under labour, services worked.

Everything has been destroyed under the Tories. I can’t think of a single thing that is better now than it was under labour.

Perhaps it’s not as simple as that but it is what it is.
5 Dec 2003
Life was good under labour, services worked.

Everything has been destroyed under the Tories. I can’t think of a single thing that is better now than it was under labour.

Perhaps it’s not as simple as that but it is what it is.
Yes but when they were voted out the labour chancellor left a letter stating there was no money left, so this is all their fault.

And Gordon Brown sold our gold.

Also Corbyn.
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