Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

We are getting a taste of what fighting our peers (other countries) is like.
Few resources to be fought between same group.

It is unsustainable. If prices don't come down in 2 or 3 years I think we are done. Government can provide help for a year or 2. But not really any longer.

Society is about to change and it will probably come with a huge death toll.

Energy is pretty much the foundation of our society. Will make the 2008 crisis look like a walk in the park.

The amount of job losses is going to rapidly climb in 2023.

2023 is going to be the worst year of most of our lives if government carry on as it stands today

Said it a few posts ago. People will want lizz truss dead if their family start dying because of lack of help
I'm afriad you will be correct
I'm really confused. Considering we've known about climate change since the 1980s, and Putin being not all he's made out to be since the early 2000s, how come we don't have more solar farms and nuclear power plants? and why hasn't the building regs changed to mandate all newbuilds have solar panels? We've just had one hell of a summer!

There's been plenty of money to spend. Maybe it's local councils refusing the plans as they don't want them building near their towns and villages?

I guess at least this is a taste of things to come.
Main problem is that successive governments have really sat on the fence with regards to energy policy for decades.
When the gas was cheap nuclear and solar look expensive and there is public outcry at the costs and environmental impact. Now gas is expensive the options are back in favour. Its a volatile market.

Also privisation has not helped as large capital is needed for new plant and returns are long term
Yeah, the only answer is a smaller state, ( Camerons big society) lower taxes, higher unemployment, lower wages.
In the meantime interest rates will go higher.
House prices and rents need to drop but I can't see that happening, council tax will continue to rise so the council can run financial advice seminars.
if you are a big business your energy is locked in on a cheap rate - like McDonalds

e: lol
Nestlé UK has agreed an indexed fixed price agreement with Ørsted to purchase the output of 31MW from the Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm, which was commissioned in 2018 and has a total capacity of 573MW from its 91 Siemens Gamesa 6MW wind turbines.

climate is getting warmer so you never know - they were talking about figs&avocados today in uk & hopefully we do get a mild 22 winter , even if that messes up crops next year

[guilty as charged
Statistics showed $2.1 Billion of chocolate was imported to the UK during 2018-2019.
Chocolate supplies could become an issue because the cocoa beans are delivered through EU ports. For example, Mars brings its cocoa beans into the U.K. via Rotterdam port which then get processed in factories in the Netherlands and Germany.
The UK imports 40% of its food and 30% of that comes from Europe. Leaving the EU could lead to delays getting the produce across border control.

Coco/cocoa grows in a relatively tight belt (called the bean belt) basically south of the equator.
Its not just temps it also needs high humidity, ie think rainforest if you have ever been to one. Perpetually "wet" in effect.

I am sure there will be a change in this, however the change is unlikely to be that the belt will basically double in size, or move 100%, which is the sort of change you would need to grow in the UK
At this point its not even close to the bottom of europe. It might get to the bottom of the US, some of those states would likely quite quickly and easily adapt.

More worryingly is that many of these crops are quite specialised, JUST a simple moving of the temps and humidity point will not necessarily mean the crops will move to a new belt.
There is a lot of research going into these sorts of crops to try to identify more robust (generally lower yield) crops before they are lost.

The fig and advocados were a good example of crops that usually thrive in med conditions, same at our allotment, the figs are doing great, but other traditional UK crops have struggled.
Although onions are interesting. There was a clear divide by type, my shallots for example were massive, yet my main crop onions terrible. Someone growing a large specialised one had massive ones and his maincrop were tiny. Not great for planning of for farmers.
We can hardly assume we have a summer like this baked in every year, so these sorts of summer are likely to see LESS food grown as you need to hedge your bets. Last year for example was really bad for the crops that wanted the higher temps and more sun.
thing is its going to keep snowballing until something fundamentally breaks at this point, the flagrant profiteering will just continue until enough of the planet stalls out surely? Govs being forced to smooth it out is ironically probably going to drag it out longer.

