Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

no, i got and continue to get it by equally neferaious means working in pharma, and I am quite happy to admit that big pharma leverages peoples fears of illness and death to get rich. I at least have the stones to say that as opposed to Zenduri who works for eneryg suppliers who pretends to be on the side of the people. I know what my industry has done and whilst we have had to pay billions (see opiod cases in the USA) i am not pretnding that I am here to help people.

So your income is coming from something that has done considerably harm for dozens of years? I think you might find yourself on the wrong side of history..... does this sound familiar?

I've never once claimed im a savour of the people and i know my employer is in the business to bill people, simple PvS and make a profit from it. I've never once claimed my employer is on the side the people. I push numbers around for a living..... I have however said and followed through by trying to help people on here within my means and capability. From giving people advance notice of price increases so they can lock in deals before they disappear, using contacts to either resolve issues with smart meters or offer advice and finally to help people who are struggling from promoting and helping move on energy grants for people in debt or in need of support. (Point in case this reminds me i need to quote my post again)

Now you will probably say me listing the things ive done is a prime example of claiming to be a saviour of the people. I would rebuttle and say no... im trying to be a human being and helping people within my means and the same goes when i highlight the issue of the dont pay movement and the potential damage this can do to some people.
Think the government will get scared. They don't care for the poor but as businesses and their core votes lose more and more they will have to act.

If they do not they will be unelectable for multiple terms.

If it gets as bad as it could (no more help) people will be wanting truss' head on a stick.
And I mean literally. People will be losing family to this. It doesn't get more serious.

Most of the time people forget past government ills. But this? I think this could haunt the tories for years and years.

that sums up all the problems in this country

"they don't care for the poor"

last time i checked the poor were mainly comprised of people that look after our loved ones, clean our neighbourhoods, do the jobs that many feel are "beneath them" but are none the less vital to the day to day running of civil society. How did we get so low ?
On topic of my above reply. Lifted this from the citizens advice website and might prove useful for some. Full link here but summary below

Grants to help pay off your energy debts​

If you’re in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant to help pay it off.

The following energy suppliers offer grants to their customers:

If you can’t get a grant from your supplier, you might be able to get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust. These grants are available to anyone - you don’t have to be a British Gas customer. You’ll need to get debt advice before applying - get help from a debt adviser.

If you've already spoken to a debt adviser - check if you can get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust.

Before you apply​

When you apply for a grant, you'll have to provide detailed information about your financial situation in your application. It could take a while to complete, and it might be worth getting help from a friend or family member. You can also talk to an adviser for help filling in forms.

It’s worth checking on the trust or fund website if there’s anything else you need to do before you apply.

For example, if your supplier is E.ON, E.ON Next or EDF you’ll need to show you’ve completed a budget sheet with a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approved adviser. To do this:

  1. Find an adviser using the debt advice locator on the Money Helper website
  2. Check if the adviser or their firm is on the FCA register
  3. Contact the adviser to arrange a conversation where you’ll complete a budget sheet
You can get ready for your conversation by using the Budget Planner on the Money Helper website.

Slipped my mind but thanks to an absolute prat he's inadvertedly reminded me to rebump this just in case this helps anyone
that sums up all the problems in this country

"they don't care for the poor"

last time i checked the poor were mainly comprised of people that look after our loved ones, clean our neighbourhoods, do the jobs that many feel are "beneath them" but are none the less vital to the day to day running of civil society. How did we get so low ?

Voted the tories in power was the start
So your income is coming from something that has done considerably harm for dozens of years? I think you might find yourself on the wrong side of history..... does this sound familiar?

I've never once claimed im a savour of the people and i know my employer is in the business to bill people, simple PvS and make a profit from it. I've never once claimed my employer is on the side the people. I push numbers around for a living..... I have however said and followed through by trying to help people on here within my means and capability. From giving people advance notice of price increases so they can lock in deals before they disappear, using contacts to either resolve issues with smart meters or offer advice and finally to help people who are struggling from promoting and helping move on energy grants for people in debt or in need of support. (Point in case this reminds me i need to quote my post again)

Now you will probably say me listing the things ive done is a prime example of claiming to be a saviour of the people. I would rebuttle and say no... im trying to be a human being and helping people within my means and the same goes when i highlight the issue of the dont pay movement and the potential damage this can do to some people.

