Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

13 Jan 2010
The 'Shire'
Nice work skipping over the main point i made :cry:

The problem with this "movement" is a lot of people that can pay bills but dont want to are using it as an excuse to not pay or a lot of people are jumping on this with no proper thought to the harm this will do to their finances. Also 100,000 "pledging" doesnt mean 100,000 will withhold payment. PLedging means nothing unless you actually do it and i think you'll find a lot more people pledged than will actually follow through which then means the whole thing was pointless and hurts the most vulnerable of all.

Feet marching in the street is much more effective but we wouldnt want to do that because it involves getting off social media and putting on a jacket and some shoes and going somewhere!
Head in the sand much.
29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
Yeah I made it. There is a first sheet that has all the information for the changes each month and you can adjust to show your rates as you want if you have anything different.

It also has my Octopus fixed in the sheet to do that compare over next 6 months and also what 2023-2024 will look like assuming moment April rate for the the year.

Want me to link file with WeTransfer?
Yes please.
5 Jul 2003
Historically I would say you would be lucky to see anything back from solar. Also I believe the real negative ones were the ones you didnt own so rightfully needed to be understood in regards the negatives of them being up there.

With panels becoming really common I suspect over the next few years and being able to demonstrate that you have a system capable of saving eg over £1000 a year on utils then unless utils crash in price I can only really see solar as a positive now. (when owned outright)

My ROI (return on investment, calculated properly so real ROI not the simpler version people use (who use return of investment)) is 11 years. Based on 29p electric, 2% inflation, 10% cost of capital. I suspect real ROI will be half that if energy prices for elec get close to £1 as predicted.
Thats ignoring any benefit from being able to buy cheap units of elec as thats not a certainty.
Its predicted to save me about 3000 units of elec a year, plus divert some units to water cylinder saving gas.
Cost of capital is going a bit far for a home solar install :D
I paid for my whole system on a 0% credit card and stuck the cash I put aside for it in my vanguard ISA, if I could be bothered to look then I'm sure the return on the cash is better than the return from the solar install. This way I get both though :)
22 Nov 2005
So ours is the most expensive? Woohoo, winning!
Brexit dividend for sure, and we had woke dock workers turning away ships filled with oil because they were Russian registered.

meanwhile the rest of europe kept the pipeline flowing just our morons stupid enough to cut off their own hands to show Russia whos boss
Thanks a lot! as long as you can be proud virtue signallers then stuff everyone else
30 Mar 2007
Time to open up all the pits again I think. I’m blaming Blair for not investing in nuclear.

Failing that let’s go to war and steal all Putins gas , at least you willl all be very warm before it’s over !

Also if Beer went up the same as gas we’d be paying £25 a pint , not far off this in London anyhow :D

29 Jan 2022
I work from my shed since covid hit and in winter it can get really cold, it's lined with Celotex, then OSB, it has rubber flooring + a carpet, 1 weakness is the 'shed style' door on one side that I can't sela up like I have the other side.
Last winter I ran a 2500W oil heat from ~ 8am then on/off throughout the day, I've worked out this will now cost me over £7 a day, any suggestions other than insulation as I've kinda done all I can in that regard.

House is west facing so solar is a no go, but perhaps a small solar panel on the shed (south facing roof) to a small heater? How would I even start with that?
11 Mar 2012
North East
Been watching the thread a lot.

Was reading £6500 prediction for April earlier.

I've stopped worrying as it feels like I can only turn off so much/ afford so much and it feels like the predictions,with it being so far away and going one way, are just . "Insert random number here"

Will it be £8679 in April? how about £10849?
24 Jul 2016
South West
I work from my shed since covid hit and in winter it can get really cold, it's lined with Celotex, then OSB, it has rubber flooring + a carpet, 1 weakness is the 'shed style' door on one side that I can't sela up like I have the other side.
Last winter I ran a 2500W oil heat from ~ 8am then on/off throughout the day, I've worked out this will now cost me over £7 a day, any suggestions other than insulation as I've kinda done all I can in that regard.

House is west facing so solar is a no go, but perhaps a small solar panel on the shed (south facing roof) to a small heater? How would I even start with that?
You won’t generate enough power in the winter to power a heater I’m afraid. Get yourself some thermals and work a bit harder I’d suggest :p
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I work from my shed since covid hit and in winter it can get really cold, it's lined with Celotex, then OSB, it has rubber flooring + a carpet, 1 weakness is the 'shed style' door on one side that I can't sela up like I have the other side.
Last winter I ran a 2500W oil heat from ~ 8am then on/off throughout the day, I've worked out this will now cost me over £7 a day, any suggestions other than insulation as I've kinda done all I can in that regard.

House is west facing so solar is a no go, but perhaps a small solar panel on the shed (south facing roof) to a small heater? How would I even start with that?
Exercise bike, get fit while you work, and save money too! Win/win.
29 Jan 2022
You won’t generate enough power in the winter to power a heater I’m afraid. Get yourself some thermals and work a bit harder I’d suggest :p

Only so much energy can be generated from smashing a keyboard :)

Exercise bike, get fit while you work, and save money too! Win/win.

I may have, on occasion, been known to be on the rowing machine and Zoom at the same time...
5 Jul 2003
Been watching the thread a lot.

Was reading £6500 prediction for April earlier.

I've stopped worrying as it feels like I can only turn off so much/ afford so much and it feels like the predictions,with it being so far away and going one way, are just . "Insert random number here"

Will it be £8679 in April? how about £10849?

Back around April this year the prediction for this October was around £2800, it's looking like it's going to be closer to £3600, we'll find out in Friday.
I won't be surprised if the £6500 prediction for April next year is closer to your estimates.
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