Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Blocked by the Lib Dems during that awful coalition period - Boris has now signed off on the investment in more though.

Its just a shame that you somehow always manage to get it wrong

Its a nice house but it's in middle of nowhere. But it's not a beauty spot. It's just a rural Suffolk village. 8 miles from the closest town.
Sounds like exactly what I have and where I live.
It’s perfect in every way, surrounded by fields, no noise and apart from the odd tractor, no traffic.
Urban jungle, no ta.
Sounds like exactly what I have and where I live.
It’s perfect in every way, surrounded by fields, no noise and apart from the odd tractor, no traffic.
Urban jungle, no ta.

I like and want a more rural setting. But I'm no fan of the Suffolk countryside.

Just field after field after field. Why I moved away from Suffolk. The scenery just isn't my thing.
You clearly missed the 'as long as it's not subsidised' bit lol..

Also didn't they basically block fracking as well..

Well talk about changing the goal posts

At the time, in peak austerity lets not forget do you actually honestly think the tories would have wanted to publicly fund nuclear
(just a tip/reminder before you go on one of your (yet again wrong) rants about me being a corbynista again, I am a fully paid up member of the conservative and unionist party)

The simple truth is no one was really wanting to pay for nuclear back then, and they still don't today. Cameron was actually quite green.
Like many the LDs changed their views on nuclear, completely rationally, when the full scope of climate change began to be accepted.

And and FWIW Boris has done naff all, all he has done is allocated (which can be undone) part of the already ring fenced funds for nuclear to the Sizewell C site.
Its also only a fraction of whats needed and the rest of the money to get it built is NOT allocated since they were looking for foreign investment and basically ended up with only EDF left.
EDF who are basically a french nationalised energy supplier lets not forget.
Talk about taking back control, not.

Blocking fracking totally makes sense, we missed the time to do that, we are transitioning away from fossils and better spent focussing our efforts there.
The NIMBYism on fracking would be far worse than on shore wind, and the Tories are banning that due to NIMBYism right now...
Must admit full rural countryside isn't my thing either.

If I could pick a nice location to live, it would be overlooking some nice mountains! some really good locations in places like Austria for that.

Failing that, a nice view over the sea (but wouldn't want to be too near in case my house falls into the sea due to erosion).

Being within fields is a little boring I agree :)
Well talk about changing the goal posts

At the time, in peak austerity lets not forget do you actually honestly think the tories would have wanted to publicly fund nuclear
(just a tip/reminder before you go on one of your (yet again wrong) rants about me being a corbynista again, I am a fully paid up member of the conservative and unionist party)

The simple truth is no one was really wanting to pay for nuclear back then, and they still don't today. Cameron was actually quite green.
Like many the LDs changed their views on nuclear, completely rationally, when the full scope of climate change began to be accepted.

And and FWIW Boris has done naff all, all he has done is allocated (which can be undone) part of the already ring fenced funds for nuclear to the Sizewell C site.
Its also only a fraction of whats needed and the rest of the money to get it built is NOT allocated since they were looking for foreign investment and basically ended up with only EDF left.
EDF who are basically a french nationalised energy supplier lets not forget.
Talk about taking back control, not.

Blocking fracking totally makes sense, we missed the time to do that, we are transitioning away from fossils and better spent focussing our efforts there.
The NIMBYism on fracking would be far worse than on shore wind, and the Tories are banning that due to NIMBYism right now...

So the Lib Dems did effectively block it - its hardly the Tories fault if no private enterprise wanted to build them.

Boris is only PM until next week so can only do so much.

Re blocking fracking - if that made sense as we are 'moving away from fossils' why would investing in gas make sense?
So the Lib Dems did effectively block it - its hardly the Tories fault if no private enterprise wanted to build them.

Boris is only PM until next week so can only do so much.

Re blocking fracking - if that made sense as we are 'moving away from fossils' why would investing in gas make sense?

Honestly whats the matter with you. Why can't you accept when facts disagree with your views. Simply the LDs were NOT blocking it as you claimed.
I suspect you have no idea what our policy was in regards energy at that point....

Boris has been PM for 2 years, hes done naff all all that time, hes not committed at all. Hes playing to the crowd as he always does. And some people fall for it, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I'm not sure what you mean by investing in gas. If you mean energy production its been quite low actually, and there is a massive difference between production of electricity from gas, and gas production. Especially gas production ON shore which as I said due to NIMBYism would basically never have worked out.
Honestly whats the matter with you. Why can't you accept when facts disagree with your views. Simply the LDs were NOT blocking it as you claimed.
I suspect you have no idea what our policy was in regards energy at that point....

Boris has been PM for 2 years, hes done naff all all that time, hes not committed at all. Hes playing to the crowd as he always does. And some people fall for it, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I'm not sure what you mean by investing in gas. If you mean energy production its been quite low actually, and there is a massive difference between production of electricity from gas, and gas production. Especially gas production ON shore which as I said due to NIMBYism would basically never have worked out.
Try and keep up..

From your own link the LD's were blocking any subsidy in nuclear so without private investment they were effectively blocking any new nuclear.

Boris has had other priorities over the last 2 years - how quickly people forget covid lol...

I'm referring to criticisms that the Tories didn't invest in gas storage - you agree this wouldn't have made sense 'as we are moving away from fossils'?..
Boris has had other priorities over the last 2 years - how quickly people forget covid lol...

Yep. Partying and keeping his sex pests in power, filling his cronies pockets with our cash. He's certainly been busy, just doing all the wrong things.

Yep just ignore Ukraine and vaccines and focus on HR issues in Whitehall lol..

Captain Hindsight would be proud of you.
Try and keep up..

From your own link the LD's were blocking any subsidy in nuclear so without private investment they were effectively blocking any new nuclear.

Boris has had other priorities over the last 2 years - how quickly people forget covid lol...

I'm referring to criticisms that the Tories didn't invest in gas storage - you agree this wouldn't have made sense 'as we are moving away from fossils'?..

Try and keep up? I have to try to work out what you little one liners mean before I have a hope to reply!
Yes without private investment, again you seem to forget, we were facing austerity, nuclear has always been more expensive so public backing being refused was completely logical!

People don't forget COVID, its just we can see through him, and your still under his spell.
He is, was, and will always remain a useless PM.
Hes done my party a lot of damage.

The criticism, I actually think partly misguidedly, was that they scrapped most of the storage we did have, to move to a JIT type model for gas.
In normal times the UK really doesn't need storage, and we never really had that much anyway. Certainly not the sorts of level Germany has, so even if we had kept our storage anyway it would have made naff all difference in what we face now.
And Fracking is a different consideration and question to storage. Just because they both refer to gas doesn't make them the same thing.
Flipping between the two on a whim with no indication really is just showing up yet again your clueless and want to make weak snipes from an uninformed and as usual incorrect position.
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