Energy Suppliers

Sounds suspiciously like what happened at Iresa, huge and unnecessary increases in their customers direct debits in a kind of money grab prior to closing down :(
my landlord switched our heating/hotwater billing from their own website to insight-energy
Never sent out letters telling anyone they were going to be taking over billing...

costs were crazy expensive compared to the old rate we had...
Seems a lot of people complained about it because the other day I got a letter stating insite-energy will be taking over our energy payments..

in the letter it says "based on tenants feedback the charges are being adjusted"
standing charge up 25%, actual unit cost down a massive 75%

Seems insite energy were trying to pull a fast one or had no idea what we were being charged before...
The whole thing seems really bizarre, I don't see why our landlord needed a third party to collect payments when they have a system set up for web payments for rent and one with a separate statement for heating/hotwater costs.

It's not like it's some small landlord, they employ thousands of people across the country, have their own call centres, own repair people etc
I don't see how it saves them any money unless they also own this company.
Surely paying less in the summer but more in the winter is exactly bill shock? Most I've seen even it out over the year, so you build up some credit during the summer which is eaten through during the winter.
It is, however, if you use most outside of 4-7pm it would be cheaper. Their standard is ~13p kWh, off peak would be 12p and overnight only 7.45p so.of people use most outside there could be an opportunity to save.

That bulb contract does sound a bit of a marketting gimmick ... and motivates me to swap away from them.

I cannot find information on the web, of number of customers, each vendor has ?

But did see a more interesting tarif (probably missed it on thread)
Octopus customers save money with TuEToU tariff
In February, Octopus Energy launched the first smart ToU tariff, Agile Octopus, offering consumers half-hourly pricing reflecting the real prices at which Octopus buys electricity in the day-ahead market and the various network and other costs that apply.

Agile customers are able to check their prices for the following day online and through an app at 4:30pm every day, allowing them to see when the cheapest times will be the next day, and enabling them to make decisions about consumption based on these prices. The tariff also includes a cap at 35p /kWh, to protect customers from the effects of market price spikes.

Octopus analysed the behaviour of its Agile customers after being on the tariff for six months and found that 28% showed a statistically significant change in peak time usage, dropping peak usage from 16% to 11.5% of their daily consumption. This resulted in a reduction in peak demand of an average of 15.62 kWh per month. Overall, peak use was reduced by 28.19%.

They also found that the more engaged Agile customers saved the most money – the top 25% most engaged customers saved £91 compared with an Octopus 12 month fixed tariff, and £229 compared with the average large legacy supplier standard tariff. Electric vehicle drivers were found to change their behaviour the most, achieving savings of £132 on average, compared with an Octopus fixed tariff. The most active Agile EV customers dropped the proportion of power they used in the peak period by 47%.

...we normally eat xmas day meal about 3pm .....

from Bulb:

We need to increase your payments


Based on your recent meter reading, your energy costs more than expected. To cover this, we need to increase your payments from £82 to £138 a month.

We'll do this automatically on 4th December, 2018.

L..... O..... L
with Bulb you can just adjust your payment as you need ? lastest email i had included this, so just work out what you need to pay

Useful things to know
Your account should have some credit
Having credit in your account will keep your account healthy all year round. If it's in debit, your payments might be too low. We'll be in touch if you're paying too much or too little.

You can change your payments quickly online
Going away? Guests staying for a few months? You can change your payments in your Bulb Account to reflect any changes at home
from Bulb:

We need to increase your payments


Based on your recent meter reading, your energy costs more than expected. To cover this, we need to increase your payments from £82 to £138 a month.

We'll do this automatically on 4th December, 2018.

L..... O..... L
EON did that to me, from £76 to £150 a month! Of course, when I left them a few months later I was in credit by quite a bit. Conning ********!
from Bulb:

We need to increase your payments


Based on your recent meter reading, your energy costs more than expected. To cover this, we need to increase your payments from £82 to £138 a month.

We'll do this automatically on 4th December, 2018.

L..... O..... L

They did this to me (well, it increased by ten quid), but I'm in plenty of credit and am not using that kind of energy, so I just logged in and reduced my payment back to what it was.
Right I need to sort my switch out, the ones that are able to offer referrals are they worth it and well priced?
I went with Octopus from British Gas back in September. The whole process was smooth sailing and I am paying £125 a month for both gas/elec under a fixed tariff. Wish I'd done this sooner tbh as I've been with BG for just over 10yrs... :o
It seems the general consensus is to go with PP due to the price hike with Octopus Energy?
If so, does anyone have a referral code for PP please?

Also, general I making the right decision to go with PP?

Possibly the right choice, only you can decide but I do think their pricing method is fair and transparent.

PP referral link sent. Thanks if you use :)

Thank you Kermit :)

Yep, it is pretty much playing the game each year by the looks of it with energy suppliers...
I'm with Economy Energy and I've been reading that they may be in a bad way. The problem for me is that I'm in credit to about £500+ !

What will happen if they go bust ? Also can I cancel my next DD ?
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