Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

For anyone who missed the 55p/16p, and you want maybe send an email and say you was accepted on phone but are still waiting, then they might put you on it backdated, make sure you give a date before they changed, which is easy as they quoted date in the notice.

When you phone, email or contact us on social media

When you phone or email us with general queries, we may process your personal information (your name, address, contact details and other personal information you’ve given us) in order to provide the customer services you have asked us to, for example providing more information about our pricing.

We rely on your consent to handle your personal information in this way. If you do not provide us with the data we request from you for customer services purposes, we may not be able to fully answer your queries.

We log and record the interactions you have with us, such as phone calls, email opens and click throughs to help us better service your requests.
And you scamming them (lying to/defrauding) doesn't mean they won't. It could have repercussions particularly if you're already an Octopus customer trying to change tariffs.
Well thats up to you to decide if you are extremely risk adverse, do you think Octopus are going to be going after people for saying they asked to go on a tariff at a certain date? Realistically the worst that can happen is they will say they got no record of the call so the answer is no.

To keep you happy I wont mention this again.
Well thats up to you to decide if you are extremely risk adverse, do you think Octopus are going to be going after people for saying they asked to go on a tariff at a certain date? Realistically the worst that can happen is they will say they got no record of the call so the answer is no.
It's for anyone who reads your posts to decide if they want to get involved in your "scam".
It's for anyone who reads your posts to decide if they want to get involved in your "scam".
I never said otherwise. You seem really offended by this for some reason. Do you work for one of the suppliers?

It is a scam, but its not much different to people ringing up companies pretending they got a better offer elsewhere to entice a retentions deal which is done very routinely by people. I didnt lie to anyone on here, I stated it is what it is, and anyone can make their own decision.
managed a fixed with scottish power, £170 a month but will be getting 400 back off Gov and plan on using no heating this winter.. if it continues to stay high i'll get solar next year. currently spending £80 a month with this nice weather at 50p a kw for electric and gas.
Is that the £400 from the government that you have to pay back though?

It's all so confusing and stressful.
I think I'll just not put the heating on at all we've stocked up with blankets on top of the ones we already had, I've ordered them base layers from decathlon.

Ordered lots of thermal socks and thermal slippers for everyone today too. On top of that I can just make something cold for my meals at home and I will do all my cooking at work as I have alternate shifts. The workplace canteen is free electricity and I work 12 hour shifts so can cook the majority of my meals there. That's bound to save me a fortune.

Another thing I've thought about it investing in some decent power banks that I can charge up at work and take home to charge any usb devices. I'm going to get some good value from the workplace electricity haha.
I never said otherwise. You seem really offended by this for some reason. Do you work for one of the suppliers?

It is a scam, but its not much different to people ringing up companies pretending they got a better offer elsewhere to entice a retentions deal which is done very routinely by people. I didnt lie to anyone on here, I stated it is what it is, and anyone can make their own decision.
I don't work for one of the suppliers but then I didn't believe we're limited to commenting on matters directly related to our employment. If it makes you feel any better think of it as a general comment on your approval of scamming when it suits/benefits you but your disapproval of it otherwise.
I don't work for one of the suppliers but then I didn't believe we're limited to commenting on matters directly related to our employment. If it makes you feel any better think of it as a general comment on your approval of scamming when it suits/benefits you but your disapproval of it otherwise.
I think considering how many people are willing to say they have an EV when they don't to get on a cheap tariff, how many people are willing to miss-represent their circumstances or location to get a cheap subscription (netflix etc) there are FAR too many people who are willing to scam and exploit situations as long as it benefits their own interests.
Electric blankets are pretty good. Cost around £25 to buy - A double blanket uses 85w (king size 120w), so at 27p per kwh thats 2.3p per hour for the double blanket. After prices go up in october around 4.6p per hour
got an email this morning from Scottish power ,new prices on tariff to be announced shortly but the grant to kick in so 6 monthly credits of £66 ish
personally this will see my bills go down for at least a few months but obviously will just let in build up for the next rise
I think considering how many people are willing to say they have an EV when they don't to get on a cheap tariff, how many people are willing to miss-represent their circumstances or location to get a cheap subscription (netflix etc) there are FAR too many people who are willing to scam and exploit situations as long as it benefits their own interests.
for the record and not taking sides..... only very recently did octopus start insisting on ev ownership for Go and Go Faster. it was always a product designed for EV car owners but anyone was allowed to join
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