Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)



13 Aug 2003
What good times? We have had multiple financial crisis and other crisis the last 30 years.

Its been a continuous downward spiral.

Except for the Westminster elite. You don't see them suffer. They caused a lot of this, walked away and we all suffer because of their failed decisions. Who in their right mind thought there wouldn't be long term damage shutting down the UK economy for two years.
27 Feb 2015
This has always been the long-term plan. It was never to help the consumer, pretty obvious really.

Of course they wouldnt be doing it if was no benefit to the companies.

Whats really messed things up is a combination of marketing tariffs to wrong set of people and the trashed market.

Octopus GO e.g. would be amazing if every smart meter could take advantage of it but limited to EV's although we now know its subsidised hence the restriction, Agile was decent before October last year and gave cheaper off peak electric, and gas tracker was good right up until 2-3 weeks back when Russia announced reduction of supply, then the super volatile market reacted.

The gas market makes crypto seem calm in comparison.

What I can say is I do not regret getting my smart meter fitted and now wish I did it years ago. The old meter was a pain to access so not frequent readings, now I know on 30 min intervals and the IHD is like a watt meter for entire home. I also wouldnt be on my current tariffs on legacy meter as a smart is needed to be on those tariffs so would have only had access to less competitive tariffs.
29 Jul 2010
Agree, burning through others people's money only lasts so long

And what do you think the Tories have been doing? :confused:

This is the biggest con the cognitively vulnerable are still getting mugged off by, that the Tories are fiscally responsible and the Countries economy doesn't run on permanent debt/deficit.



28 Jul 2010
Yes but when they were voted out the labour chancellor left a letter stating there was no money left, so this is all there fault.

And Gordon Brown sold our gold.

Also Corbyn.


Cameroon (Farage)
Other numpty T.B.C

Above have managed to set the UK back 20years. But it's ok as my rich donor friends are even more minted. Thankyou comrade borris.
27 Mar 2013
I'm not going to use Monzo to switch, it's just that it was offered to me in the app so I thought I'd have a look and see what it said.

Combi boiler, radiators.

Not at the moment. I have used those plastic clingfilm type sheets in the past, I suspect I'm going to have to do the same again this year.

Electricity is 6,363 kWh and gas is 11,163 kWh according to my most recent bill.
That usage isn't even that high, mine is 4000kw with 2 young kids, and another 4000 for the car. My gas is similar. You say adults, but if they're working age can they contribute?
1 Mar 2010
Keir starmer r4today
.. I tasked my party to look into pricing of (Prior art) labour, lock the cap, proposal 2 months ago
... MIA accusal I'm not going to apologise for going away on vacation with my family.
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Possibly. I don't really follow these things closely.

But we do have 3 free hours per day where we tend to cluster our heavy electrical usage (washing machine, dryer, showers, cooking where possible, etc).

We use a log burner for heating so we don't pay for electrical heating in the house.

Our bill is about £80 a month
I’m paying about £130 a month at the moment, but we are in our summer and you in your winter. I did invest in a lot of insulation upgrades a few months ago so I may get away with not having the heating on as London doesn’t get cold in the winter.

I need to refix our rates next month and hoping I can still get 40/7.5p (peak/off peak).
23 May 2006
Keir starmer r4today
.. I tasked my party to look into pricing of (Prior art) labour, lock the cap, proposal 2 months ago
... MIA accusal I'm not going to apologise for going away on vacation with my family.

Surely the man is allowed a holiday? its not like this is a short term problem..... It is a million miles away from Dominic Raab's holiday shenanigans imo. (and i am not even saying this with a political axe to grind....... any media pushing an agenda over this is about as weak sauce as having a go at Octopus CEO for letting their staff have a few drinks during a Friday 4pm meeting imo
13 Apr 2009
I've just switched to Octopus on a variable tariff at the moment, with the intention of switching to GO. However, depending on how much load I can shift overnight, I'll need to do anywhere between 2500-5500 miles in my EV to "break even" on the day rate penalty. Not to mention I currently only have a SMETS1 meter, so can't switch just now. I doubt Octopus would let me lock in the GO rate until they switch the meter out, so depending on how long that takes, I could see quite the hike in the day rate.

