Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Blocking fracking totally makes sense, we missed the time to do that, we are transitioning away from fossils and better spent focussing our efforts there.
The NIMBYism on fracking would be far worse than on shore wind, and the Tories are banning that due to NIMBYism right now...
I hate NIMBYism however if it comes to fracking I am a fully signed up NIMBY. not in my back yard, not in your back yard either. nuclear is not ideal but is necessary for now. I would much rather effort be put into renewables as well as in
I am no expert but at a glance thorium looks a promising longer term nuclear ...... far shorter half-life on the waste and the reaction is more controllable. (in the interests of honesty.... I failed the chemistry part of my degree however - luckily not a core module - so someone more qualified than me may say I am talking crap.... but it seems more plausible than fusion to me at this point.
not sure if true but I have read we would likely have a number of thorium reactors now but development was squashed back in the day as it doesn't have much use in weapons.
I hate NIMBYism however if it comes to fracking I am a fully signed up NIMBY. not in my back yard, not in your back yard either. nuclear is not ideal but is necessary for now. I would much rather effort be put into renewables as well as in
I am no expert but at a glance thorium looks a promising longer term nuclear ...... far shorter half-life on the waste and the reaction is more controllable. (in the interests of honesty.... I failed the chemistry part of my degree however - luckily not a core module - so someone more qualified than me may say I am talking crap.... but it seems more plausible that fusion to me at this point

Same as me, we missed the logical window to fracking, and I still insist we would be in the same place now even if we had of backed it.
I think many people are now reluctant backers of nuclear but remain anti fracking. Certainly the label I would label myself with. (Its expensive my main objection but I see the base load side as more important)
Nuclear frankly we need.
I still cant believe someone (not you) can honestly think the tories would have backed STATE nuclear. Absolutely zero evidence, fundamentally we object to state ownership, although personally now I am far more convinced we should have more state ownership of assets of national importance, but run independently of government.

I mean you would be hard pressed to find any logical person who is against on shore wind but pro fracking. And there remains enough anti on shore wind sentiment to basically have that banned by a government running scared.
Logged on to Bulb app last night - was welcomed with -

Your £290 payment is not enough - you now need to pay £450 a month.... Account is currently £400 in credit, I used £90 electric and £22 gas last month. I know winter useage ramps up but still a sore 60% increase!
I had the opposite.
Switched to Octopus yesterday, they want to take only about 60% of my current DD (180 vs 330) so I will need to up that as soon as I can.

Going to be interesting to check my consumption figures (I am returning to them) from when I was last with them to now.
They seem to indicate more gas than I expected but less electricity. Electric I can understand I know I am using more right now with chia mining, but the gap was larger than I expected.
Genuinely expect I am going to need to stick £500 in as my monthly DD amount at the start :(
If anyone is on Octopus and sitting on the variable leccy tariff. Give them a call and ask to be put on Go Faster (40p peak, 4 hours @ 7.5p or 5 hours @ 8.25p) fixed for 12 months and say you have an EV on order if they ask, I wasnt asked for proof and they switched me straight over (Although I have an EV on order). I know a bunch of people who have moved over and dont have an EV on order.

Worse case, they notice after a long time and move you back to variable.
If anyone is on Octopus and sitting on the variable leccy tariff. Give them a call and ask to be put on Go Faster (40p peak, 4 hours @ 7.5p or 5 hours @ 8.25p) fixed for 12 months and say you have an EV on order if they ask. I know a bunch of people who have moved over and dont have an EV.

Worse case, they notice after a long time and move you back to variable.

Thats not really worst case is it

Worst case they say you should never have been on this tariff and rebill you on variable as if you had never been on go. Creating a large balance outstanding.
Its technically fraud as well, although I doubt anyone would actually do anything about it.
Thats not really worst case is it

Worst case they say you should never have been on this tariff and rebill you on variable as if you had never been on go. Creating a large balance outstanding.
Its technically fraud as well, although I doubt anyone would actually do anything about it.

Reserve a Tesla Model X for £100 (fully refundable) that are not due in the country for another year. Then you're not lying, no fraud.
They move you onto the Tariff when it arrives not when you add an order
That is not what they are doing. They moved me onto the tariff last week and I don't have the car yet. I'm not alone, they do it to everyone.

I told them I have an EV on order and not due yet but wanted to go on the tariff ready, they switched me straight over.

Go used to be for anyone not just EV owners, maybe they still using as such.

Octopus now give an extra spin on wheel of fortune if you have a smart meter (for each meter).


All 4 spins £0 for me today.
Ha yeah. I don't have smart gas meter but in the two year or so with Octopus I have never won on the wheel of fortune lol. I am pretty sure it is rare otherwise they be giving so much away.
Ha yeah. I don't have smart gas meter but in the two year or so with Octopus I have never won on the wheel of fortune lol. I am pretty sure it is rare otherwise they be giving so much away.

My gas meter used to be smart but it's become dumb.

It's less important, but electric meter is happy to send readings, gas meter just sits there doing nothing :cool:
I am no expert but at a glance thorium looks a promising longer term nuclear ...... far shorter half-life on the waste and the reaction is more controllable. (in the interests of honesty.... I failed the chemistry part of my degree however - luckily not a core module - so someone more qualified than me may say I am talking crap.... but it seems more plausible than fusion to me at this point.
not sure if true but I have read we would likely have a number of thorium reactors now but development was squashed back in the day as it doesn't have much use in weapons.

All true, but unproven technology, so cant be developed off the shelf. Maybe something to work on for the... even longer term

I did read somewhere recently that the UK has the largest stocks in the world of civil-grade plutonium. All left over from reprocessing for others, but they dont want it back. Rather than having it slowly decay over the next several million or so years... maybe better to fission it for power. As for the waste from THAT. An 'Actinide cooker' could be the way to go. Bombarding medium level radioactive stuff with neutrons within a nuclear reactor and reprocessing that. Very high-level (and consequently short-lived) isotopes left to cool off. Very low-level waist that cant be used for power generation put into long-term repositories. The medium-level stuff with half-lives from tens of years to tens of thousands... goes around again.
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