Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

not sure how you wire up an immersion switch incorrectly , without immediate catastrophic consequences - maybe if the cable was partially trapped in the terminal block.

A smart meter on the gas should show at what point the tank has been heated up to the (daily) legionaire killing 60C, to avoid keeping it on for long periods and replenishing hot water you may not need
Swapping some of the incoming and outgoing wires could have interesting effects on some switches
IE live in wired into live out and vice versa with other cables correctly wired to in and out

Or even not putting the live into the live but say the neutral and vice versa, would have assumed a switch of that type would be at least 2 pole but who knows
I'm in the process of building my own battery backed grid-tie solar system and so far have kept it under £1000 using second-hand components aquired over the last year.

If you can source some cheap 48V lithium batteries and self-install some solar panels hung on a shed or garden fences I recommend this inverter.

The main point is you can build the system yourself and it doesn't feed any energy into the grid as it has a CT clamp sensor monitoring the main house feed.

That way, any excess power you make from solar or off-peak recharge is kept in the battery and only used when needed upto the inverters limit where the mains takes over instead of giving it to the energy company for free or some pathetic pay-back rate.
Can someone educate me here?
This shows we're exporting 13% of our generated electricity at the moment. Is this a very much spot snapshot in time for some kind of balancing purposes or is this a more sustained thing?
If so why are we burning gas at a jillion p per them just to export the electricity?

Can someone educate me here?
This shows we're exporting 13% of our generated electricity at the moment. Is this a very much spot snapshot in time for some kind of balancing purposes or is this a more sustained thing?
If so why are we burning gas at a jillion p per them just to export the electricity?


The UK produces a lot of gas. We have to do something with it.

Other countries rely on it for load balancing, that's why sometimes we export a lot. Once solar kicks in for European countries during the day I suspect it will drop.

Here is France:

Partly but also due to Tory policy we closed down significant amount of storage facilitys and they refused to foot the bill for national infrastructure and maintenance.

Yes its a global problem but 12 years of Tory`s bleeding national infrastructure dry has done nothing but back us further into the corner.
The UK produces a lot of gas. We have to do something with it.

Other countries rely on it for load balancing, that's why sometimes we export a lot. Once solar kicks in for European countries during the day I suspect it will drop.

Here is France:

all that nuclear... /jealous
Read on the telegraph asset rich normal people (ie like my parents who benefited massively from house price rises) who have huge houses (like my parents) are downsizing due to energy costs (unlike my parents!).

Last year I was saying to my gf "who's going to want all these massive houses of our generation?"

Some will, but the upkeep, cleaning, heating, etc etc doesn't seem to be a thing many people want now.
This was long before this energy price crisis all kicked off.

In future will there be enough demand for all these big houses? Or are they in for a house price drop relative to rest of the market?
Read on the telegraph asset rich normal people (ie like my parents who benefited massively from house price rises) who have huge houses (like my parents) are downsizing due to energy costs (unlike my parents!).

Last year I was saying to my gf "who's going to want all these massive houses of our generation?"

Some will, but the upkeep, cleaning, heating, etc etc doesn't seem to be a thing many people want now.
This was long before this energy price crisis all kicked off.

In future will there be enough demand for all these big houses? Or are they in for a house price drop relative to rest of the market?
When my dad was alive and living in Edinburgh, he lived in one of those areas of huge houses but most of them were split into flats.

By the time he left to go to his care home in Raynes Park for his vascular dementia, there was only one house on the street, which was the whole house and all the rest were divided in half or more.
Read on the telegraph asset rich normal people (ie like my parents who benefited massively from house price rises) who have huge houses (like my parents) are downsizing due to energy costs (unlike my parents!).

Last year I was saying to my gf "who's going to want all these massive houses of our generation?"

Some will, but the upkeep, cleaning, heating, etc etc doesn't seem to be a thing many people want now.
This was long before this energy price crisis all kicked off.

In future will there be enough demand for all these big houses? Or are they in for a house price drop relative to rest of the market?
Loads of large houses in my area get bought up and turned in to flats, much to the chagrin of the old-school NIMBY locals who failed to block them.
Loads of large houses in my area get bought up and turned in to flats, much to the chagrin of the old-school NIMBY locals who failed to block them.

Not sure who'd want to live in my parents.
Its a nice house but it's in middle of nowhere. But it's not a beauty spot. It's just a rural Suffolk village. 8 miles from the closest town.
Read on the telegraph asset rich normal people (ie like my parents who benefited massively from house price rises) who have huge houses (like my parents) are downsizing due to energy costs (unlike my parents!).

Last year I was saying to my gf "who's going to want all these massive houses of our generation?"

Some will, but the upkeep, cleaning, heating, etc etc doesn't seem to be a thing many people want now.
This was long before this energy price crisis all kicked off.

In future will there be enough demand for all these big houses? Or are they in for a house price drop relative to rest of the market?
Quite happy in my little 2 up 2 down and relieved we never went bigger tbh, although the opportunity was there.
Partly but also due to Tory policy we closed down significant amount of storage facilitys and they refused to foot the bill for national infrastructure and maintenance.

Yes its a global problem but 12 years of Tory`s bleeding national infrastructure dry has done nothing but back us further into the corner.

Gas use should have been declining so made sense not to invest in it - if only Labour had invested in those nuclear reactors we would be in much better position now.
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