Essential Android Apps

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I'm giving Apex a go (landscape home screen, oh yeah!) But it doesn't seem to like the standard Gallery app. Can anyone recommend a decent simple gallery app, preferably one with an 'all pictures' option rather than ones that insist on grouping them by folder?

Try QuickPic dude :)
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Back on apex now :p

Prefer it overall compared to nova, I do miss the JB/ICS/slide animations though but everything else just feels/looks better on apex IMO and seems to be more refined in the sense, less problems/niggles.
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I'm asking this here because it seems as good a place as any, and it's 'kinda' app related.

Using ClockworkMod Recovery, does recovering a Nandroid backup also reflash the boot image that was in place at the time, or do I need to manually reflash?

Cheers :)
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