Escape from Tarkov

Does everyone get this, i had nothing or in game message ?

Not sure if its time dependent, they did a compensation package a few months back where everyone got 1m roubles or something but you had to collect it within 5 days (or possibly it was 3 days), and I wasnt able to log in and missed it. Not sure if they've done the same thing with this. You should have a message in your message box and its got like a care package or something in it full of goodies
Only thing that I dont really like about the game is the NPC shotguns. I find that on many maps when I shoot a shotgun at another player (not an NPC) its pretty much useless unless I am practically stood on top of him. Makes sense really. But what I do often find is that when an NPC shoots me with a shotgun, they can be 50m away, using standard ammo and absolutely annihilate my health. Its weird. It reminds me of another game, cant remember which game it was, but on that game I also seem to recall that NPCs with shotguns did huge damage at range. (maybe Borderlands?)
eh?? Season pass - what you talking about? Think you are mistaken/wrong thread.
Not too sure if I can link on these forums. But if you pre order the edge of darkness edition, it hints towards multiple dlcs and a season pass. I guess most people missed that as the price is quite high up there.
Not too sure if I can link on these forums. But if you pre order the edge of darkness edition, it hints towards multiple dlcs and a season pass. I guess most people missed that as the price is quite high up there.

true but there is no sign of anything like that any times soon as it's still in Beta and likely to be for a good few years yet. Best beta ever mind you.....
true but there is no sign of anything like that any times soon as it's still in Beta and likely to be for a good few years yet. Best beta ever mind you.....
I think I'll hold off till there's more news regarding it. The last thing I want to do is to buy an incomplete game when it comes to launch
I think I'll hold off till there's more news regarding it. The last thing I want to do is to buy an incomplete game when it comes to launch

It's worth it, been out 3 years and it improves every big patch. I've had it since launch putting into it around 100 hours prior to the last patch. Since the latest I'm on 450 additional hours.

It had some issues but you will absolutely get your moneys worth, just grab the basic edition. This game is going nowhere, player base increasing by about 15% a week.
It's worth it, been out 3 years and it improves every big patch. I've had it since launch putting into it around 100 hours prior to the last patch. Since the latest I'm on 450 additional hours.

It had some issues but you will absolutely get your moneys worth, just grab the basic edition. This game is going nowhere, player base increasing by about 15% a week.
It's a tough sell. At the moment I've been watch Sips stream this on twitch and it does look promising. I'll need to sleep on it to decide if I want to get it yet.
The game is really good. For a "beta" it runs very well, sure there are a few issues but already is a fantastic game with loads more to come.

Since I bought the game I've played little else. There is so much more of the game that awaits me as well!

The game is really good. For a "beta" it runs very well, sure there are a few issues but already is a fantastic game with loads more to come.

Since I bought the game I've played little else. There is so much more of the game that awaits me as well!


This is the feeling i get too tbh, nowhere near as many hours but so many weapon configs that I havent tried, quests i havent managed to get done and loot to be got.
I’m at 1174h and 151d account life on this account. However it’s been wiped once, I’m actually over 2500 hours over the last 2.5 years... I’ve literally been unable to play anything else since I bought it. #nolyf
Hot dayum, I think that's more hours then my total combined steam game time hours in the past 6 years
I’m at 1174h and 151d account life on this account. However it’s been wiped once, I’m actually over 2500 hours over the last 2.5 years... I’ve literally been unable to play anything else since I bought it. #nolyf

2500 hours, holy hell. You must know the maps/spawns like the back of your hand?

I really love the game I just wish they would work on the performance more. Sometimes I drop as low as 80 FPS which is really bad, with some stutters.. starting off most maps at 160 FPS and smooth. For me the game is really CPU limited, even with a 5.4 GHz 9900K.
I'm on 200 hours, give or take an hour but I think my time in the game is coming to an end. Really loved it overall, had a lot of fun. However for some reason something has changed in the last 2 weeks for me, up until 2 weeks ago I was doing ok, had bad runs of course but had good runs which sort of balanced it out. Did fine against other players, killed enough of them to have a 2:1 kill ratio. Did ok against the NPCs , with the exception of the near god like shotgun npcs who seem to be able to inflict huge damage with a shotgun from 60m away, but did fine. Then in the last fortnight things have 180'ed on me, I lose almost every fight against other players now and often in really soul crushing ways, I'll bump into someone with a pistol and I have a full auto with decent ammo and I lose. The other day I ran into a player and he quite literally simply ran around me in a circle, made no effort to shoot me, just ran around me, round and round. I emptied 3 clips at him from my assault rifle (the fact that I was able to reload twice gives you some indication of how long he was just running around me) and then he stopped shot me once in the head with his pistol and killed me. That was a particularly humbling loss :D

Then literally just a moment ago I was on shoreline, on the beach, at the little blue booth things where the hidden stash is, looting the stash when an NPC shotgunned me through the blue wall thing and killed me, which pretty much summed up my fortnight lol.

