The patch you have been waiting for - 0.10 - it will be released September, 18.
You can find an updated list of patch changes below.
There will be NO wipe with this patch.
- Improved network synchronization of doors
- Synchronization of the corpses positions
- Adjusted grenade synchronization
- Improved synchronization of loot that gets dropped on location
- Redesigned control settings system
- New redesigned system of network interpolation (improving precision of movement, reducing delays)
- Weapon parts and mods for SA-58
- Mosin-Nagant
- New Covert Movement skill
- New graphics settings to limit the FPS in the game and the menu
AI Improvements:
- Adjustments of unalerted boss behavior
- Fixed the bug that caused multiple bots to stand in one point one point while on patrol
- Fixed the bug that caused boss and his detail to get stuck in the grenade throwing posture
- Adjusted grenade throw, adjusted the angle of throw
- Fixed the bug that prevented bots from checking their surroundings when stopping
- The common bots are no longer aiming at the head
- Bots who have heard the sound of a firefight, no longer look towards a potential target
- Fixed the bug that caused the bot to search for a position on suppression request
- Fixed the bug that prevented bots from reloading while providing suppression
- Adjustments were made to bots’ hearing, now they don’t completely ignore the players behind their backs
- Bots no longer shoot above them when they are prone
- Looting items handling optimization
- Shadow performance optimization
- Procedural animations performance optimization
- Optimization of network traffic consumption
- Optimization of weapon modifications and weapons’ models and LOD groups
- Optimized character spawning in the raid, reduced frequency and severity of freezes on spawn
- Fixed various bugs that were causing other cases of freezes
Fixes to locations:
- The curbstone near the new gas station that used to disappear prematurely
- Fixed the problem of players getting behind the gate at the paid exit with an SUV at the Customs
- Scav exit from the Factory now doesn’t overlap with the safe
- Fixed shadow geometry in one of the wall gaps in the Resort
- Fixed the catch between the crates at the Factory that could get you stuck
- Fixed loot, quest zones, and bugs in the nighttime Factory
- Customs gas station culling correction
- Culling correction of geometry behind the two-storeyed dorm at the Customs
- Fixed sticking catch in the Resort, on the second floor of the West Wing
- The Shoreline tower door can now be opened in both directions
- Adjusted the Woods spawn points to avoid excessive spawn proximity
- Corrections made to the toppled grenade box in the Woods
- Fixed the Factory door that was causing the invulnerability glitch
- Adjusted spawn points at the Customs
- Fixed spawning algorithm errors that sometimes caused late and close spawns
- Added new loot points and containers on the Shoreline
- Interchange - bots can now see-through glass at the IDEA entrance
- Flashing light at the sawmill
- Flashing chemlights at the Interchange
Interface fixes:
- Fixed screen overlapping that sometimes occurred on server connection loss
- Now the revert button only resets the current tab of the settings
- The pointer does not disappear on the weapon modding screen
- Fixed tutorial soft-lock learning on clicking Back
- Weapons Inspector now displays the correct weapon accuracy
- Resolution change now requires a confirmation
- Settings now allow clearing of what has been assigned
- The quick equip action (ALT+LMB) now plays a sound appropriate to the equipped item
- Combining two stacks of rounds now plays an ammunition movement sound
- It is now possible to cancel the editing of controls
- Cash from the rewards screen now goes to stash on CTRL+LMB
- If there were changes made to the settings, a confirmation window is displayed
- The depleted consumable items now disappear from the Quick Access bar
- Death count now gets updated in the stats after the raid
- Fixed bug that kept the binding of items even after they were moved to a corpse
- Timers don’t twitch now (changed to a monospaced font)
- Centered item pivots
- While searching containers and corpses you now get to see how much space is occupied by the items that are not yet discovered
- Fixed bug where extraction countdown would become negative
- Bug with the Traders resupply timer not refreshing, now it is updated in a couple of minutes
- Scav players now see the correct PMC name in the kill list if the dog tag was taken
Visual fixes:
- Now the vegetation is not disabled regardless of Nvidia Inspector settings
- If there is a flashlight attached to the weapon, the weapon base doesn’t cast a shadow
- Removed the white stripe from HAMR while aiming
- Density (brightness) of searchlights’ Volumetric Light is reduced by half
- Improved shader for glass visors
- Fixed a visual bug of grass strobing during the rain
- Fixed bug that sometimes made the grenade explosion invisible
- Removed sun flare effect from reflex sights and scopes
- Fixed the FOV change related bug that led to problems in displaying scopes and reflex sights sights
- Fixed the FOV change related bug that caused weapons to shot off the reflex sights’ reticles
- Corrected laser dazzle, it now occurs if the ray is directed straight into the character’s eyes
- Adjusted the reflection intensity on materials of objects during cloudy or rainy weather
- Raindrops now don’t disappear from hands if the character gets shot
- Fixed black reticles of certain sights
- Visor shader is now correctly displayed in the fog
- Fixed Elcan optics bug that allowed to zoom in perpetually
- Fixed bug that caused night scope illumination to disappear when aiming at the glass
