Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

We're an island in the middle of a large ocean. Offshore is more expensive to build but pretty reliably produces energy.

The one built off of Brighton a few years back is able to power about 1.5x the households of Sussex.
Wind itself isnt reliable, its only windy some days. Someone posted only today that our wind generation capacity wasnt even running at 5%.

Wind may be a bit unrealiable, but we do have some good windy in-land sites we've probably just ignored due to protestors or whatever.

It will add something all the time, and it will do a lot on very windy days. All helps I think.

Mini nuclear generators sound cool, wonder how long they would take to build?

Of course, i wasnt suggesting its abandoned, but just that it will be limited and cant be relied on as a primary strategy.

I always turn my pc off when not in use. It was wasting electricity and money, even when it was cheap.

It amazes me some people don't.

For me it was the ambient noise masked other noises helping me sleep, and less power cycling of components. Plus the convenience of everything running when I sit down to use PC, although the latter is easily dealt with hibernation. My neighbour has a drippy overflow pipe which I can now hear at night with PC off.
Of course, i wasnt suggesting its abandoned, but just that it will be limited and cant be relied on as a primary strategy.

No, like solar it's situational but can work well. Unlike solar though wind blows all day every day :D

But seems like it can be added quicker than most other things.

We need a good baseline generation which is effectively some combo of nuclear, gas, coal in some form.
Wind itself isnt reliable, its only windy some days. Someone posted only today that our wind generation capacity wasnt even running at 5%.

That's because the energy produced is proportional to the cube of the windspeed. An average of 15mph produces far more than 13mph. When it's a still day it seems really bad (5%), but they're rare.

Today in particular has has very low windspeeds of 3-5mph, but if you look over the next week ( it averages over 15mph. The average year round for the wind farm off of Brighton is 20mph.

That's pretty ****ing reliable.


As an example, if 3mph produces 9 points of power (3*3) and that's 4% of the max capacity, 15mph wouldn't produce 5x as much, it would produce 225 points (15*15) or 25x as much. 100% capacity. 15mph isn't really windy, it is classed as a gentle to moderate breeze.
One of our local restaurants are closing their doors for the last time. Really great place and was always packed with a waiting list to get in most weeks pre COVID. It is one thing for the rising costs to the home user but businesses is even worse.

They were a successful one as well. Must be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of independent companies.

Crazy to think the past two years so many were booming with all the demand from lockdown. Now I'm seeing so many butchers may go to the wall soon.

Will these businesses even survive until the government takes it's finger out of it's sphincter?

I suspect not.

Not until mid September. They're too busy with their holidays to care.
bring it on, at the end of the day you are just another perons that peddles in human missery. you can try and wrap that up in your horse crap statement of trying to keep people out of courts / jail away from warrants, but it's clear you have zero idea what these pople are going through. I have got all the time in the world, 11 days is childs play. when this is all over, people like yourself who work for these charlatans will find themselves on the wrong side of history.

I love how without any information or basis you assume to know my background and assume i know nothing of poverty and hardship. If thats the line you want to take, then you can add that to the list of things you are 100% wrong about. Im sure sometime in 40 years there will be a tome written of how I single handedly orchestrated, facilitated and encouraged the fuel poverty and recession of 2022 and I am the energy Hitler of the UK.

You are either a) Drunk, b) Smoking some meth or c) unhinged d) all of the previous

I love how without any information or basis you assume to know my background and assume i know nothing of poverty and hardship. If thats the line you want to take, then you can add that to the list of things you are 100% wrong about. Im sure sometime in 40 years there will be a tome written of how I single handedly orchestrated, facilitated and encouraged the fuel poverty and recession of 2022 and I am the energy Hitler of the UK.

You are either a) Drunk, b) Smoking some meth or c) unhinged d) all of the previous


I din't say you orchestrate it, but you seem quite happy to be part of it. I like how you accuse me of being on drugs to make you feel like you can justify your position. Like I said, we can do this all day long, all week long, all year long. I hope you have good stamina
Why does the gov care? it's you who will end up paying for it through the standing charge hikes.. like we are now. Thats the fundamental problem
A general strike is an alternative form of protest. I just feel people are going to do something radical unless the government freeze prices somehow (ideally the cost would be borne by the profiteers and the mega rich).
I din't say you orchestrate it, but you seem quite happy to be part of it. I like how you accuse me of being on drugs to make you feel like you can justify your position. Like I said, we can do this all day long, all week long, all year long. I hope you have good stamina

So I should resign my job and put myself into abject poverty because a situation not caused by my employer or myself, is effecting everyone in the UK including myself and my family?
A general strike is an alternative form of protest. I just feel people are going to do something radical unless the government freeze prices somehow (ideally the cost would be borne by the profiteers and the mega rich).
i believe a general strike is needed or a boots on ground mass protest to No10
@wildman, did you get a six figure salary, a nice house and pretty much have everything you will ever need by being obnoxious, insulting and wishing ill will on people?

no, i got and continue to get it by equally neferaious means working in pharma, and I am quite happy to admit that big pharma leverages peoples fears of illness and death to get rich. I at least have the stones to say that as opposed to Zenduri who works for eneryg suppliers who pretends to be on the side of the people. I know what my industry has done and whilst we have had to pay billions (see opioid cases in the USA) i am not pretnding that I am here to help people.
That's because the energy produced is proportional to the cube of the windspeed. An average of 15mph produces far more than 13mph. When it's a still day it seems really bad (5%), but they're rare.

Today in particular has has very low windspeeds of 3-5mph, but if you look over the next week ( it averages over 15mph. The average year round for the wind farm off of Brighton is 20mph.

That's pretty ****ing reliable.

Humans don't use electic averagely, they use more in the day on weekdays and the winter. Wind is good as part of a diverse supply chain. We need more nukes, but they take time, we used to be a world leader, but too many people moaned about them.
So I should resign my job and put myself into abject poverty because a situation not caused by my employer or myself, is effecting everyone in the UK including myself and my family?

no but you could at the very least admint your industry is causing missery on a mass scale to millions who deserve better. that would be at least a starter for 10. The bonus 5 points wouldbe to drop the line of pretence, that calling yur supplier will help you, becaue you and i both know it won't, it will simply lock the worst off into a never ending spiral of debt untillthey die. if you can at least admit thatm then we can meet in the middle.
Humans don't use electic averagely, they use more in the day on weekdays and the winter. Wind is good as part of a diverse supply chain. We need more nukes, but they take time, we used to be a world leader, but too many people moaned about them.

I am also pro nuclear.

But also winter generally means windier, so more wind farms isn't a bad thing.
Think the government will get scared. They don't care for the poor but as businesses and their core votes lose more and more they will have to act.

If they do not they will be unelectable for multiple terms.

If it gets as bad as it could (no more help) people will be wanting truss' head on a stick.
And I mean literally. People will be losing family to this. It doesn't get more serious.

Most of the time people forget past government ills. But this? I think this could haunt the tories for years and years.
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