I think I've probably just hit my max skill level in the game and now the other players have gone past my max skill level and thats why things have changed in the last 2 weeks for me. Although performance has become an issue for me too, I did a huge upgrade on my PC and for some bizarre reason the performance of Tarkov has absolutely tanked since the upgrade, so much so that I've actually had to turn down the graphics to lower than they were before I upgraded and its still sluggish (all my other titles have of course vastly improved since the upgrade).

Great game and got a few hundred hours out of it but for the reasons above its gone from a favourable fun <> frustration level to an unfavourable fun <> frustration level, so at least for the time being its time to move to some other games where I'm getting a higher fun ratio.

stick at it - team up with others, do the missions.

I've been grinding some of the missions and I mean grinding......Needed one more scav kill on interchange wearing stupid 3M armour and respirator. Think I ended up doing 5 runs to get 1 scav kill as I kept running into PMC squads all the time.

Try different weapons, different maps etc.

The further into the wipe we go, the more money people have, hence the higher tier armour and gear everyone runs as they don't care any more. I'm stacked with gear, 30 million in the bank and making around million a day doing nothing from my hideout. I'm by no means a great player, but the silly / funny / rage inducing moments keep me coming back for more. Grinding the missions also gives me a challenge. Lost like 2 or 3 million the other day in gear (thermals etc) but who cares, wipe in a few months and new map will freshen it up again.
stick at it - team up with others, do the missions.

I've been grinding some of the missions and I mean grinding......Needed one more scav kill on interchange wearing stupid 3M armour and respirator. Think I ended up doing 5 runs to get 1 scav kill as I kept running into PMC squads all the time.

Try different weapons, different maps etc.

The further into the wipe we go, the more money people have, hence the higher tier armour and gear everyone runs as they don't care any more. I'm stacked with gear, 30 million in the bank and making around million a day doing nothing from my hideout. I'm by no means a great player, but the silly / funny / rage inducing moments keep me coming back for more. Grinding the missions also gives me a challenge. Lost like 2 or 3 million the other day in gear (thermals etc) but who cares, wipe in a few months and new map will freshen it up again.

Done loads of the missions, I am level 34. I do group but it does make me feel spectacularly cheesy when our group of 4 people slaughters a single or duo player who has simply had the misfortune of finding themselves up against a 4 player team :D

Tried almost every weapon in the game, done every map. As I say, I really like the game but its a simple equation that at the moment the fun/frustration factor has tipped too far to the wrong side at the moment and it makes no sense to me to play something where that factor is on the wrong side, I'll come back to it eventually but right now I need a break and to spend a few months playing games with a slightly higher fun/frustration equation :D
Ok I just did some tests with my machine:

GPU: TITAN RTX - 2175 MHz, liquid cooled
CPU: 9900K 5.4 GHz, liquid cooled / MB: ASUS Maximus XI Gene
RAM: G.Skill 16GB 4600 MHz
SSD: Intel Optane 905P - 960GB

Runs on different maps with and without SCAVs off-line.

Runs with no SCAV's off-line: I got ZERO stutters and FPS was 40-50% higher on average, with SCAV's I get intermittent stutters and noticeably lower FPS. EVEN IF THE SCAV'S WERE DEAD.

So I can confirm that SCAV activity in the game engine is causing huge problems with both stuttering and making a easy hit on peoples machines and FPS because of CPU limit.
That's not exactly new, scabs spawning has caused hitches ever since it came out...

It's a shame and one of the factors that stopped me playing the game - the microstutter and lock-ups became too unbearable for a game that relies so much on response time.
Got this game this afternoon! My god i'm going to need help to get used to the game and what i have to do :p

I must admit it gets my heart rate going even hen i'm just sneaking around :p
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