Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Makes sense. I wouldn't want to lend any place like a pub credit right now.

As a business from their perspective it makes sense.

Out of interest as a domestic customer I couldn't even get a quote from Scottish Power when I tired today.
Yeah it does make sense .. but it’s not like electricity is optional for businesses. And if they can’t even fix rates they end up even worse off whilst on deemed rates.

Doesn’t affect us as a business but I don’t know how a lot of others will be able to keep running

Was speaking to someone in US today and they’re only paying $0.11 USD / kWh .. bargain!
Wouldn't just paying the minimum be the better strategy? They can't cut you off if you inform them and agree a payment plan.

Let the account build up debt and pay off what you can rather than ending up on a prepayment meter and paying even higher rates.
Well there is going to be so many people in debt in one way or another it depends on what the energy companies decide to do (or should I say ofgem)
only if they can gain access to the house....................

and for the record, it's not that i can't afford it, I can, I just dont't give any more ***** about corporate swines who will extort money from everyday honest people just so they can carry on living there luxurious life styles while honest hard working folk get driven into the ground.

I think i already wrote this before in the Mick Lynch thread, I am technicallythe model tory, i earn a 6 figure sum, have a nice house, and pretty much have everything i will ever need and can afford energy prices that will see most normal earners end up as destitute and homeless. however there is something more important at stake here, life is not about existing, you shouldn't be going to work jus to grease the pockets of shareholders. Everyday workers go to work so they can live a life, not just so they can exist. Anyone who says people can just suck this up, and they should just drop their netflix account and stop drinking costa coffee are not living in the real world. There are people out there, millions of people in this country , in this "England" who work damn hard and are about to be crtushed purely on the back of corporate greed and government ineptidute to prevent it. Anyone on here who says they should just get a job or a better job, or not have sky, or stop smoking are bsaically a product of daily mail and Tory ******** overload.

FFS get a grip on reality and start learning the basics of empathy. The rich in this conutry are only in the positions there are in on the backs of the poor and the working class and as such should have the basic empathy to understand that something needs to be done to help them in extreme time of need, rather than denegrating them and ostracising them for not being wealthy.
I agree with this but has anyone here been like that? I dread to think where this country is going.
Yeah it does make sense .. but it’s not like electricity is optional for businesses. And if they can’t even fix rates they end up even worse off whilst on deemed rates.

Doesn’t affect us as a business but I don’t know how a lot of others will be able to keep running

That's the state we are in I guess.
Private companies look after their own interests. Just as a bank won't lend, now neither will utilities suppliers.

Its all starting to unravel. By it, I mean our economy. Longer. Tories dawdle worse it will get.
yes , thats right you listne to your little masters my friend and everything will be ok.....................

wow I neve rthought i would see the day that UK citiznes would be so brainwashed and subservient to their little right wing paymasters
I haven't said anything to you about the situation, I've only pointed out the consequences if you choose not to pay.
and you as someone who works for these so called energy suppliers is just another shill, unless i have misintepreted what you do for a living.

For many people not paying is a disaster in the future. May have a mortgage. If it gets to the point of affecting credit files there. Goes that mortgage.

Anyone in this position should be paying if they can. Even if its a payment plan.
Wouldn't just paying the minimum be the better strategy? They can't cut you off if you inform them and agree a payment plan.

Let the account build up debt and pay off what you can rather than ending up on a prepayment meter and paying even higher rates.
This ^^^^ if you can pay but insist on not doing so. The poor ******* that cant pay are in for a hell of a ride.

The thing that makes me laugh for all of his guff and dying on the cross for those who cant pay is he will 99% assuredly pay. As ive kept saying this whole time but some people cant seem to digest some common sense, is that not paying retail energy supplies does nothing to punish the true villains which are the extractors like Shell and BP. All it will potentially do is put more retail energy suppliers out of business and then the same people slacktivism "protesting" will then complain that the standing charges has gone up again, and why did it go up.... to pay for retail energy suppliers that went bust.

Not paying when you can pay is the height of retardism for so so so many reasons.
and you as someone who works for these so called energy suppliers is just another shill, unless i have misintepreted what you do for a living.
What's working for the energy company's got to do with anything?
You do realise this whole thing is not there fault...right? They don't control the prices and make a loss selling to residential customers. It's a big reason the small suppliers go bust as they don't have other areas of business to claw back the losses with like the large suppliers. They have zero control over this issue.

The extractors are the problem (shell, BP etc)
This ^^^^ if you can pay but insist on not doing so. The poor ******* that cant pay are in for a hell of a ride.

