Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I’m thoroughly entertained by all this. The UK is getting exactly what it deserves for it’s selfish neoliberal government that it’s populace keep voting for. The countries sinking is utterly delicious and I’m enjoying watching all the centrist liberals and right wingers pain on social media as they realise the actually wealthy are so insulated from any harm.
I’m thoroughly entertained by all this. The UK is getting exactly what it deserves for it’s selfish neoliberal government that it’s populace keep voting for. The countries sinking is utterly delicious and I’m enjoying watching all the centrist liberals and right wingers pain on social media as they realise the actually wealthy are so insulated from any harm.

Problem is it's affecting everyone though, including those of us that have consistently voted against it. Tory tears aren't going to pay my leccy bill.
Problem is it's affecting everyone though, including those of us that have consistently voted against it. Tory tears aren't going to pay my leccy bill.

Sadly after what I’ve seen this country do to itself, the collateral damage of the few good people here is necessary for the UK to sink to rock bottom. Some people I know think this will usher in a change, but I think the British people are largely so ugly and nasty, they will be too thick to ever come back from the bottom. Good riddance.
I dont think im a modern day samaritan at all. As i said before i try and help within my means and capability

You do know the funds use unclaimed credits, where the owner cant be tracked down, to pay off applicants energy debts and to pay for things like white goods and new boilers? Yes its effectively paying yourself from a business point of view but the person in debt or in need of new white goods either has the debt wiped or the white goods purchased so they are benefitting from it.

Who hurt you in your life? You seem very bitter and very angry

I think I have just had enough of watching basic society get eroded for political and financial ends. The whol cost of energy issue seems tobe one of the many terminal nails into my coffin of thought. When I say i am doing well, its not to score points, it's more to point out that i almost have no skin in this game, but it still hacks me off, because what is the point if there is no real society. We are basically being played off against each other in a massive game of political brinksmaship, and the sad thing is most of us are getting fully sucked in. I have no issues in saying I probaly was too but the last 4 years have been a real eye opener.

I said in the Mick Lynch trhead that I have never been in a union and liley never will be in my life time. However I cmpletely get why unionised workers are going on strike accross different sectors. The policla classes however would have someone in my position try and be manipulated into a train of thought that would say they are worng , and these so called union barons are trying to do the country harm. 10 years ago I would have probably swallowed that whole. But now when you look at what is happening in everyday peoples lives I think they are right to do that, why shouldn't they get paid decent wages. Same about energy, why should people who are already literally killing themslves to put clothes on their childrens backs and food in their bellies and keep them from freezing in winter get massivelt punihse by enery companies who have executives on multi million pound salaries ?

I have nothing personal against you , but you are simply the face of those companies on these forums, so I am sorry for giving you such a hard time. Same if someone wanted to go mental about pharma. I'll take that, I have been on the payroll of pharma for a very long time and it has baiscally funded my lifestyle, so I have no issues with people that would have a massive problem with that. My issue with your naraitve is that you are trying to make it out as if these energy providers are on the side of the consumer and they absolutely are not.
Problem is it's affecting everyone though, including those of us that have consistently voted against it. Tory tears aren't going to pay my leccy bill.

Tory tears could service your desalinisation plant though so you could at least have fresh water after they allowed the water companies to dump everyones raw **** in the rivers...........................
Sadly after what I’ve seen this country do to itself, the collateral damage of the few good people here is necessary for the UK to sink to rock bottom. Some people I know think this will usher in a change, but I think the British people are largely so ugly and nasty, they will be too thick to ever come back from the bottom. Good riddance.
To be honest the cost of energy is the problem. Not the standing charges
Standing charges used to be half my bill... and that was using a pc 10hours a day.

they probably still are even.
I'm guessing you don't live alone so "I'm alright jack, fraction of my bill"
I think I have just had enough of watching basic society get eroded for political and financial ends. The whol cost of energy issue seems tobe one of the many terminal nails into my coffin of thought. When I say i am doing well, its not to score points, it's more to point out that i almost have no skin in this game, but it still hacks me off, because what is the point if there is no real society. We are basically being played off against each other in a massive game of political brinksmaship, and the sad thing is most of us are getting fully sucked in. I have no issues in saying I probaly was too but the last 4 years have been a real eye opener.

