Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Truss won't be doing any fracking down south in Kent (Tory heartlessland) ... just levelling up the North, it can't even be bothered to make a public interview today
Meanwhile Boris, has become a self parody, with his cringeworthy French bon-amie spiel.
You won't go to jail but eventually you will end up on a prepayment meter at higher rates plus an extra amount for your debt.
only if they can gain access to the house....................

and for the record, it's not that i can't afford it, I can, I just dont't give any more ***** about corporate swines who will extort money from everyday honest people just so they can carry on living there luxurious life styles while honest hard working folk get driven into the ground.

I think i already wrote this before in the Mick Lynch thread, I am technicallythe model tory, i earn a 6 figure sum, have a nice house, and pretty much have everything i will ever need and can afford energy prices that will see most normal earners end up as destitute and homeless. however there is something more important at stake here, life is not about existing, you shouldn't be going to work jus to grease the pockets of shareholders. Everyday workers go to work so they can live a life, not just so they can exist. Anyone who says people can just suck this up, and they should just drop their netflix account and stop drinking costa coffee are not living in the real world. There are people out there, millions of people in this country , in this "England" who work damn hard and are about to be crtushed purely on the back of corporate greed and government ineptidute to prevent it. Anyone on here who says they should just get a job or a better job, or not have sky, or stop smoking are bsaically a product of daily mail and Tory ******** overload.

FFS get a grip on reality and start learning the basics of empathy. The rich in this conutry are only in the positions there are in on the backs of the poor and the working class and as such should have the basic empathy to understand that something needs to be done to help them in extreme time of need, rather than denegrating them and ostracising them for not being wealthy.
@wildman Your energy company owns the meter not you.
They can get a warrant to enter the house as its not your property.
If you have a smart meter they will switch you to PAYG without your consent also.

Who knows what the dont pay movement will do, it will depend on how many people go through with it.
Oh and I spoke to someone from one of the comparison sites today (through Uswitch) and he mentioned last week for businesses they had 16 providers to quote from, now it’s only 2.

So it looks like a lot of providers aren’t taking new business at all.

Octopus was quoting up to 3 year terms when I checked before and that’s now dropped to 1 year only (85p/kWh and £2+ standing charge)

@wildman Your energy company owns the meter not you.
The can get a warrant to enter the house as its not your property.
If you have a smart meter they will switch you to PAYG without your consent also.

Who knows what the dont pay movement will do, it will depend on how many people go through with it.
@wildman 100% this. Then you will have locksmith and court fees to pay too :)
only if they can gain access to the house....................

and for the record, it's not that i can't afford it, I can, I just dont't give any more ***** about corporate swines who will extort money from everyday honest people just so they can carry on living there luxurious life styles while honest hard working folk get driven into the ground.

I think i already wrote this before in the Mick Lynch thread, I am technicallythe model tory, i earn a 6 figure sum, have a nice house, and pretty much have everything i will ever need and can afford energy prices that will see most normal earners end up as destitute and homeless. however there is something more important at stake here, life is not about existing, you shouldn't be going to work jus to grease the pockets of shareholders. Everyday workers go to work so they can live a life, not just so they can exist. Anyone who says people can just suck this up, and they should just drop their netflix account and stop drinking costa coffee are not living in the real world. There are people out there, millions of people in this country , in this "England" who work damn hard and are about to be crtushed purely on the back of corporate greed and government ineptidute to prevent it. Anyone on here who says they should just get a job or a better job, or not have sky, or stop smoking are bsaically a product of daily mail and Tory ******** overload.

FFS get a grip on reality and start learning the basics of empathy. The rich in this conutry are only in the positions there are in on the backs of the poor and the working class and as such should have the basic empathy to understand that something needs to be done to help them in extreme time of need, rather than denegrating them and ostracising them for not being wealthy.
That's a nice little rant but it's got nothing to do with me explaining what would happen if you didn'y pay. FYI, as a last resort suppliers can apply to the court and install a prepayment meter under warrant and add a further charge to the debt.
Oh and I spoke to someone from one of the comparison sites today (through Uswitch) and he mentioned last week for businesses they had 16 providers to quote from, now it’s only 2.

So it looks like a lot of providers aren’t taking new business at all.

Octopus was quoting up to 3 year terms when I checked before and that’s now dropped to 1 year only (85p/kWh and £2+ standing charge)

Makes sense. I wouldn't want to lend any place like a pub credit right now.

As a business from their perspective it makes sense.

Out of interest as a domestic customer I couldn't even get a quote from Scottish Power when I tired today.
and you think that people that genuinely cant pay give a **** about that ?, wow as ac ounty we really have been brainwashed
We arent talking about people who cant pay. We are talking about YOU and your supposed intention to not pay when you can. Dont try to defend your stupid point by then flipping this onto the poor sods who cant pay and say you are doing it for them... which si what you are implying
That's a nice little rant but it's got nothing to do with me explaining what would happen if you didn'y pay. FYI, as a last resort suppliers can apply to the court and install a prepayment meter under warrant and add a further charge to the debt.

yes , thats right you listne to your little masters my friend and everything will be ok.....................

wow I neve rthought i would see the day that UK citiznes would be so brainwashed and subservient to their little right wing paymasters
Also new door/lock as the locksmith will most likely destroy them and warrant visit charges/collection charges.
Loads of people are going to build nice little debts up in the next few months.
Agreed its so stupid, those who can't pay need to contact suppliers and at least trying to discuss a payment plan as this protects them from warrant action. Those who can pay but refuse to are so stupid as not only, at best, will the wreck their credit file but they willl accrue additional costs depending how far they take it.
Wouldn't just paying the minimum be the better strategy? They can't cut you off if you inform them and agree a payment plan.

Let the account build up debt and pay off what you can rather than ending up on a prepayment meter and paying even higher rates.
Wouldn't just paying the minimum be the better strategy? They can't cut you off if you inform them and agree a payment plan.

Let the account build up debt and pay off what you can rather than ending up on a prepayment meter and paying even higher rates.

Doesn't sound as dramatic though!

Just pay a little uk

Doesn't have the same ring
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