Escape from Tarkov

Looks like the offline mode is broken with the latest patch. Hangs on loading and can only get out by doing alt f4. Annoying for new players like me looking to learn the maps
There isn’t one really if you’re playing solo, especially if people are setup in there. If there’s a couple of you then you can use grenades to distract and push multiple entrances.

If I’m playing solo I either go in through the front or the 2nd story using the stairs closest to the car extract. Most people hold top corridor and aim down it. I also like to go into 2 storey and try and snipe one or two, which then causes confusion and allows you to push. Most players panic when others move a lot and apply aggression.

If there’s a group of players sat in there then the reality is it’s a death trap/lottery trying to push them, it’s all just very confined.

I was toying with the idea of getting this, but would I be at a disadvantage by opting for the standard edition? I distinctly recall some controversy about the game featuring P2W elements.

This video in particular raised some concerns:

Edit: People might be inclined to dismiss Mack from Worth a Buy, but there are numerous other videos which highlight this particular issue. They're not all wrong, surely?
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I wouldn't call it pay to win, the biggest advantage is stash size and secure container. They don't give you any advantage over other players in a raid and can be gained through normal gameplay too. It doesn't take long to burn through all the gear you get given either.
That video is pretty poor, he's come in swinging without really knowing or understanding how the things he's moaning about effect (or rather don't effect) the game. It's not pay to win at all imo. A guy with a standard account can level up just as quickly as someone with an EOD account. The gear you get at the start you're going to lose within a few raids anyway (because tarkov...) so that side of things is irrelevant.

The increased stash and container are the two main things but you can eventually upgrade to them anyway in game, it just takes time.

This guys response to the mack video covers most stuff

I started with a Standard account and eventually upgraded to EOD (I've put in so many hours this game has been my go to for over a year), EOD gets a bigger stash which can be upgraded later on, the biggest feature IMO with EOD is the Gamma, it has 9 slots but once you've got to LV 30 you get a quest for the Epsilon which has 8 slots, this won't take you long to get.

The extra gear really isn't anything, I sell most of it except for the standard AK (it's worth 25k) 25k can be had within 2 minutes of a raid via looting and put into your standard editon 4 slot container, if anyone has questions about this game just @Doogles me and I'll come and reply, atm the game is on sale so pick up the standard first, leave it until the next sale to make sure you want EOD, EOD is expensive and isn't really worth it IMO although like I say it was worth it for me with the amount of hours played and to support the development.

For new players get yourself some decent ammo when rocking a rifle, you either need top end ammo and go for chest or head or if you want cheapo ammo go for flesh damage, you can't wear armor on the legs so that is what you go for. Mid range ammo isn't bad atm as most players are running Lv3/4 armor so headshots are doable with 7.62x39mm PS or 5.45x39mm BP/BT, 5.56x39mm M855A1 is a decent ammo for the price.

This link tells you about the ammo in detail

This ammo chart by NoFoodAfterMidnight is better for new players to understand the ammo and how it works, the wiki however is updated almost instantly after an update so I prefer that.
Just started this, am learning customs as the biggest killer is me staggering around trying to find extraction points. Got a decent map from the web but so far playing as a scav and and once as a player have not made the exit once! Will have to join discord at some point but at the moment my experience can be summed up by 'Is this the extraction point? Bang!'
Just started this, am learning customs as the biggest killer is me staggering around trying to find extraction points. Got a decent map from the web but so far playing as a scav and and once as a player have not made the exit once! Will have to join discord at some point but at the moment my experience can be summed up by 'Is this the extraction point? Bang!'

get on discord - loads of new players (like myself) and loads of friendly helpers.
Just got 3 x lab keycards for having a stream on in the background while i'm at work, not bad. Got an SKS yesterday too.
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