I said in the Mick Lynch trhead that I have never been in a union and liley never will be in my life time. However I cmpletely get why unionised workers are going on strike accross different sectors. The policla classes however would have someone in my position try and be manipulated into a train of thought that would say they are worng , and these so called union barons are trying to do the country harm. 10 years ago I would have probably swallowed that whole. But now when you look at what is happening in everyday peoples lives I think they are right to do that, why shouldn't they get paid decent wages. Same about energy, why should people who are already literally killing themslves to put clothes on their childrens backs and food in their bellies and keep them from freezing in winter get massivelt punihse by enery companies who have executives on multi million pound salaries ?

I have nothing personal against you , but you are simply the face of those companies on these forums, so I am sorry for giving you such a hard time. Same if someone wanted to go mental about pharma. I'll take that, I have been on the payroll of pharma for a very long time and it has baiscally funded my lifestyle, so I have no issues with people that would have a massive problem with that. My issue with your naraitve is that you are trying to make it out as if these energy providers are on the side of the consumer and they absolutely are not.

This post i can agree with and makes sense to me. People are being played off against each other for the ultra wealthy and political class to benefit from and everyone else gets the ****** deal and has to struggle to live.

All i would say is dont assume just because I work for a retail energy supplier that I am the bad man in the scenario. Energy suppliers **** up hard and too often, i whole heartedly agree with that and they are there to make a profit and arent there for the peoples sake but my point has been during this crisis there are bigger fish (BP, Shell etc) to fry before the retail suppliers get their frying and dont assume the worst all the time. To the same end, i may be slightly bias as without my employer i have no income and no money but i like to think im very aware of the wrongs we do and the wrongs of the world. I would also like to think im fair and critical when talking about the energy market and energy suppliers and when i try to offer advice or try to inform people on how the market works that im being open and honest with what im saying. Likewise aside from my early tongue in cheek dig at yourself, i wouldn't hold yourself accountable for the wrongs of pharma.

The important thing to remember is in any industry like energy and pharma, while there are harms that can and are being done, there are still honest and good people working for them and its not right to assume the people who work in those industries are die hard corpos with no heart. You may be amazed at what some of our call centre staff endure for just trying to take a call and help people with their query/problem. We've had staff threatened with violence on a regular basis, we've also had a woman who was threatened with being murdered and then raped and we've had people turn up at the office in the past to assault staff. The people this happens to aren't on great pay and they come to work as a means to an end and do the best they can but they dont deserve that. We had no-end of people signing off sick with stress in April following the last hike due to call staff taking excessive amounts of abuse and listening to harrowing stories of people not being able to afford food or energy and im sure this will happen again at the start of October.

I'm happy to bury this back and forth if you are
The important thing to remember is in any industry like energy and pharma, while there are harms that can and are being done, there are still honest and good people working for them and its not right to assume the people who work in those industries are die hard corpos with no heart. You may be amazed at what some of our call centre staff endure for just trying to take a call and help people with their query/problem. We've had staff threatened with violence on a regular basis, we've also had a woman who was threatened with being murdered and then raped and we've had people turn up at the office in the past to assault staff. The people this happens to aren't on great pay and they come to work as a means to an end and do the best they can but they dont deserve that. We had no-end of people signing off sick with stress in April following the last hike due to call staff taking excessive amounts of abuse and listening to harrowing stories of people not being able to afford food or energy and im sure this will happen again at the start of October.
I do wonder who ultimately has control, its certainly not the workers who are just pawns like we all are. I don't even think its the MD of these companies, my experience of MDs is that they aren't bloodsuckers, most of them are genuine hardworking and caring people. Its the Boards that are the issue. They can bloodsuck almost anonymously and so they do. And its enabled by our politics.