I am already on the wrong side of history. My industry is currently being taken to the cleaners because of what it has done, and i can say in all honesty, rightfully so.

At the end of the day to coin a phrase....................

i am clearly going to be smashing rocks in the hot sun in the afterlife and i have no pretences about that, but you seem to be deluded in thinking your industry is trying to help people........
that sums up all the problems in this country

"they don't care for the poor"

last time i checked the poor were mainly comprised of people that look after our loved ones, clean our neighbourhoods, do the jobs that many feel are "beneath them" but are none the less vital to the day to day running of civil society. How did we get so low ?

Humans are inherently selfish.
Its in our base design.

If pushed people only care about themselves and their immediate family.

We've always used the poor. All of us. Buying things made in sweat shops etc. We don't really care.

We care a bit more now as people are suffering close to home (UK/Europe).
It might be closer than that (extended family).
It might be immediate family.

But when push comes to shove. Very few people will sacrifice themselves to help strangers.

Giving 2 pounds a month to save the kids isn't a sacrifice. But you're doing your bit.. We tell ourselves.

Won't someone think of the children
Humans are inherently selfish.
Its in our base design.

If pushed people only care about themselves and their immediate family.

We've always used the poor. All of us. Buying things made in sweat shops etc. We don't really care.

We care a bit more now as people are suffering close to home (UK/Europe).
It might be closer than that (extended family).
It might be immediate family.

But when push comes to shove. Very few people will sacrifice themselves to help strangers.

i whole heartedly agree. As a species we deserve extinction, sooner rather than later, if only for the good of the rest of the species on this planet.
I've never once claimed im a savour of the people and i know my employer is in the business to bill people, simple PvS and make a profit from it. I've never once claimed my employer is on the side the people.
i am clearly going to be smashing rocks in the hot sun in the afterlife and i have no pretences about that, but you seem to be deluded in thinking your industry is trying to help people........
Huh... it's almost as if i said exactly the opposite. You can add the ability to read to the list too
Slipped my mind but thanks to an absolute prat he's inadvertedly reminded me to rebump this just in case this helps anyone

whilst you think that helps it's jsut about telling people they are basically going to live a life of debt because of corporate greed. yes i can see how you think this helps right now, but its like the pharma idnustry telling patients to go and find themselves a therpaist to help them get over decades of opioid pain killer addiction due to the pushin gof said prescription drugs by the industry. I like how you think you are being a modern day samaritan on the road to Jericho. Well if it makes you feel good i guess thats great.................. for you................
whilst you think that helps it's jsut about telling people they are basically going to live a life of debt because of corporate greed. yes i can see how you think this helps right now, but its like the pharma idnustry telling patients to go and find themselves a therpaist to help them get over decades of opioid pain killer addiction due to the pushin gof said prescription drugs by the industry. I like how you think you are being a modern day samaritan on the road to Jericho. Well if it makes you feel good i guess thats great.................. for you................

I dont think im a modern day samaritan at all. As i said before i try and help within my means and capability

You do know the funds use unclaimed credits, where the owner cant be tracked down, to pay off applicants energy debts and to pay for things like white goods and new boilers? Yes its effectively paying yourself from a business point of view but the person in debt or in need of new white goods either has the debt wiped or the white goods purchased so they are benefitting from it.

Who hurt you in your life? You seem very bitter and very angry
Can I have your stuff?

yes, but you will be disapoint as the Gucci belt was bought from a knock off stall on a market in Fetihye in turkey................... and i am still running a 3dfx voodoo 3, but it gets 36fps in quake 3 when you run timedemo 1 from the console. You have to set r_picmip 2 otherwise you get massive slowdown..................
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