I'll give them a call after the company fitting my PodPoint have been around this morning.
6 Oct 2004
I've just switched to Octopus on a variable tariff at the moment, with the intention of switching to GO. However, depending on how much load I can shift overnight, I'll need to do anywhere between 2500-5500 miles in my EV to "break even" on the day rate penalty. Not to mention I currently only have a SMETS1 meter, so can't switch just now. I doubt Octopus would let me lock in the GO rate until they switch the meter out, so depending on how long that takes, I could see quite the hike in the day rate.

I'll give them a call after the company fitting my PodPoint have been around this morning.

Day rate "penalty"? The current day rate on Go is 40p, which I believe is the cheapest fix available atm? Sure, it's higher than the cap, but come October I think it will be quite a bit cheaper!
23 May 2006
I've just switched to Octopus on a variable tariff at the moment, with the intention of switching to GO. However, depending on how much load I can shift overnight, I'll need to do anywhere between 2500-5500 miles in my EV to "break even" on the day rate penalty. Not to mention I currently only have a SMETS1 meter, so can't switch just now. I doubt Octopus would let me lock in the GO rate until they switch the meter out, so depending on how long that takes, I could see quite the hike in the day rate.

I'll give them a call after the company fitting my PodPoint have been around this morning.
have you checked about your smets 1 meter? I had go with a smets1 no problem at all. i have since as it may have caused issues with my exported energy payments but it was fine for Go. I think it depends on the exact model of meter.
1 Mar 2010
Surely the man is allowed a holiday? its not like this is a short term problem..... It is a million miles away from Dominic Raab's holiday shenanigans imo. (and i am not even saying this with a political axe to grind....... any media pushing an agenda over this is about as weak sauce as having a go at Octopus CEO for letting their staff have a few drinks during a Friday 4pm meeting imo
I expect some dedication - French govt had made it's freeze anouncement a couple of weeks back, gordon brown hasn't been mute;
Indeed, I'm not sure why HofP business is suspended for so long, do other countries have this summer vaccum.

psychologically Keir brought up the vacation without prompting in the interview so he seems to feel guilty
13 Apr 2009
Day rate "penalty"? The current day rate on Go is 40p, which I believe is the cheapest fix available atm? Sure, it's higher than the cap, but come October I think it will be quite a bit cheaper!
Yea, I just meant it's currently 42p/kWh in my area, which is much higher than the current variable rate of 28p. Obviously I understand it all changes come October with the price cap rise, hence my worry that if I can't use GO on the current meter, I'd have to wait for it to be swapped out, meaning a (likely) higher day rate on that fix. The biggest unknown is just what the new price cap rates will turn out to be, vs what the GO day rates will end up being at the same time.
25 Mar 2004
I've just switched to Octopus on a variable tariff at the moment, with the intention of switching to GO. However, depending on how much load I can shift overnight, I'll need to do anywhere between 2500-5500 miles in my EV to "break even" on the day rate penalty. Not to mention I currently only have a SMETS1 meter, so can't switch just now. I doubt Octopus would let me lock in the GO rate until they switch the meter out, so depending on how long that takes, I could see quite the hike in the day rate.

I'll give them a call after the company fitting my PodPoint have been around this morning.

They can't switch the meter out to SMETS2 without being charged, so they'll charge you for doing it.

SMETS1 in theory can do 30 min readings and should be fine for GO, but I don't think all of the SMETS1 meters are working on all suppliers still, they're trying to change that by updating them afaik.
23 May 2006
I didn't get charged for replacing my smets 1 with a smets 2. whilst they were doing it ingot them to "tails" as well so that I could get an100A fuse installed. (which sooner or later we will all likely need)
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