Not really, three things will come into play
1) supply will go up, as Russia manages to get its supply going elsewhere to countries who will buy it those countries will buy less from places we would buy from
2) new/increased supply will come on stream as demand makes it attractive (from Saudi etc), all types of energy generation right now will be plummeting in payback time. Solar on houses etc
3) demand will fall. There wont be many people not trying to cut their usage, less demand even vs no change in supply will see some downwards pressure (right now its upwards pressure due to lack of supply)

Expanding this point, look at what happened when shale came properly online in the US, how it dramatically affected world pricing. It wont be this marked, yet, but it will happen eventually.

If on average we reduced our demand in the UK for energy by 5% that would chop around 10% off our gas usage.
No capitalism is at fault. It doesn’t matter if we had more solar farms, off shore wind farms and nuclear power plants. It would all be owned by private corporations and would still be sold on the open market. The market price needs addressing immediately, we need the wholesale market price to be frozen for the foreseeable.

The insanity of blaming 'capitalism' for a problem whose primary cause is a certains states warring actions the negative affects which had been much worse by an inefficient and ineffective goverment mandated drive to avoid domestic fossil fuel production whilst simultaneously deploying masses of inefficient 'renewable' power sources that can't provide what is claimed in their behalf.

Like all good zealots the answer to your ideas failing is that others just weren't quite committed enough to whatever isn't already working
The insanity of blaming 'capitalism' for a problem whose primary cause is a certains states warring actions the negative affects which had been much worse by an inefficient and ineffective goverment mandated drive to avoid domestic fossil fuel production whilst simultaneously deploying masses of inefficient 'renewable' power sources that can't provide what is claimed in their behalf.

Like all good zealots the answer to your ideas failing is that others just weren't quite committed enough to whatever isn't already working
What happens if the wholesale price is frozen?
Go study what happens every time a state or organisation tries to fix prices for goods at a level that doesn't reflect the underlying supply and demand.
If whole price is frozen it prevents Europe going into a recession. It prevents millions of people taking on billions in debt, it prevents thousands of businesses going bust and therefore millions of people losing jobs and being unable to pay for mortgages, energy, goods and services.

I’m sorry supply and demand is a weak argument with the challenges that we face. Freeze the wholesale price now before **** really hits the fan not deal the the repercussions after.
If whole price is frozen it prevents Europe going into a recession. It prevents millions of people taking on billions in debt, it prevents thousands of businesses going bust and therefore millions of people losing jobs and being unable to pay for mortgages, energy, goods and services.

I’m sorry supply and demand is a weak argument with the challenges that we face. Freeze the wholesale price now before **** really hits the fan not deal the the repercussions after.

Freezing prices won't help when there's not enough of whatever been sold in the first place to meet demand. It will in fact make things worse by not dissuading a reduction in more discretionary consumption
Freezing prices won't help when there's not enough of whatever been sold in the first place to meet demand. It will intact make things worse by not dissuading a reduction in more discretionary consumption
Charging more doesn’t alter anything either it just allows those in the supply chain to make more bank bro.

Get some grown ups around a table and work out how much supply is really there and ration it accordingly. Governments can set sensible policy depending on how much supply they are allocated.

Strengthening Putin by allowing Europe to take on huge amounts of debt to already obscenely wealthy energy producers is about as dumb as you can get.
Depends where in the chain the wholesale price is frozen / reduced.

Freeze it at a national level and the countries debt builds up covering the cost.

Freeze it at the energy supplier (Shell, BP etc) then they still make a profit but not at the obscene levels we are seeing at the moment. Supply may need to be restricted though to meet worldwide demand.

It's just how on earth do you do the latter.
Charging more doesn’t alter anything either it just allows those in the supply chain to make more bank bro.
Demonstrably not true.

Even excluding potential blackouts are you seriously suggesting soaring gas and electric prices won't drive down consumption therefore helping bring the supply closer to the demand?
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