Ignore, I'm not having a smart meter, thats for sure.
I was also tempted by this tarriff as well until I read about the smart meter requirement.
Ignore, I'm not having a smart meter, thats for sure.
Its not a requirement to have a Smart Meter to join
I just switched again, fixed for 12 months this time with money saving expert switch deal.
Got bored of changing every few months as the prices keep going up and up. Only 2 providers were cheaper but not by much and are variable. The referrals helped though!
Received, thanksReferral link sent via trust
Finally found an officail Wholesale Gas Price chart
The thing that grabs my attention is that while prices are fairly high atm (62p/therm) they've been higher in 2013 (86p/therm) and anther peak in 2015 (53p/therm) and I'd hazzard a guess when those rises occured we got the usual Utilities price increases accross the board but when they dipped afterwards, did we get any decreases? I think I recall one price decrease in the last 8-10 years but probably 10+ increases usually in the 2-5% range all of which in my mind adds up to a lot of compounded increases vs 1 decrease. against a fairly flat looking overall price over the last 10 years.
Is someone able to perhaps correlate this graph against for example British Gas's tarrif over the same period as I do think we're being screwed with not getting corresponding price decreases when prices go down but almost immediatly the price goes up, the tarrifs we pay go up?
FYI got an email yesterday from OutFox the Market stating direct debits are to change depending on season
So pay less during summer and more during winter to avoid bill shock