Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

My evening meal

I wasn't sure the £6 ones would be any good given the price... They've been in my basket for a few days (2 x tops and 2 x bottoms)

Would they be suitable for wearing under normal clothes indoors i.e. with very minimal physical movement required to help generate/keep heat?

Well we use them for when we go for walks or forest school etc... We put a t-shirt and a jumper on top and they seem fine. And if they get cold a coat. When we took them out in the snow they played for over an hour and were fine. Not sure about inside, I mean they come in and just take their coats and jumper off and were more than happy staying like that. Especially when visiting farms and then going indoors for a hot chocolate. They don't suddenly go red and sweat.
Octopus tracker : so they can give 30 days notice for an increase in the max (55pe) cap ... which presumably they will do at start of September ,
but their risible proposition that Octopus Tracker Britain's fairest energy tariff (if the energy had been bought 18 months or more in advance)

R4@1 just played Edward Heaths 3 day week announcement (insufficient energy to work 5) - something to watch V

Time Shift - Switch Off Something - BBC4 2006 - Three Day Week Documentary

scanning it Blue Peter contributred ideas on energy saving.

They haven't increased any of the previous trackers, I'm on the earlier 35ppkwh agile tariff for electricity and the 11ppkWh tracker tariff for gas and there are others on earlier versions at even lower rates.
Thanks, but if it looks too good to be true...

No idea. Can’t see it for £140 and it’s £200 at the normal price which makes it more expensive than the Ninja equivalent.
If this was any other country people would be out in the streets protesting. The British public bends over and takes it, like the good little bitch it is.
It is affecting every country in Europe, maybe with the exception of France. Have you actually looked into the energy costs of other countries right now??

Nobody is protesting because there's sod-all we (the public) can do about it. The opportunity to fix it was 30 years ago when we could have started building nuclear reactors. Our *only* choice now is to sit it out and wait for the war in Ukraine to end.

Any other solution is 10-20 years away assuming the investment in renewables starts now.
How many of you live in homes with no fireplace and chimney? I was out over the weekend had a look at various new builds, not a chimney in sight... With a chimney a lot of stuff people people dutifully put in recycling bins could aid the reduction in heating bills. Our fireplace is unfortunately pretty small, although functional. I need to get Mrs.W a bolster chisel and lump hammer for her birthday.

A lot of those homes with chimneys won't have a useable fireplace, some will have gas or electric fires instead or just bricked up.
How many of you live in homes with no fireplace and chimney? I was out over the weekend had a look at various new builds, not a chimney in sight... With a chimney a lot of stuff people people dutifully put in recycling bins could aid the reduction in heating bills. Our fireplace is unfortunately pretty small, although functional. I need to get Mrs.W a bolster chisel and lump hammer for her birthday.
We have a new build and a chimney, sounding good....... thing is its a fake one :D just so it fits in with the older houses in the street.
Don’t care who’s fault it is. They make enough money as it is. Why aren’t they being asked to make some sacrifices? You know like only make $5 billion profit a quarter rather than $15 billion. Why do we have sections of the population self lobbying for these ridiculously wealthy private corporations? Lobby for your fellow man, your neighbour, your grandparents and kids.
They are being asked, but being independent countries they don't have to. And most of the others are at full production capacity.

If all UK production was sold at cost it wouldn't fix the problem.
Well we use them for when we go for walks or forest school etc... We put a t-shirt and a jumper on top and they seem fine. And if they get cold a coat. When we took them out in the snow they played for over an hour and were fine. Not sure about inside, I mean they come in and just take their coats and jumper off and were more than happy staying like that. Especially when visiting farms and then going indoors for a hot chocolate. They don't suddenly go red and sweat.

Sounds good... I was more wondering if they would be warm enough considering the cost is so low rather than them being too warm :o
How many of you live in homes with no fireplace and chimney? I was out over the weekend had a look at various new builds, not a chimney in sight...

You're kidding, right?

I don't know of any new build housebuilders that put a chimney in.

