Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

They look interesting but hard to find info on these things.

Can they cook anything that can be cooked in an oven?
Will spitting fat like on burgers e.g. hit the element (where is element placed)?
What is difference between 10 in 1 and 5 in 1?
How much power do they actually save?

They definitely look interesting. I already have a portable oven though that I now use instead of my normal full sized oven so will assume the power saving wont be maximum for me given I already have a shrunk heating space.

Apparently they are just small ovens really. So if I'm cooking a few hash browns and that's all I'm using the oven for I'd use this instead.

The fan is obviously much more effective as it's such a a small volume
We had to fix the other day, didn't want too, but feel like if we wait prices will just keep going up.

We never used a lot anyways so ours is a cheap cost relatively.

Still going from £80ish a month as at Dec 21 to now £240 a month from September 22. Fixed for 12month. Total shambles what is happening
I just can't justify fixing at £250 a month which is our current offer which is 75pkWh, mainly because our bill was just £62 today for last month, currently paying £100 DD and £120 in credit.

Yes its doubling and then more but we are currently using way less, 100kWh this month compared to last August and we aren't using the heating this winter , trying other methods so we are just winging it.
Thought they weren't making any decisions until 10 days past the price cap announcement?
So they already retired the 55p/16p agile/tracker tariffs?

Seems that 10 day thing is a bit nonsensical and this tracker is there shortest lived one ever, it was only on the market for barely a month.

I am guessing the sign up rates on it were huge, as it was way better than the fixed they were offering.

For anyone who missed the 55p/16p, and you want maybe send an email and say you was accepted on phone but are still waiting, then they might put you on it backdated, make sure you give a date before they changed, which is easy as they quoted date in the notice.

Apparently they are just small ovens really. So if I'm cooking a few hash browns and that's all I'm using the oven for I'd use this instead.

The fan is obviously much more effective as it's such a a small volume
Thanks, my small sized oven is only 2 or so years old, got it during covid, wish I got an air fryer instead now.

It deffo cooks faster than my normal oven, I would say maybe 10-20%, and its 2000 instead of 3000 watts. So the savings on the air fryer I suspect for me might be halved or something.
Thanks, my small sized oven is only 2 or so years old, got it during covid, wish I got an air fryer instead now.

It deffo cooks faster than my normal oven, I would say maybe 10-20%, and its 2000 instead of 3000 watts. So the savings on the air fryer I suspect for me might be halved or something.

Someone shared the below with me. May not be that good. But I do believe it is ball park as its quicker and lower wattage.

Octopus want 10 days to recalculate on SVR, they have turned into an Ostrich, there has been predictions for months, its as if they waited for the official announcement.
Either they're waiting to see what happens with the government, or to see where everyone else is pitching it. It's not like the competition can give a better offer so there's no rush to get the prices out.
Either they're waiting to see what happens with the government, or to see where everyone else is pitching it. It's not like the competition can give a better offer so there's no rush to get the prices out.
All these delays have left consumers uninformed though, those ones who dont research anyway.

Delayed announcement from ofcom, delayed from supplier, delayed from government. Its just delays.
managed a fixed with scottish power, £170 a month but will be getting 400 back off Gov and plan on using no heating this winter.. if it continues to stay high i'll get solar next year. currently spending £80 a month with this nice weather at 50p a kw for electric and gas.
50p/kWh for electric and gas doesn't seem right.

£170/month is pretty meaningless, if you want to share please post the the rates you've fixed at for the standing charge and per/kWh (gas and electric).
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