The thing that makes me laugh for all of his guff and dying on the cross for those who cant pay is he will 99% assuredly pay. As ive kept saying this whole time but some people cant seem to digest some common sense, is that not paying retail energy supplies does nothing to punish the true villains which are the extractors like Shell and BP. All it will potentially do is put more retail energy suppliers out of business and then the same people slacktivism "protesting" will then complain that the standing charges has gone up again, and why did it go up.... to pay for retail energy suppliers that went bust.

Not paying when you can pay is the height of retardism for so so so many reasons.

There's this huge misunderstanding on social media that not paying will make the prices come down.

The general population can't grasp.
-the energy suppliers are over a barrel as much as us. They are pretty much selling as a loss I believe.
-that not paying will drive the price down.. As they won't have anyone to sell to... Not understanding that these are globally traded commodities.

Scary amount of ignorance out there
What's working for the energy company's got to do with anything?
You do realise this whole thing is not there fault...right? They don't control the prices and make a loss selling to residential customers.

of course it is there fault in part. Energy is a daily life requirement, these companies and the people that work for them are part of that problem, they are happy to work for coampnies that will literraly see people die while trying to pay extortionate prices and then offer ******** help like " contact your supplier", yes contact your supplier so they can fleece you to an early grave, give me a ******* break................
and you as someone who works for these so called energy suppliers is just another shill, unless i have misintepreted what you do for a living.
Yes i do work for one of the retail energy suppliers and i'm also one of the most critical and realistic when talking about them. I know how the market works, i know the waste and financial stupidity in them, i know the government imposed regulations that limit how they can work. Anyone that knows me on a personal level knows how critical i can be of my employer and the market in general, however... i can see facts for facts and i've been exposed to a lot of the regulation behind retail energy suppliers so i'm well placed to offer a realistic and sensible opinion.

One more thing, you wanting to not pay to die on a cross for this stupid, misdirected, and poorly though out campaign. I'm glad the people have you as their champion. I would also like to remind you that on i think 3 seperate occasions i have notified people on this forum of incoming price changes less than 24 hours away so they can fix into cheaper deals before the prices go up and several have done exactly this (especially earlier in the year) and are now benefiting from it. What have you done? Promised not to pay a bill you and your 6 figures, nice house, car and Gucci belt can afford to pay?
As much as I can understand the desire of the don't pay movement, it would well ruin lives for ~6 years for those that follow through with it.

you think they give a **** ? thier lives are already ******, not paying some corporate shills to keep their house warm is literally the least of thier problems.It's good to see that the daily mail and 12 years of tory rule have done a good job on the brain washing front
of course it is there fault in part. Energy is a daily life requirement, these companies and the people that work for them are part of that problem, they are happy to work for coampnies that will literraly see people die while trying to pay extortionate prices and then offer ******** help like " contact your supplier", yes contact your supplier so they can fleece you to an early grave, give me a ******* break................
I don't think you get that the energy company's are bent over a barrel just as much as the public with this. They already sell at a loss to residential customers.
Doesn't sound as dramatic though!

Just pay a little uk

Doesn't have the same ring

True but sticking to your current payments could still be a protest. Would put a lot of debt on the suppliers and they'd find it much trickier to cut people off.

Doesn't solve anything though as the suppliers aren't really causing the problem but it's only them and the government that people can actually protest against.
If we are going to have more government support then suppliers should be run on a pretty much zero profit basis. They can charge enough to keep operations going and cover costs but no more bonuses or shareholder payouts until things have calmed down.

and for the record, it's not that i can't afford it, I can, I just dont't give any more ***** about corporate swines who will extort money from everyday honest people just so they can carry on living there luxurious life styles while honest hard working folk get driven into the ground.

@wildman Heavily implied here mate, shortly followed by your "look at how well im doing" quantifying before talking about poor working classes who cant afford the bills
Oh and I spoke to someone from one of the comparison sites today (through Uswitch) and he mentioned last week for businesses they had 16 providers to quote from, now it’s only 2.

So it looks like a lot of providers aren’t taking new business at all.

Octopus was quoting up to 3 year terms when I checked before and that’s now dropped to 1 year only (85p/kWh and £2+ standing charge)

Correct link here.

The dont pay movement is terrible advice and even a well known debt charity StepChange has even agreed its horrible advice so it doesnt need people championing something so potentially damaging to the people most vulnerable. The people who can't pay wont benefit from someone who can pay providing their slacktivism support. If you want to help people who can't pay, pay their bill or donate to a charity.

All I advocate for in this discussion is knowing the facts about the industry, knowing the facts about the impacts such actions will take and educating people to make the best decision for them. Be critical of the industry, be critical of the gov, thats fine and needed in my opinion. However be informed and be realistic.

I genuinely feel for people who can't pay or will struggle, I know people personally who easily fall into that category so implying just because of my employer i cant empathize with people is entirely wrong and disingenuous
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