Energy Suppliers

If i go to get a key meter load up a years worth gas/ele before april will i avoid the price increase if i do not put any money in april ?
Yes and no.

Yes doing this could avoid the rate increase.

No b cause no provider will install a key based meter only smart Pay as you go.

i get that not using the key for a year so the pricing on the meter doesnt update is a strategy but wouldnt it be the case when you top up eventually the key will backdate the pricing and everything will be recalculated on the suppliers side once they have the consumption data?
i get that not using the key for a year so the pricing on the meter doesnt update is a strategy but wouldnt it be the case when you top up eventually the key will backdate the pricing and everything will be recalculated on the suppliers side once they have the consumption data?

i honestly dont think it would work. The prices would still update with the supplier and my understanding is when you finally top up again ti will backdate the price changes which would then create a debt on the meter

Nope not allowed to back charge for price increases.
Although it would work as when you next stick the key/card into the meter after a top up it will update the registers. But when you do eventually get hit with the increase it's going to hurt like hell!
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Nope not allowed to back charge for price increases.

Its not really retroactively applying a missed increase though, the increase happened its just that the customer is avoiding it. I've asked the question with some of our guys as never really seen this scenario and not saying your right or wrong but will confirm from my end.

I would have though there was some reg or agreement in place to cover this kind of evasion
Its not really retroactively applying a missed increase though, the increase happened its just that the customer is avoiding it. I've asked the question with some of our guys as never really seen this scenario and not saying your right or wrong but will confirm from my end.

I would have though there was some reg or agreement in place to cover this kind of evasion
The idea is the customer regularly Topps up, there for updating the registers and unit costs. If you don't top up then the registers and tariffs don't update
Some people like to be in control. Also for a while now the top up meters are not as penalised as they used to be.

Some folk just like seeing what there paying for some cannot budget some suck at maths

That may well be the case but pre-energy crisis they couldn’t access the best tariffs either so it was a double whammy of extra costs.

For some periods in recent years I was paying a good 30% below the SVR DD tariff, not including sign up bonuses like cash back or referral credit. The PAYG people always paid above the SVR rate.

I’m not sure ‘control’ is worth paying 30%+ extra over the years if you can have a credit meter. It would be like someone complaining their insurance costs were high but only bought from high street banks face to face.
The idea is the customer regularly Topps up, there for updating the registers and unit costs. If you don't top up then the registers and tariffs don't update

But the tarrifs do update on the suppliers systems regardless fo when the key is entered which if its not input for a long time would create a difference between consumed electric on the meter compared to the supplier systems. Overall the settlement/PVS for the energy, which the regulatory bodies are interested in is done using the suppliers billing systems not the meters.
But the tarrifs do update on the suppliers systems regardless fo when the key is entered which if its not input for a long time would create a difference between consumed electric on the meter compared to the supplier systems. Overall the settlement/PVS for the energy, which the regulatory bodies are interested in is done using the suppliers billing systems not the meters.
Unless the meter is updated there is no change to the tariff charged. A supplier cannot back charge for a tariff increase.
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Got my elec rates for 1/4/22 from UW yesterday.

Standing charge - 38.361p/day+VAT
Unit rate - 28.08p+VAT

boo hiss

These standing charges are criminal, especially as ofgem have cleared it. The cap is specific for both SC and unit rates. I consider the SC an effective tax at this point.
These standing charges are criminal, especially as ofgem have cleared it. The cap is specific for both SC and unit rates. I consider the SC an effective tax at this point.

Your paying the bill for all the failed companies. As everyone has to pay it regardless of how much energy they use, it's a guaranteed amount of income.
Your paying the bill for all the failed companies. As everyone has to pay it regardless of how much energy they use, it's a guaranteed amount of income.

Probably via the most unfair method possible, takes no account of ability to pay. You have said what I said really, its effectively a tax.
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