Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I think I'll just not put the heating on at all we've stocked up with blankets on top of the ones we already had, I've ordered them base layers from decathlon.

Ordered lots of thermal socks and thermal slippers for everyone today too. On top of that I can just make something cold for my meals at home and I will do all my cooking at work as I have alternate shifts. The workplace canteen is free electricity and I work 12 hour shifts so can cook the majority of my meals there. That's bound to save me a fortune.

Another thing I've thought about it investing in some decent power banks that I can charge up at work and take home to charge any usb devices. I'm going to get some good value from the workplace electricity haha.

As sad as it is to say, these are the lifestyle changes a lot of people will need to make. If your work has showers then it'd save you money over showering at home.

It does make me wonder though when employers start to notice more people are showering at work, or making more use of the cooking facilities, or charging devices up from home, whether they'll remove some of these facilities. As their electric costs will have gone up too.

For me it's still cheaper to WFH even with stupidly high rates. It costs me £4.30 to get to and from the office. There's no way my laptop, a bit of use of the kettle and microwave, and a bit of heating on in the winter would exceed £4.30 though.
They can always offer some pay rises so their staff don’t need to do such things.
I work for a firm contracted by the council,

A few weeks ago they were boasting about 36 million pound profit last year.

When the topic of pay rises came up they said "well you get paid by the council, its upto them".

Lots of staff from electricians, supervisors to park gardners are jumping ship to other councils and other jobs, our bosses are oblivious and only just started asking why work is falling behind, now trying to crack the whip on underpaid undermanned staff.
Why? So it is the companies responsibility when they also are exposed to high energy charges and not making more profits to pay staff more?

Many will but not all business owners are zillionaires. Let's get the man eh.
We all know who were talking about, the ones making decent profit. Our company did and we are only a small family firm. Didn’t need to ask for it either.
And while using company facilities to cook meals for home may be borderline if done whilst you are also cooking for work as part of your duties, I am sure loading powerbanks at work for home use is theft.
As also is @chrcoluk little scams.

We even used to have people doing their ironing at work on break for a few years LOL... will depend a lot on the workplace some even charging your phone up a few percent would be considered theft, where I work is fairly liberal unless you were say charging a 50ah battery or something for personal use.

EDIT: It gets a bit tricky if the lines are blurred though - we had someone taking toilet rolls home who got pulled up for theft.
We even used to have people doing their ironing at work on break for a few years LOL... will depend a lot on the workplace some even charging your phone up a few percent would be considered theft, where I work is fairly liberal unless you were say charging a 50ah battery or something for personal use.
If you work for a company that considers charging your phone to be theft, then I’d suggest you get the hell out of there.
our place i think would be on a sticky wicket if they stopped people showering at work..... part of their green transport policy is encouraging people to cycle in where possible... they were under a lot of pressure to get car use down when asking planning permission to expand.
i cant imagine it would go down well at all if you had sweaty muddy cyclists going into the office not having had a shower. i suppose they could limit to cyclists only but that would be impossible to police really and also would be a bit discriminatory.
our place i think would be on a sticky wicket if they stopped people showering at work..... part of their green transport policy is encouraging people to cycle in where possible... they were under a lot of pressure to get car use down when asking planning permission to expand.
i cant imagine it would go down well at all if you had sweaty muddy cyclists going into the office not having had a shower. i suppose they could limit to cyclists only but that would be impossible to police really and also would be a bit discriminatory.
They could turn the hot water off :eek:

We could see companies back tracking on their insistence for people to return to the office if costs keep increasing. They might be glad to get people back home if it saves them a bit of money. Employees might not be so keen this time though.
They could turn the hot water off :eek:

We could see companies back tracking on their insistence for people to return to the office if costs keep increasing. They might be glad to get people back home if it saves them a bit of money. Employees might not be so keen this time though.
I never understood that mentality either.

I work from home and have done for years, pre pandemic.

They have an office also but once COVID kicked in all the office staff started working from home as well.

They now have a fairly substantial office sitting there more or less empty. Must be costing a fortune, and for what?
Like I say decent companies look after their staff.

Exactly, that depends who you work for. My work don't care if you charge your phone at work, they encourage you to take a shower after work, we have 3 working showers.

We have 2 canteens with everything but a working oven and all hot drinks are provided. It's just part of the company welfare and I consider myself quite fortunate, the power banks idea may be taking the **** abit though!
for the record and not taking sides..... only very recently did octopus start insisting on ev ownership for Go and Go Faster. it was always a product designed for EV car owners but anyone was allowed to join
I joined GO without a EV, I told them I had no EV just battery and solar. that was Sep 2021.
Just renewed on GO for another year from 24th September, still no EV.
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