Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

My 2021 daily average usage was 9kWh electric, 45kWh gas.

0.52 * 9 = £4.68
0.15 * 45 = £6.75

Daily Total = £11.43
Annual Total = £4,171.95
Monthly Average = £347.66

That doesn't include the standing charge which is another £22.50/month, so I can see why they wouldn't be happy with you paying £300, as that will leave you ~£840 in debt after 12 months.

As you've said, you're going to try and cut down, but unfortunately they don't know that so only have your historical usage to go on.
read the top of the tweet, the person saying 5x who clearly has no idea
Ah ok, well some dude off twitter isn't really a reliable sample, but I see your point.

Just take a look aorund your friends and family, most people arent even thinking about it really. You can say its been plastered on the news for months, but the problem is with the current news media its disaster laden news all day every day, so people who even see that pretty much glaze over it. I imagine once the bills start coming in is when it will really hit the majority of the populations psyche.
Almost everyone I know is talking about it. I do think the extent of the severity is yet to be fully recognised but I think almost everyone I know is aware its ramping.
0.52 * 9 = £4.68
0.15 * 45 = £6.75

Daily Total = £11.43
Annual Total = £4,171.95
Monthly Average = £347.66

That doesn't include the standing charge which is another £22.50/month, so I can see why they wouldn't be happy with you paying £300, as that will leave you ~£840 in debt after 12 months.

As you've said, you're going to try and cut down, but unfortunately they don't know that so only have your historical usage to go on.
Don’t forget the £66 a month grant from the government.
There’s a bin strike in Glasgow at the moment. Probably 1/3 of my street have their bins out.
Many, many, people don’t watch/engage with the news. There’ll be many oblivious people out there that’ll get a shock at some point soon.
Who is oblivious? Surely everyone knows we are all pretty screwed, the problem is no-one in power is doing anything about it.
Seems everyone i speak to doesn't understand the impact.

"Oh i just pay £30 a week on my key, that does me"

"I'm paying £150 a month, thats more then enough" says my sister in a 3 bed house with 2 teenage sons with PC's and ps5's running non stop.
There’s a bin strike in Glasgow at the moment. Probably 1/3 of my street have their bins out.
Many, many, people don’t watch/engage with the news. There’ll be many oblivious people out there that’ll get a shock at some point soon.
I dunno about down with you, but we’ve been told to put bins out as normal, but be prepared for them not to be emptied.
I don’t blame people for not watching the news it’s absolutely depressing bordering on propaganda at times. But some people are really in for some big shocks. They had a pub landlord on GMTV this morning, her electric bill has gone from £500 a month to £2500! They will not survive.
Currently paying £195 a month for a 3-bed semi detached with my wife and my 2.5 year old son.

We use about £120 of energy right now and with the price cap increase, we're most likely going to be in the red by November.

Octopus have offered a 12M fix for £390 but not sure I should do it as we're going to try and curb our electricity usage by switching off everything when it's not being used.

Eco Modes turned off, PC not left on sleep etc. Might not make a massive difference but hopefully will stop us getting into too much fuel debt over the winter.
What would actually happen with blackouts this Winter - Would they be planned with people knowing when its going to happen or just lights off with no notice ?

The cynic in me says everything will be done to spare London and the South East ahead of the rest of the country.

When I lived in Coventry in the 2000s in a regular house we lost water immediately everytime there was a power cut - so I guess the pumping station had no working backup. Where I live now we do still get water pressure when theres a powercut.

I can see how letting people know when theres going to be a cut could actually makes things worse - I know I'd be turning the heating up a few degrees above normal so the house would stay warmer for longer.
An approach should be multi facetted, a few options could be:

Zero VAT on household energy
New solar subsidy including batteries to balance grid load
Progressive marginal energy pricing so that the heaviest users pay the most for inefficiency
Fix fuel duty and VAT for personal vehicles
Increase in renewables such as offshore/Onshore wind and tidal investment
Increase nuclear investment
Progressive taxation rates for corporations
Further subsidise public bus transport costs

I'm sure there are many many other options. I can't help but feel that VAT decreases will just get swallowed up by retailers and by design will benefit the more well off anyhow.
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Don’t forget the £66 a month grant from the government.
Ah yes, good point - in which case £300/month would be just about right to stay in the black for 6 months
What would actually happen with blackouts this Winter - Would they be planned with people knowing when its going to happen or just lights off with no notice ?

The cynic in me says everything will be done to spare London and the South East ahead of the rest of the country.

When I lived in Coventry in the 2000s in a regular house we lost water immediately everytime there was a power cut - so I guess the pumping station had no working backup. Where I live now we do still get water pressure when theres a powercut.

I can see how letting people know when theres going to be a cut could actually makes things worse - I know I'd be turning the heating up a few degrees above normal so the house would stay warmer for longer.

I'd be more concerned about how this would work if businesses are sending people to WFH to try and save on costs? Or would they be scheduled to happen in the evenings? Time to stock up on candles and gas lanterns!
I can't help but feel that VAT decreases will just get swallowed up by retailers and by design will benefit the more well off anyhow.

Yeah, a VAT decrease is like using a water pistol to try and extinguish a burning petrol station.

Putting energy VAT down to 0% would save most people £10-15/month, better than nothing, but when your bill has increased by 10x that, it's not really going to change anything.
Most essential foods are already 0 VAT rated, so no help there.

For everything else, the people who really need it are going to be cutting down/out their discretionary/luxury spending anyway, so as you say, it's only going to help the people who still have money to "waste" in the first place
Fix fuel duty and VAT for personal vehicles

I've long though this was due a massive overhaul. There has to be a way of reducing it for businesses yet increasing it for personal use, although how it would work I don't know. Maybe businesses can apply for a card to use at the till? That way the price of goods and services will automatically come down.
Well for some reason my usage has jumped up again to 20kwh. This is getting frustrating. I wasn't able to turn off the immersion heater due to a faulty switch near the boiler, so I resorted to turning it off at the mains.
I've long though this was due a massive overhaul. There has to be a way of reducing it for businesses yet increasing it for personal use, although how it would work I don't know. Maybe businesses can apply for a card to use at the till? That way the price of goods and services will automatically come down.
There is nothing to fix there, it works that way by design.

If they wanted to not have the VAT apply to the duty, they could quite easily make that change, they just don’t want to because of the revenue implications of doing so.

It’s long standing government policy to increase the price of fuel (fuel duty escalator), they just keep bailing out of it for political reasons. It’s why they talk about ‘not doing it yet’ at every budget.
Well for some reason my usage has jumped up again to 20kwh. This is getting frustrating. I wasn't able to turn off the immersion heater due to a faulty switch near the boiler, so I resorted to turning it off at the mains.
Your immersion is 20kw? I thought they were 3kw max? 20kw would cost you £11 for 1 hour. that's got to be wrong.
I don’t blame people for not watching the news it’s absolutely depressing bordering on propaganda at times. But some people are really in for some big shocks. They had a pub landlord on GMTV this morning, her electric bill has gone from £500 a month to £2500! They will not survive.
I know the fillings my bill for my shop went up 100% last November and I don't know what is going to be this November bid shock!!!
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