Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

We've got a ninja foodi and we had a Breville halo+ before that. They've made a huge difference to the amount of power we use cooking and how we cook meals. The food generally cooks better and a lot quicker than using the oven too.
Yeah the Mrs swears by it she said she can’t cook salmon better than the air fryer can do it, chips are good but still better in the deep fat fryer but the energy savings and the ability to sync between baskets is an absolute winner.
Octopus tracker : so they can give 30 days notice for an increase in the max (55pe) cap ... which presumably they will do at start of September ,
but their risible proposition that Octopus Tracker Britain's fairest energy tariff (if the energy had been bought 18 months or more in advance)

R4@1 just played Edward Heaths 3 day week announcement (insufficient energy to work 5) - something to watch V

Time Shift - Switch Off Something - BBC4 2006 - Three Day Week Documentary

scanning it Blue Peter contributred ideas on energy saving.
Does it really get that cold during the winter where you are?
We havn't turned the heating on for years and I spend most the winter in tshirt and jeans sometimes even shorts.
In the countryside so not insulated by large city warmth. We're in an upper flood plain and quite exposed to the elements. It's warm in the summer and cold in the winter.

Often get ice in the morning. But it's just that the house is old and although insulated it gets cool.

I'm ok I cope well with hot and cold temps but the kids are less good at keeping warm generally.

@Richie funnily enough yes. We had some already but since we'll need to wear them more so nice to have spares. We spend a lot of time outdoors even in the winter so they're quite used to wearing them. They prefer being in the garden than in front of the TV fortunately, though I'm sure that will change as they get older.
My evening meal
@Richie funnily enough yes. We had some already but since we'll need to wear them more so nice to have spares. We spend a lot of time outdoors even in the winter so they're quite used to wearing them. They prefer being in the garden than in front of the TV fortunately, though I'm sure that will change as they get older.

I wasn't sure the £6 ones would be any good given the price... They've been in my basket for a few days (2 x tops and 2 x bottoms)

Would they be suitable for wearing under normal clothes indoors i.e. with very minimal physical movement required to help generate/keep heat?
How many of you live in homes with no fireplace and chimney? I was out over the weekend had a look at various new builds, not a chimney in sight... With a chimney a lot of stuff people people dutifully put in recycling bins could aid the reduction in heating bills. Our fireplace is unfortunately pretty small, although functional. I need to get Mrs.W a bolster chisel and lump hammer for her birthday.
How many of you live in homes with no fireplace and chimney? I was out over the weekend had a look at various new builds, not a chimney in sight... With a chimney a lot of stuff people people dutifully put in recycling bins could aid the reduction in heating bills. Our fireplace is unfortunately pretty small, although functional. I need to get Mrs.W a bolster chisel and lump hammer for her birthday.
Nothing here.
If this was any other country people would be out in the streets protesting. The British public bends over and takes it, like the good little bitch it is.
Teachers are still on holiday. Give it some time for them to kick off.

Also I think the unions are waiting till the BFT (Bitch face truss) takes the reigns to drive it deeper into the Tory scum
Thanks, but if it looks too good to be true...

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