If you're meaning after the fact (wood burners etc) I think they are pretty much on the way out given legislation banning a lot of things that burn wood/coal etc.
Did the maths for my usage last night. Bearing in mind im a single person household, WFH, with ****** E7 meter and Storage heaters. I've factored in approx Oct ofgem cap for E7 as i cant find any hard figures anywhere so applied a flat 83% increase on current E7 rates and then a 51% increase in January but i've not accounted for any increase in April or July as we have no idea what the figures may look like at this point. I've also factored in the VAT on all figures and standard charges although this isnt shown in a column but its included in the calculations. I dont have the data for sept so this is only over a 11month period


I get the feeling this is topical :D

A lot of those homes with chimneys won't have a useable fireplace, some will have gas or electric fires instead or just bricked up.

Yes, I totally agree, but adding a working flue and chimney stack to a house never designed for one is hugely expensive, un-bricking an existing chimney and shoving in a basic fireplace and hearth, much less so.

I just had someone I know asking if they can buy some logs off me, a VERY outspoken "green" person who has whined on about the climate change, (and me having fires outside), for years. It gave me some not inconsiderable pleasure telling her I couldn't possibly be party to this sudden and deranged request. Expect the "Silence of the Greens" to be wonderously apparent soon :)
We have a new build and a chimney, sounding good....... thing is its a fake one :D just so it fits in with the older houses in the street.
Fit dual lined flu and multifuel stove.

If you do not have a chimney stack you will need twin wall chimney flue pipe.

kwh is a kwh, whether it's electric or gas, both would put roughly a kwh of energy into the water tank.

Consider using whatever is cheaper per kwh for you.
There is a small difference most gas heating options are around the 90% efficient rate, electric tend to be above the 95%. But gas isn't gonna cost that much compared to electric unless we stop using gas to generate electic. If that happens the prices will be low, so we won't care.

Heat pumps are much higher as they aren't making heat directly from the electric, but using electric to extract heat energy from the environment. But tend to struggle in sub zero temps. And you need good insulation.
You're kidding, right?

I don't know of any new build housebuilders that put a chimney in.

If you're meaning after the fact (wood burners etc) I think they are pretty much on the way out given legislation banning a lot of things that burn wood/coal etc.
You can burn smokeless coal and dried wood, the emissions are within the limits, my stove is defra approved it's the idiots burning wet logs and pallet boards that are the problem.

Log burners and wood-burning stoves are not going to be banned in the UK.

Can you heat a whole house with a wood stove?

Wood stoves aren't typically designed to heat an entire house but sized to warm a particular room in a home. However, installing a wood stove in the right location in a home, along with helping to circulate air between rooms, or using a stove boiler, can help to raise temperatures across a whole house.

1 tn of fuel was £350 in Feb it's now nearly £600
I get the feeling this is topical
I don't think you understand the Truss VAT cut, it's for all VAT, not just energy.

That's why it's helping the rich so much. All be it that would be down to companies actually passing it on, which I doubt since they will need it to cover their energy costs.

Raising the bottom tax threshold and lowering the top would be the best option for workers, but that won't happen as it won't appeal to Labour spongers or Tory toffs. :P
I don't think you understand the Truss VAT cut, it's for all VAT, not just energy.

That's why it's helping the rich so much. All be it that would be down to companies actually passing it on, which I doubt since they will need it to cover their energy costs.

Raising the bottom tax threshold and lowering the top would be the best option for workers, but that won't happen as it won't appeal to Labour spongers or Tory toffs. :p
Both are tlaking about cutting VAT from Energy so i removed the Vat figure to give the Truss wonder VAT difference. I know they are talking about knocking VAT for everything however aside from Food and Energy it wont have that much of a benefit to myself.

A VAT reduction across evertything is completely pointless to me unless im saving enough to cover the £200-300 per month increase which im 100% confident wont be the case. The comment re Truss wonder VAT was meant to be a dig at her ****** ****** plans
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