Take the Board of the water company I work for. Individually they are all nice people, who seem to care. But put them together in a group and they turn into a collective group of vultures.
How long does it take to build an average to large nuclear power plant? If the government just started tomorrow , could it be done in a year or two? Just threw every possible resource at it, think war time resource movement's , first marker peg goes in the ground at 7am and the concrete trucks start arriving at 10....
How long does it take to build an average to large nuclear power plant? If the government just started tomorrow , could it be done in a year or two? Just threw every possible resource at it, think war time resource movement's , first marker peg goes in the ground at 7am and the concrete trucks start arriving at 10....
About 5-10 years...If they used a known good design and got people used to building that design to do it.

Besides anything else you cannot speed up certain parts of the process without the whole structure becoming unstable and you have to be far more precise with a nuclear power station than say a Mr Wimpy home*, IE you can't pour concrete faster than certain speeds and you want it to set properly (poorly laid concrete has been a common problem a few years down the line in construction), then there is a whole host of parts that will need to be ordered, manufactured and delivered, many of which will be on a multi year wait list as the manufacturers can't just scale up their production.
One of my friends works in geological surveying and just doing that for a new housing estate can take several weeks/months to make sure the ground is fully stable in some areas, let along the sort of testing you'd want to do to make sure your nuclear reactor doesn't get a head start on a trip to China because no one knew about the old mining tunnels, or a cave a couple of meters down from where you're about to put several hundred thousand tons of reactor complex.

IIRC a lot of "war time" construction was barely up to scratch during construction and often had to be pulled down/abandoned quite soon after (or required major refurb and remedial work) as a lot of it was about getting it up for today and not really worrying about 5 years time (you might need to rebuild it a couple of times due to airstrikes...).

War time footings are good for things like increasing the production of reasonably simple things, for example one of the most basic ways to do it is to run a production line 24/7 at full speed (as soon as you train up the additional staff) rather than say 1 or 2x 8 hours shifts at a sedate pace, or putting additional production lines into action. It doesn't work for massively highly complex construction projects where safety and long life are the two main concerns.

*Complete with a snag list that includes doors not shutting because they're not square, a roof that leaks, and the upstairs hall light switch turning off the tumble dryer in the kitchen...
About 5-10 years...If they used a known good design and got people used to building that design to do it.

Besides anything else you cannot speed up certain parts of the process without the whole structure becoming unstable and you have to be far more precise with a nuclear power station than say a Mr Wimpy home*, IE you can't pour concrete faster than certain speeds and you want it to set properly (poorly laid concrete has been a common problem a few years down the line in construction), then there is a whole host of parts that will need to be ordered, manufactured and delivered, many of which will be on a multi year wait list as the manufacturers can't just scale up their production.
One of my friends works in geological surveying and just doing that for a new housing estate can take several weeks/months to make sure the ground is fully stable in some areas, let along the sort of testing you'd want to do to make sure your nuclear reactor doesn't get a head start on a trip to China because no one knew about the old mining tunnels, or a cave a couple of meters down from where you're about to put several hundred thousand tons of reactor complex.

IIRC a lot of "war time" construction was barely up to scratch during construction and often had to be pulled down/abandoned quite soon after (or required major refurb and remedial work) as a lot of it was about getting it up for today and not really worrying about 5 years time (you might need to rebuild it a couple of times due to airstrikes...).

War time footings are good for things like increasing the production of reasonably simple things, for example one of the most basic ways to do it is to run a production line 24/7 at full speed (as soon as you train up the additional staff) rather than say 1 or 2x 8 hours shifts at a sedate pace, or putting additional production lines into action. It doesn't work for massively highly complex construction projects where safety and long life are the two main concerns.

*Complete with a snag list that includes doors not shutting because they're not square, a roof that leaks, and the upstairs hall light switch turning off the tumble dryer in the kitchen...
5 years does not sound to bad.
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