Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

don't need gov for this,
energy will stay high until we get a bunch of nuclear built and get everyone off gas
recession starts now
The rise is worth 7% of GDP I seen somewhere, if thats right, thats 7% less spending power in the economy. Ouch.

Thats on top of people getting poorer in public sector because of below inflation pay increases. As well as below inflation welfare increases.
Btw, in terms of a financial solution that would actually help people would a higher tax cap not be better?

Add that £7k to the threshold for tax, if we need £20k a year for basic food, shelter and heat then that's the point VAT should start.
50p/kWh for electric and gas doesn't seem right.

£170/month is pretty meaningless, if you want to share please post the the rates you've fixed at for the standing charge and per/kWh (gas and electric).

monthly is £171.42,​

If i was paying the same rate for the last 3 months it would be around £80/£85 a month based on no heating use but we'll use more electric in the winter but plan on trying my best to not use gas so £100 would be doable getting £400 back off the Gov too.


Price guaranteed until30 Sep 2022
Unit rate51.16p
Standing charge48.91p
Exit fee£150.0
Tariff end date31 Aug 2023


Price guaranteed until30 Sep 2022
Unit rate16.98p
Standing charge27.22p
Exit fee£150.0
Tariff end date31 Aug 2023
I've emailed octopus 3 times in last week about the gas tracker (definitely do not want to be coming of intelligent now) and I've not had a response. Might have to use something called a tellyphone or something, apparently used to be all the rage :cry: .
Apologies to those who I suggested to wait until October/November for tracker switch, but hopefully you can switch now on the 55p/16p trackers with the scam I posted.
The octopus agile and tracker cap has been updated. Blimey! :eek:


Ah I was going to ask Octopus about this, I put in a switch application to Octopus Agile on the weekend, I have the "accept button" in the portal and I have an email from them yesterday afternoon confirming I need to accept the T & C within 28 days to complete the switch.

I haven't accepted the offer yet because I'm still paying 28p/kwh and the new price is 55p/kwh on the previous Agile rates when I applied. I was hoping to let it run to nearer the end of September so I just pay less, but my main goal was to at least wait until the solar panels were operational this week.

Hopefully this means they will honour the 55p/kwh rate for me?
Octopus seem to intentionally obfuscate the T&C's for tracker cap, from the ms thread
"Once you've signed up to the tariff, the cap will be in place for the length of your tariff (12 months) - but as with all of our tariffs, we're constantly reviewing wholesale energy prices and may amend the cap in line with the cost of energy down the line."
"The cap that's active when you sign up will be in place for the length of your tariff. Tracker exposes you to wholesale prices, astronomical at the moment, so we’ve included a cap to protect you from market fluctuations, but it could be different if you signed up at a later date"

from earlier discussion here they haven't changed it so far on existing contracts, but could do so with 30days notice .. coincidentally we are 30 days out from new ofgen cap start
Octopus seem to intentionally obfuscate the T&C's for tracker cap, from the ms thread
"Once you've signed up to the tariff, the cap will be in place for the length of your tariff (12 months) - but as with all of our tariffs, we're constantly reviewing wholesale energy prices and may amend the cap in line with the cost of energy down the line."
"The cap that's active when you sign up will be in place for the length of your tariff. Tracker exposes you to wholesale prices, astronomical at the moment, so we’ve included a cap to protect you from market fluctuations, but it could be different if you signed up at a later date"

from earlier discussion here they haven't changed it so far on existing contracts, but could do so with 30days notice .. coincidentally we are 30 days out from new ofgen cap start
I posted a tweet earlier, the cap will survive the 12 months, I agree they havent worded it every well but this text you pasted says the same to me, they will keep the same cap for 12 months from the signup.

I think what they have decided to do now is when they change the cap, they keeping the tariff name the same so have changed the t&c's a bit, prior they used to change the tariff name to represent the version you on. Now it seems they will just adjust the cap depending on the date you sign up. So they have made it easier for themselves to change it very frequently now.

The tracker tariff is not affected by ofgem cap, only the SVR is.
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