Essential Android Apps

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Your windows firewall or router may be blocking it. It should have popped up asking for allowance?
I've been trying to get Unified remote to work. I installed the App on the phone followed by the pc app. I added the server and port listed on the pc app onto the phone and I can't seem to view any remote. I get the 'Connection Timed Out' error when i click on 'remotes'. Any ideas?

Connected to wireless? Do you have a software firewall installed? (Including Windows Firewall).
Port acceptions should not be needed as I didn't with mine and I have UPNP disabled as well on my router!
Uninstalled from both phone and pc, reinstalled firstly on pc then phone and now working. Blimey this is a good piece of software!! :)
Thought this was probably the best place to ask.. I currently use the HTC Mail app for my Exchange emails but I have a small annoying problem with it. What it is, is that I have two folders created under my Inbox for each of my email addresses so when I go into the Mail app, it loads the Inbox, I then have to change folder manually to view my emails. Is it possible to make it go straight to one of the folders by default?

If not, is there another email app thats worth trying? :)
Was just about to post a reply on my thoughts!

It's a bit too buggy for my liking so have uninstalled it :( Also no Android Bookmarks integration, only internal and sync bookmarks.

Ugh, having a nightmare with Titanium Backup, can't do a full backup of user apps & sys data, always hangs on seemingly random parts. Tried turning off market links.

Can anyone recommend a good alternative?
If it's hanging then you have a problem with one or more apps and should find it instead of avoiding it because it will probably bite you in the future!

Also I assume it's the latest version of TB and is the paid version? (which is much faster).
If it's hanging then you have a problem with one or more apps and should find it instead of avoiding it because it will probably bite you in the future!

Also I assume it's the latest version of TB and is the paid version? (which is much faster).

Free version :). Will try another backup and see what it hangs on.
Well that didn't take long, 23/101 apps & data,, 2.2

EDIT: and again, but on 4/101 Android Live Wallpapers 2.2.1 Think I might just backup my sms data with another app and do a full wipe, was planning to go from from the old R6 to R7 anyway.
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