Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Electricity price is affected by a million different things

Here is the spot price in SA, the price of electricity in Australia is actually Negative at certain times of the day.

Of course the grid is relevant, if you can't get power from A to B then the price at B is higher. The high price in UK compared to France suggests that the connection between the two countries must be quite small - if the connection was big enough to supply all of each countries needs then the spot price would be normalized across the two countries
That isn't how it works

Can someone explain to me why France get a 4% increase but we get 54% ? Again rip off Britain, this is going to be a nightmare for a lot of us due to how this is managed by this government. People can't afford their bills as it is now and in April most will have to take out loans to pay them or use their credit cards and in October God help us all really they are stating we may get hit with another £1000 to our bills. Why are we getting hit with this when are neighbour country France has only had a 4% increase.:mad:

While these energy companies are making record profits year over year and with COVID and people at homes all the time and working from home they have said their profits went up due to this too.

The new standing charges are a disgrace and pure daylight robbery, the price of fuel went up not anything else. This has to stop now and sorry to say this is going to cause a lot of unrest in this country soon too, it's not like we have enough rubbish going on in our lives and the world right now.:(

EDIT: well some of the questions I asked are answered here :-

France thought long term and invested in nuclear power most of their electricity comes from there the country is ringed by stations along the coast. We dropped our own coal fired generation and switched to imported gas most of it from the middle east (we decided early not to import russian gas which is why Boris can so confidently say we're going to ban it because we use hardly any of the stuff to start with). Middle east gas is in high demand lately especially from China and they're preparted to pay for it and we have to compete on the world market with that. Short term thinking is our mantra.
I dont know. Ive lived by myself since September last year and was migrated to Octopus then as well. Ive only had 2 bills so far as it took them ages to get it sorted out and backdated. Bills used to be £170 per month.

You'll have been put on the standard variable rate when you were moved and you'll continue on that unless you change to a fixed price deal which is what it seems your quote is for.
If you want the cheapest current price stay on the standard variable rate. Fixed price deals are heavily loaded to hedge against future cost increases.

Cheers :-) Do I just let the fixed rate expire (end of May), then it falls back onto a variable / tracker rate automatically? Or will I need to contact the energy firm to say that I wish to switch to variable to save getting locked in again?
Cheers :) Do I just let the fixed rate expire (end of May), then it falls back onto a variable / tracker rate automatically? Or will I need to contact the energy firm to say that I wish to switch to variable to save getting locked in again?

If you do nothing you'll be put on your supplier's standard variable rate at the end of May. They should contact you before then to let you know what's happening.
France's increase is much less because the state has the majority share in EON, and they then forced the company to eat the costs.

Something we cannot do as everything is privatised.

Plus doesnt France own several of the big UK energy companies so they can use the massive profits from the Uk to give French people cheaper energy?
France's increase is much less because the state has the majority share in EON, and they then forced the company to eat the costs.

Something we cannot do as everything is privatised.
ETF and EON are probably using British people to subsidise French and German peoples electric :cry:
Have you ever seen/read the fishing boat wars where they ram and get all hostile? This was worse once Brexit kicked in..

I'm fully aware of how angry the French can get. It's cute in a way.

I'm also not being that serious. As said earlier, the French are pretty self sufficient because they didn't give up on nuclear and have their foot on the neck of the suppliers.
Just got our new tariff through from shell

Current Bill is £2000

from April £2978

Hard times

Let's see how May election goes then. Sunak/Bozo wants to wait until the last moment then roll out magic money tree to help out? Come the next election, all the folks who genuinely cannot afford these bills best get voting (not Tory) because it sure feels like the Gov are not going to do much of actual help for them.
Let's see how May election goes then. Sunak/Bozo wants to wait until the last moment then roll out magic money tree to help out? Come the next election, all the folks who genuinely cannot afford these bills best get voting (not Tory) because it sure feels like the Gov are not going to do much of actual help for them.

The annoying thing is it’s been obvious for 20+ years that there’s been the potential for an energy crisis and we would need to invest in various sources of energy/infrastructure but governments do what they do and the can just gets kicked down the road, hoping the crisis won’t actually arrive on their watch.
Let's see how May election goes then. Sunak/Bozo wants to wait until the last moment then roll out magic money tree to help out? Come the next election, all the folks who genuinely cannot afford these bills best get voting (not Tory) because it sure feels like the Gov are not going to do much of actual help for them.
Just got our new tariff through from shell

Current Bill is £2000

from April £2978

Hard times

Hard times ? A significant majority of the public will now be on the breadline and a hand to mouth existence. It's bloody criminal and the Tory scum are just hiding behind unjust war to dodge every bullet.
Hard times ? A significant majority of the public will now be on the breadline and a hand to mouth existence. It's bloody criminal and the Tory scum are just hiding behind unjust war to dodge every bullet.
I suppose many people can't see it from that angle as they where not already struggling beforehand and hey it doesn't directly effect there own quality of life. Personally I can absorb the cost come April but as things continue to increase (food/fuel prices etc) and also the increase in August I'll be on the breadline.
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