Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Our 2019 4k 65” LG OLED C9 uses about 140w in use and 0.5w in standby
I don't feel so bad when I use my Samsung plasma TV now lol I thought the newer screens would be a lot less... 50" model, I think is about 200w, with the surround sound amp, Hi-Fi and Xbox I think I pull about 300w to 350w to watch a film...

I don't think spending £2000 or so on a decent new 4k TV is quite the way to go just yet to help me save some cash! :)
In York the council are apparently looking into having warm rooms.

Similar to food banks but for those who can't afford to heat their homes.

So they can go somewhere temporary to get warm for a bit.

Scary times indeed.

The government can't give cash out all the numptys would burn it away on instead of essentials. Time for gas/food tokens.
In fact why would you have immersion on at all in this case?
I think immersion was fine in a time when electricity was cheap for many years and hot water tanks were terrible at keeping the heat in. Things have changed drastically in the last decade but general thinking hasn't kept up. Of course, it's also a good backup if your boiler packs in so it's always good to have one just in case.

But tanks these days are so well lagged. That heating water in the boiler once for 30mins ended up lasting almost 2 days before getting luke warm!
I think immersion was fine in a time when electricity was cheap for many years and hot water tanks were terrible at keeping the heat in. Things have changed drastically in the last decade but general thinking hasn't kept up. Of course, it's also a good backup if your boiler packs in so it's always good to have one just in case.

But tanks these days are so well lagged. That heating water in the boiler once for 30mins ended up lasting almost 2 days before getting luke warm!

Yes, just to be clear though you said changing immersion setting/turning it off lowered your usage, but if you have a boiler fed tank as well my query was why you were using the immersion at all?

It's never made sense to heat water from immersion if you have a working boiler that feeds it instead, per kwh of input gas the cost is much lower even now. Immersion just treats the tank like a big electric kettle that stops at temp.

Immersion as a backup to boiler if it dies, yes, makes sense as well, but you may as well have it off if your boiler is working.
I have just had a quick gander at my provider E.on and I reckon I am looking at around £75 a month for leccy. Before this started I was paying £62 monthly DD - Now I have it they just take what the bill is.
So far it's not killing me but I have cut back on little things. Not that we have a lot to cut back on.

Oil was sorted months ago so well over half a tank (2.5k ltr tank). I am also popping odd lumps of money into my account at oil suppliers so when I need it there will pobably be enough in there to cover half the cost. Better than having one big hit.
I put about a 0% chance on my employer giving me 10-15% increase this year, but perhaps I would put some odds on a smaller % payrise and then a "cost o livin" one off payment for now.
I could ask for a payrise I suppose but my contract is up in January so I think more likely than a payrise what I will be getting is my P45 :(

I just can't see how most companies are gonna survive the next 2-3 years tbh
Yes, just to be clear though you said changing immersion setting/turning it off lowered your usage, but if you have a boiler fed tank as well my query was why you were using the immersion at all?

It's never made sense to heat water from immersion if you have a working boiler that feeds it instead, per kwh of input gas the cost is much lower even now. Immersion just treats the tank like a big electric kettle that stops at temp.

Immersion as a backup to boiler if it dies, yes, makes sense as well, but you may as well have it off if your boiler is working.

Because until a few weeks ago I was completely ignorant of how my house was set up, this was a new build I moved into 5 years ago and it was my first house. We didn't take any notice of our gas and electricity usage because we were only paying £94 per month for both. Which we could easily afford, I see now we were wasteful and over the last couple of weeks i learned a heck of a lot about how my house works
In York the council are apparently looking into having warm rooms.

Similar to food banks but for those who can't afford to heat their homes.

So they can go somewhere temporary to get warm for a bit.
So they have to leave their cold house in the wind and rain to go sit in a warm room and then get kicked out again in the cold and rain to go back in to their cold home. Daftys
Because until a few weeks ago I was completely ignorant of how my house was set up, this was a new build I moved into 5 years ago and it was my first house. We didn't take any notice of our gas and electricity usage because we were only paying £94 per month for both. Which we could easily afford, I see now we were wasteful and over the last couple of weeks i learned a heck of a lot about how my house works

Good stuff! Seriously I think a lot of people need to do this kind of thing, if there is one positive out of all of this, is that we can all learn to become a little bit more efficient/less wasteful.

We're all guilty of this so I tar myself with the same brush, but when power is cheap no one sees the need to cut back, as soon as it hits your bottom line then it's time for action.

I had a similar setup and I just switched off the plug to the immersion so it could never come on without my knowledge, I didn't want it to mask a boiler problem, if hot water stops I then know I have a boiler issue to sort out.
I have turned my timings down in hw program and my gas meter hasn't moved for 2 days, does this mean my tank is keeping the water hot enough to warrant had burning?
The electric meter is using between 6 and 10 kWh a day.
At the end of the day, there's nothing ridiculous about making energy more expensive for people. It's all been about survival of the fittest.

In case anyone was in any doubt, the agenda is to kill off as many people as possible. It's to protect planet Earth. Too many unproductive cretins / useless eaters requires severe action in order to get rid of a growing problem. Getting those energy prices up much higher is perfect as it will lead onto significant job losses through businesses going bust, higher food costs through even more inflation, and ultimately death, that's if they don't die simply from the cold first.
I have just had a quick gander at my provider E.on and I reckon I am looking at around £75 a month for leccy. Before this started I was paying £62 monthly DD - Now I have it they just take what the bill is.
So far it's not killing me but I have cut back on little things. Not that we have a lot to cut back on.

Oil was sorted months ago so well over half a tank (2.5k ltr tank). I am also popping odd lumps of money into my account at oil suppliers so when I need it there will pobably be enough in there to cover half the cost. Better than having one big hit.
Come October the price of a kWh of electricity will have tripled since this started. You must have cut back on quite a lot.
I have turned my timings down in hw program and my gas meter hasn't moved for 2 days, does this mean my tank is keeping the water hot enough to warrant had burning?
The electric meter is using between 6 and 10 kWh a day.

Those boiler tanks are fairly efficient and may only lose a little temp each day.

Saying that, it won't lose 0, so unless you also turned target temp way down, it should still be using something to keep it topped up.
Hopefully your router is on a UPS or the content is cached then! :D
I will use phone hotspot or failing that Plex server running on a pi from little inverter. Or they simply down load stuff before or when this area is switched on.

I expect it will like the 70's where you were told when you will go without power, rolling blackouts so to speak.
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