Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I do have Tesla but almost exclusively charge on public chargers as they are currently still free in my Local authority! (ridiculous situation i know but taking advantage still)
In that case you are well above double the national average of electric consumption which I’m sure you realise already!

The size of the property doesn’t really impact it like heating, over a certain point of base consumption (fridges etc) and standing charges, it’s more just about the personal consumption of the people in it.

For context we are also in a 4 bed detached and 2 of us work from home most days, and charge the EV at home and we are over 1000kwh lower in consumption per year.

There are only the two of us though and we have always been very good at switching stuff off which is what keeps it in the normal range despite having quite a few luxuries like a second fridge freezer, boiling water tap, 24/7 NAS computer etc.

The way we see it is why spiff money up the way on electric (even when it’s cheap)? I could spend it on toys or holidays instead.
thats the only 2 tariffs offered in change my tariff, DOH

Yeah, you need to go directly to the tracker page and request it via the email link at the bottom of the page:

"Already an Octopus customer? Drop us an email to [email protected] and we'll get your switch to Tracker underway."

I did that the other day and they switched me within about 4 hours

You can't just sell the car?

You can, but:

a) Some private sellers will almost certainly be put off by a car with outstanding finance
b) Depending how long you've had it, you may still owe more than it is worth
On a lease/PCH no. Hire Purchase can be voluntarily terminated but only after half of the term has passed and it's not selling, it's just giving the car back. Can't remember what the score is on PCP.
You can hand it back to the finance company once half the credit has been repaid, not half the term. A PCP is a hire purchase agreement, but the half way point is generally at the end due to the GRV.
You can sell a PCP’d car if you pay off the balance. No one is going to buy it from you until it is. A dealer may do it for you but you’ll be losing a good chunk on it as it’s effectively a trade in/WBAC type transaction.
Yeah, you need to go directly to the tracker page and request it via the email link at the bottom of the page:

"Already an Octopus customer? Drop us an email to [email protected] and we'll get your switch to Tracker underway."

I did that the other day and they switched me within about 4 hours

You can, but:

a) Some private sellers will almost certainly be put off by a car with outstanding finance
b) Depending how long you've had it, you may still owe more than it is worth
im on the list, cheers
That's still 12.5p worse on electric and 3.9p worse on gas than the tracker, and has no chance of dropping lower

"we have introduced a maximum cap on Tracker prices at 55p / kWh of electricity and 16p / kWh for gas"

Edit: If you don't have smart meters, then ignore this as you need one for both Tracker and Agile

I'd take that article with an ocean's worth of salt considering the second paragraph starts with the sentence: "His intervention came just hours after energy regulator Ofgem announced the price cap for average annual energy bills would rise to £6,608 from October."

Either that or we're even more ****** than we all thought :p
So glad I got my smart meter now, not only its proven my old meter had some kind of issue (much lower readings on the smart meter) its allowed me on to these much better tariffs.
Is anyone planning to make any serious lifestyle changes to combat the rising prices?

We use about 423kWh of electric a month due to servers and a multitude of devices. At the moment we'd rather just pay more than make lifestyle changes.
Just picked up a couple of heated throws for my other half and 10 year old, electric blanket might be a bit more difficult as we have an Ikea kingsize bed which is 10cm wider than a standard UK one (160cm vs 150cm) and there don't appear to be any which fit :s

You won't regret that.

You could probably go with standard, you'd just have 5cm cold around the edges.
I really wouldn’t start dreaming about them capping the cap, aka the labour plan.

They’ll be some extra targeted support for those on very low incomes and perhaps some debt relief for others but that will be it.

The money involved at capping at £2k for a few months is eye watering and a sticking plaster at best. This is going to go on for years.

The TLDR is lube up…

sorry but lube is a petroleum by product, prices of which are going up to fast so get ready for rough non lubricated back door action :D
Is anyone planning to make any serious lifestyle changes to combat the rising prices?

We use about 423kWh of electric a month due to servers and a multitude of devices. At the moment we'd rather just pay more than make lifestyle changes.

Sort of, sold our car which had 1 year left on PCP. Was left with £8000 roughly after finance was settled so we've bought a cheap car to get us by. Both work remote mostly so no need for an expensive car which was costing us £400 per month without taking running costs into consideration.

We've also invested in thicker socks and a couple of electric blankets for heat. Aside from that, we are fortunate enough to be able to swallow the costs, but it's going to be pretty bleak this winter.
You won't regret that.

You could probably go with standard, you'd just have 5cm cold around the edges.

It's more a concern about whether the straps will hold it in place properly, cold edges isn't a massive problem

sorry but lube is a petroleum by product, prices of which are going up to fast so get ready for rough non lubricated back door action :D

I prefer water based - better for my sensitive skin :p
Is anyone planning to make any serious lifestyle changes to combat the rising prices?

We use about 423kWh of electric a month due to servers and a multitude of devices. At the moment we'd rather just pay more than make lifestyle changes.
I'm going to consider how much I use my gaming PC. It pulls about 200-250W in game, meaning 4 hours a day means £190/year just to run it. I sometimes use it just to watch YouTube/browse the web, when I have a very energy efficient, 15W MacBook Air sat next to it so I really need to force myself to use that more :D that said, we're a low usage house between the two of us, expecting to use a max of 2500kWh for everything except EV charging, and anywhere up to 2200kWh for that.

Also come the end of my EV lease I'll be strongly considering how much I actually use a car and look to go from there. Regardless of choosing to just get a "cheaper" car I'd have to finance in the first instance so wouldn't be an instant saving, not to mention higher running costs if I went back to a petrol car (which I really don't want to do for environmental reasons).
Is anyone planning to make any serious lifestyle changes to combat the rising prices?

We use about 423kWh of electric a month due to servers and a multitude of devices. At the moment we'd rather just pay more than make lifestyle changes.

no, if I can't pay they can come and take me to jail along with the millions of others that won't be able to pay either. I hope Borris has got a super prison built somewhere ready to house several million non utility paying inmates.

I go to work so i can have a life. existence is not a life, Truss, Johnson, Mogg and the rest of those out of touch shills can kiss my entire arse
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