Poll: Erik ten Hag Sack Watch & Next Manchester United Manager?

To sack or not to sack

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5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
Because they are taking their time making a considered decision behind closed doors?

Rushing the process because some fans have the attention span of a gnat isn't going to result in better outcomes.
If you think this has all been well handled and the club doesn’t look like a joke, then I may have the attention span of gnat but you’ve the IQ of one (joke) :p

We’re a laughing stock. Plain and simple.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Credible reports today that Ratcliffe met with Tuchel recently to discuss the job, some saying he's ruled himself out, others that he's under consideration along with the other names mentioned.

This surely means ETH is gone, you don't have the owners meeting other managers, actively looking to replace him... and then decide to keep him. His position has been seriously undermined.

9 Jun 2004
Is this all about getting ETH to quit so they can save paying him off?

Beyond it being clear that they don't back ETH, I'm really struggling to understand why Utd are allowing this to play out the way it is. It's either a case that they want to replace him but have no idea who with so are holding off sacking him until they've got a replacement lined up. Or that replacement (Southgate) is lined up but they can't appoint him yet due to the Euros so are delaying sacking ETH to keep the focus off the replacement. Or they want ETH to quit to save a few £.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I really don’t see the issue. Seems people would like us to come out and back the manager and then sack him in a few weeks as that’s the classy thing to do…
9 Mar 2006
Doesn't that fall under the first option I put forward? Unless of course you're disputing the starting point that they've already decided they want to replace ETH?
The trying to get him to quit? No obviously not. You seriously think that they're trying to embarrass him? Don't be silly. All the articles are coming from other parties, not INEOS. Today it's Tuchel's crew. It's perfectly plausible that they've told ETH they're going to consider their options but haven't ruled out continuing with him.
9 Jun 2004
The trying to get him to quit? No obviously not. You seriously think that they're trying to embarrass him? Don't be silly. All the articles are coming from other parties, not INEOS. Today it's Tuchel's crew. It's perfectly plausible that they've told ETH they're going to consider their options but haven't ruled out continuing with him.
Trying to get him to quit was just one of three options I put forward though. I'm not sure it's that silly either given how we've already seen how Ratcliffe has tried to get Utd staff to quit rather than making them redundant.

I'd have loved to have seen that hypothetical conversation too. No football club is going out speaking to potential new managers, let alone also telling their existing manager about it, if they have not already decided that the existing manager has no long term future at the club.
9 Mar 2006
Why not? Company takeovers make existing employees re-interview for their jobs all the time. Seems pretty reasonable to me for them to see what is out there, and if there is a better option before making a decision. We're only hearing about it because managers agents are leaking it, unfortunately we can't have any control of that. If it was INEOS trying to get ETH to quit the articles would be coming from Stone/Ornstein etc.
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22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
What ever they are doing. They need to do it quick. United will be into pre season in a little over a month.

Problem is if they do keep ETH they are just setting him up to fail because the support this summer is going to be basically none existent.

I also worry a bit they cannot afford to sack ETH because of FFP a bit like when Leicester kept a hold of Rodgers for so long. Only sacking him at the last minute as desperation to stay up. Especially with the rumours that we have 35 million this summer and that's it.
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3 Oct 2010
Mickeymouse United FC
To be fair it makes a fair degree sense to do as is being reported. Interview some candidates and see how they shape up against the incumbent. They have given ten Hag the respect of not being sacked without a full process. They may even have told ten Hag they plan to speak with other candidates as part of the review. Lets see what this week brings. I suspect there will be a decision one way or another.
9 Jun 2004
Why not? Company takeovers make existing employees re-interview for their jobs all the time. Seems pretty reasonable to me for them to see what is out there, and if there is a better option before making a decision. We're only hearing about it because managers agents are leaking it, unfortunately we can't have any control of that. If it was INEOS trying to get ETH to quit the articles would be coming from Stone/Ornstein etc.
Why not? You have got to be kidding with that first point. Because of everything we're seeing right now. Your own fans already beginning to turn on Ineos, calling the club a laughing stock and Mickymouse FC, let alone what rival fans are saying. You cannot compare the managerial position of one of the biggest football clubs in the world with <random position> at <random company> because those roles do not come with 0.0001% of the public scrutiny and they don't have 25 multimillionaires with massive egos working under them.

The message that all this sends out is loud and clear and it's that Ineos don't rate ETH. Anybody that doesn't believe that is kidding themselves. ETH has already struggled to deal with egos and tarts in the Utd dressing room and having his position undermined all summer will only make his job 10x harder next season, should he still be in a job.

And whether this particular story came from Utd's or Tuchel's end (I've seen Oli Kay, who has connections at Utd, in The Athletic write a variation of the same story) I'm not sure however there's been non stop stories around ETH's future from journo's at Utd's end. But anyway, I was merely thinking out loud. I struggle to see why Utd have allowed this to play out in the media the way they have and the only certainty I can take from this is they don't back ETH.
9 Mar 2006
Every fanbase has idiot fans, United have the biggest fanbase so have a lot of idiots. If you're judging INEOS by what a few idiots are saying then wow. We'd never get anywhere if we fail every time a fan says something stupid. I'm pretty sure INEOS don't give a **** what a minority of morons are saying on the internet and will take the time they need to make the decision, not rush to a decision to appease people that have no patience.
12 Jan 2006
One thing's for sure, if they do now decide to keep Ten Hag and he somehow manages to make any sort of half decent start to the season, it'll be a minor miracle. The longer the uncertainty continues the more the cards are being stacked against any kind of successful continuation to his time at Old Trafford.

Personally, I didn't think there was a standout candidate to replace him. And seems maybe Ineos are in a similar boat, given they seem to be hedging their bets as much as possible. The longer they take, the more I think they'd have been better to back him now and quietly work on getting their ducks in order between now and January.
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