Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I have turned my timings down in hw program and my gas meter hasn't moved for 2 days, does this mean my tank is keeping the water hot enough to warrant had burning?
The electric meter is using between 6 and 10 kWh a day.

Read my posts above, watch out your immersion heater hasn't taken over heating duties because you reduced your boiler usage. Thats what happened to me and i had to find a why to turn that off. Because it's a lot cheaper to heat water with gas than electric, even after thee price rise in Oct
I will use phone hotspot or failing that Plex server running on a pi from little inverter. Or they simply down load stuff before or when this area is switched on.

I expect it will like the 70's where you were told when you will go without power, rolling blackouts so to speak.

Should get the kids more into books as well, will work anytime as long as you have light.

Kindles can be backlit, or books on the tablets as well.
Read my posts above, watch out your immersion heater hasn't taken over heating duties because you reduced your boiler usage. Thats what happened to me and i had to find a why to turn that off. Because it's a lot cheaper to heat water with gas than electric, even after thee price rise in Oct
It's always switched off
Yes 70c to 66c

If immersion is switched off then yeah just monitor the gas usage over the course of a week or two, it should kick in. I think an hour per day is usually fine depending how much hot water you use?

Could probably switch target temp to like 60-62 as well. If 50C kills legionella than 60C would be safely above it.

Temp differentials mean that it's easier to get water to 60-62 and also it loses heat less quickly.
I hope this is allowed, but I don't think I've seen anybody link to MSE's calculator. It's accurate enough to get my current prices to the nearest pound, although that doesn't mean it'll be as accurate forecasting the October to January costs.

I hope this is allowed, but I don't think I've seen anybody link to MSE's calculator. It's accurate enough to get my current prices to the nearest pound, although that doesn't mean it'll be as accurate forecasting the October to January costs.

Great news! You used 10% less electricity and 27% less gas compared to the year before, Well that's something at least!

Current price capOctober to January price cap
Annual equivalent cost£2,870£5,200
Monthly cost£239£433
Weekly cost£55£100
Freezing prices won't help when there's not enough of whatever been sold in the first place to meet demand. It will in fact make things worse by not dissuading a reduction in more discretionary consumption

This is the really big problem.

The price is only high as there isn't enough to go around. Which will mean blackouts/rationing

I'd there was enough the price would naturally reduce
Actually it's 50c, either way the boiler is topping up the tank with hot water throughout the day that was boiled at over 65C so i think it'll be fine

Well its sort of all those numbers, 60 is the accepted safe point, it cannot survive above that point, between 50-60 in theory its dying but it can still multiply and your for sure not guaranteed to be free.
The recommended (in industry) thing to do if running lower temps (actually below 70) is to cycle upto 70 and hold in there every so often (for 6 hours or so) which will dramatically reduce your risk.

I dont understand why you have ever had the immersion switched on if your running a boiler for hot water though. In effect your immersion would be attempting to hold the water temp up whenever the boiler was off.
I hope this is allowed, but I don't think I've seen anybody link to MSE's calculator. It's accurate enough to get my current prices to the nearest pound, although that doesn't mean it'll be as accurate forecasting the October to January costs.

This does seem accurate I agree, nailed my bills too.
Well its sort of all those numbers, 60 is the accepted safe point, it cannot survive above that point, between 50-60 in theory its dying but it can still multiply and your for sure not guaranteed to be free.
The recommended (in industry) thing to do if running lower temps (actually below 70) is to cycle upto 70 and hold in there every so often (for 6 hours or so) which will dramatically reduce your risk.

I dont understand why you have ever had the immersion switched on if your running a boiler for hot water though. In effect your immersion would be attempting to hold the water temp up whenever the boiler was off.
Yeah, I've had our immersion for the tank switched off forever, just the boiler comes on twice a day to feed hot water back in to the tank.
hot water tank Legionella ... hadn't considered whole tank really needs to be up to 60C daily ... a 30kw combi is doing ~10L/min

Legionella bacteria grow readily at temperatures in the range 20oC to 45oC.
Legionella bacteria in concentrations of 100,000 colony forming units per litre
(cfu/l) and higher are not uncommon at the base of conventional hot water
storage vessels where temperatures of 20 – 45oC are maintained.
(For comparison HSE Code of Practice L8 recommends review of control
measures where Legionella concentrations are in the range 100 to 1,000 cfu/l
and corrective action where they exceed 1,000 cfu/l.).
• Under optimum conditions, Legionella bacteria can multiply from background
numbers to dangerous concentrations in less than five days.

• The effectiveness of inactivating Legionella bacteria using raised temperatures
(thermal disinfection) depends upon the temperature and how long the bacteria
are exposed to that temperature.
• Thermal inactivation of Legionella bacteria starts around 50oC but is quicker
at higher temperatures.
Legionella pneumophila requires on average 3.2 minutes exposure to 60oC to
inactivate 90% of the bacteria.
• Where the water contains 100,000 cfu/l Legionella, the bacteria need to be
held at 60oC for approximately 10 minutes to reduce numbers to below the
HSE action level of 100 cfu/l.
• Hot water storage cylinders that maintain a temperature of 60oC throughout
the whole storage vessel for a period of one hour daily should achieve
satisfactory control of Legionella bacteria, in line with recommendations in

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