- Corrected some inaccuracies and visual problems with movement and animations of the characters in the third person
- Fixed a noticeable disappearance of another players’ lights, depending on the perspective and distance
- Fixed the reticle orientation in the reflex sights mounted in alternative positions
- Fixed the bug that made reflex sight reticles invisible on smoke
- Improved display of equipment on the characters (especially Scav) - reduced clipping
- Fixed white spots on some of the weapon icons
- Adjusted lighting effects at the Interchange
- Helmet visors no longer shine in the dark
- Fixed the distance of culling for helmets and headgear
Fixed various errors:
- Fixed one of the reasons for Error 228 while separating a stack of rounds
- Bug when throwing grenades from the Quick Access toolbar
- The error that occurred while quickly moving ammo from stash to crammed inventory
- Various server errors that were causing desync
- Various client errors that caused FPS to drop
- The error that appeared on binding and use of the console key
- The error of moving an object to another container, when it linked
- The error that disabled the door interaction doors in offline mode after a single instance
Miscellaneous fixes:
- Fixed sync of armor durability when armor is looted from a dead body
- Fixed logic error in armor penetration calculation for bots
- Fixed various bugs causing problems with registering hits
- Fixed a bug that allowed the character to stand up while under some object
- Fixed bug with discarded objects falling through the floor
- A bug that breaks the interaction with doors and containers if the player has a grenade in hand
- Fixed the problem of incorrect penetration of helmets and visors
- Leaving the raid is now counted in the stats
- A bug that made character stuck in the level geometry after reconnect
- Bug with repeated door interaction on breach attempt
- Bug with part of the cells remaining unsearched
- A bug that changed the current resource of the passed first aid kit
- Damage registration bug
- A bug that caused the hands to freeze with lock pin in them if the grenade with removed pin were switched for something else
- Fixed bug that had all character skills to max out
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused arm hits not to register
- Fixed bug that caused discarded weapons to bounce
- Fixed bug that caused the player to remain on the matchmaking screen after clicking on the "back" button while loading location, even after restarting the session
- Fixed the bug that made medkit unusable if a player was injured during treatment
- Fixed geometry clipping of sights in the camera, if the weapons have a sight installed at 45 degrees angle
- Fixed the bug that allowed the player to keep the belongings after hitting Back when deployment to location has already started
- Fixed inability to pass through a door sideways
- Fixed ability to jump through the ceiling or the dorm to the floor above with a regular jump and leveled strength
- It is now possible to move things for sale to a trader by dragging them
- Fixed the bug that prevented discarding items from the stash
- Fixed the bug that made the bodies twitch for a while after death
- Fixed the bug of character corpse disappearing after reconnect
- Fixed MTU002 Short Top foregrip filters fro SOK-12
- Blind fire no longer allows you to shoot through walls
- Bug with repeated opening of the door, that could make it open the other way
- A bug that prevented a player from producing the death sounds in the first person, and there were no audible hits either
- Fixed third-person arm-twisting when the character is getting ready to throw a grenade
- Fixed bug with twisted hands with folded stock or in contact with the wall or other players
- Fixed a bug of the "Gardening" quest part 1, where “Survive and exit from location" condition was not observed
- Bug with an empty-handed player being unable to change weapons and use the equipment after a quick melee blow during the grenade throw
- Various skill fixes
- Various minor balancing fixes
- Fixed rate of fire linked to FPS problem
- Fixed desync bug when reloading shotgun shells
- Reduced the amount of network lag on the death of other characters
- Fixed a glitch with vests and secure containers which would make players invulnerable
- A bug that swapped indoor sounds for outdoor sounds and back
- Fixed a bug that would keep a weapon lifted in the air without any obstacles nearby
- Player Scavs will now have their starting equipment examined by default
- Increased chance of fracture from bullets and hits
- Trader filters now hide all items that are not included in the filter
- The armor Fence could not sell now gets removed faster
- Removed animation of character pulling up to the doors, hoods, loot containers - except for knocking doors down
- Added settings entries for screenshots and console
- Enhanced the brightness of some reflex sights reticles
- If you walk up to the wall or to another character, weapon gets lifted later. First, it is pulled closer to the body
- In death from 3rd-person, the weapon now doesn’t stay in the hands but drops down as if on a sling
- Now the falling bodies of the killed take into account the velocity of the bullet
- Pressing ESC in the settings menu after making changes to the settings will prompt you to save or discard the changes
- If a player leaves the raid (Leave game via the ESC menu, not through the exit), his character dies on the server (not the case with the connection loss)
- Reduced the frequency of thunder sounds
- Now glass doesn’t break when you’re just passing near it
- Added more information to some of the error messages