erm... I think they've kicked me out of uni

It's university, it's independent learning...and they have registers?

They might just do it for the first lecture or two - some people sign up for modules and don't actually turn up. If they know you haven't turned up week 1, certainly by week 2, they'll take your name off so somebody else can get on.
Not until he's pumped his tutor and then entire IT department with steamy hot lead from his oddly coloured 3minute MAC10

haha, personally i'm awaiting the next doughnuts with no jam in them thread....maybe he can do apple this time?

in all serious, to the OP you need help and i mean REAL help. you posts often are about you being depressed (even if they are BS), or people killing themselves, or just general **** (like the jam doughnuts), please go and see a doctor.
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I don't have any friends at uni, yet, hopefully.

And I also mentioned that the timetables are messed up. Even the office staff were confused. There's no paper based timetables to photocopy, they're all scattered on the intranet and internet.

oh noes so you would have to print them off the intranet... Can you not politely ask one of your classmates? How are you going to get to be friends if you don't talk to them?
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