Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Partly but also due to Tory policy we closed down significant amount of storage facilitys and they refused to foot the bill for national infrastructure and maintenance.

Yes its a global problem but 12 years of Tory`s bleeding national infrastructure dry has done nothing but back us further into the corner.
The country is run like the factories in the 70s, no investment except the absolute minimal. 700million contribution to a plant instead of the full 20 billion as it should be, typical kick the can down the road as the consequence of that we will pay more for the power produced.
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Try and keep up? I have to try to work out what you little one liners mean before I have a hope to reply!
Yes without private investment, again you seem to forget, we were facing austerity, nuclear has always been more expensive so public backing being refused was completely logical!

People don't forget COVID, its just we can see through him, and your still under his spell.
He is, was, and will always remain a useless PM.
Hes done my party a lot of damage.

The criticism, I actually think partly misguidedly, was that they scrapped most of the storage we did have, to move to a JIT type model for gas.
In normal times the UK really doesn't need storage, and we never really had that much anyway. Certainly not the sorts of level Germany has, so even if we had kept our storage anyway it would have made naff all difference in what we face now.
And Fracking is a different consideration and question to storage. Just because they both refer to gas doesn't make them the same thing.
Flipping between the two on a whim with no indication really is just showing up yet again your clueless and want to make weak snipes from an uninformed and as usual incorrect position.

The one liners are to help you as you seem to struggle keeping up. Let me make it simpler..

So, again, regardless of the reasons the LD's effectively blocked nuclear? Yes or no?

So, again, was covid more a priority over the last two years than new nuclear? Yes or no?

So, again, did investing in fossil fuels make sense as we are moving away from them? Yes or no?

Your 'my party' nonsense isn't fooling anyone lol..
The one liners are to help you as you seem to struggle keeping up. Let me make it simpler..

So, again, regardless of the reasons the LD's effectively blocked nuclear? Yes or no?

So, again, was covid more a priority over the last two years than new nuclear? Yes or no?

So, again, did investing in fossil fuels make sense as we are moving away from them? Yes or no?

Your 'my party' nonsense isn't fooling anyone lol..

One liners to help me, your the one who doesn't seem to be able to get anything across straight.

Pointless debating with you, closed mind.

As I said last time you idiotically accused me of being a corbynista I have posted for years and mentioned being a member, years.
Its not to try to fool a fool, its because its a fact.

You can't accept when your wrong. So flail about changing the definition, moving the goal posts.
Again, I gave you a tip which you failed, go look at the energy strategy.

Trying to boil everything down to simple yes no like that shows how simple your mind needs things to be.
No wonder your always wrong.
One liners to help me, your the one who doesn't seem to be able to get anything across straight.

Pointless debating with you, closed mind.

As I said last time you idiotically accused me of being a corbynista I have posted for years and mentioned being a member, years.
Its not to try to fool a fool, its because its a fact.

You can't accept when your wrong. So flail about changing the definition, moving the goal posts.
Again, I gave you a tip which you failed, go look at the energy strategy.

Trying to boil everything down to simple yes no like that shows how simple your mind needs things to be.
No wonder your always wrong.

Load of old deflection - same old... sad
So it was just throwing juice into this black hole of an immersion heater?

If there is one minor good thing out of all of this energy crisis stuff, it's that stuff like this can be discovered and fixed!

Pretty much, it was using almost half our daily electricity usage! And yeah if it wasn't for the prise rises then we would have never have known about that switch until it was too late!
CapitalOne apparently has me on ignore but always seems to know the content and comment on my posts lol.

To address the point the financial impacts from covid are very much still an issue, the actual disease not so much..
Why didn't you help my mum more? :D

But really I want a bit of wilderness.
Where not everywhere is just arable fields.
If I end up staying in UK mid/west Wales is more my thing.

We understand, it's a sheep thing, isn't it? ;) However Suffolk do have their own breed of sheep, but perhaps they're not as, ahem, "amenable" as the Welsh ones? :)
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