Poll: Eu referendum prediction thread (poll please)

Which way will you vote and who do you think will win?

  • I am voting leave and i think leave will win

    Votes: 163 28.9%
  • I am voting leave but i think remain will win

    Votes: 166 29.4%
  • I am voting remain and i think remain will win

    Votes: 133 23.6%
  • I am voting remain but i think leave will win.

    Votes: 102 18.1%

  • Total voters
I can't see why anyone with a liberal disposition would want to stay in the eu, a place where Kinock and mandelson can become multi millionaires without relying on their friend Nate to bung them a mill or two.
I can't see why anyone with a liberal disposition would want to stay in the eu, a place where Kinock and mandelson can become multi millionaires without relying on their friend Nate to bung them a mill or two.

Pretty much. People that have been outright rejected getting cushy jobs and power in the EU framework. If the revolt against Corbyn gains more momentum before the vote, I wonder if he'll tell us what he really thinks.

What's delicious at the moment is the look of fear on Cameron's & co's faces. I think the political establishment are getting worried that they may actually have to answer to the plebs and that people are fed up with threats and blackmail.

Daniel Hannan needs to be deployed more effectively IMO. Actually I'd rather have him as a potential PM candidate than BoJo or Gove.
Voting leave, but I have always thought remain would win. People will **** themselves on the day and take the status quo option.

Just don't start crying when the the country is overrun with cheap labour and you're working full-time and all you can afford is shared accommodation with strangers.

I own my house lock stock and barrel - I'll be fine.
Can we add one more please..

I am voting leave but I think the vote will be rigged.

I am voting leave but i think remain will win

- It will be fixed, the Tories will commit fraud and nobody will batter an eye lid

^ This - let's face it, the Tories have 'got previous' with what C4 have exposed about their shenanigans during the last election and I wouldn't put anything past Cameron. Ashamed to admit I voted for him in 2010, but a choice of Brown or Cameron wasn't really much of a choice.

Hoping for 1 - I have a burning desire to see leeches like Kinnock and Mandelson thrown off their gravy train - but fear it will be 2 ... although if the polls remain in favour of Out like they currently are right up to the 23rd, I may well revise that view.
I have voted remain, we will end up leaving, people who have it bad now and blame the EU will continue to have it bad, will find something else to blame.

Something else? They have the perfect scapegoat either way, exactly the same as the Scots can and do blame Westminster for everything, and would have continued to blame everything on Westminster post leaving the UK. Just like the Tories kept blamed Labour for the slow recovery after the financial crisis, just like every political party blames the party before, ad infinitum.

If we don't leave then any thing that happens in the future that people don't like will be the fault of the EU. If we do leave then anything in the at least near future that happens that people don't like will be blamed on the effects of leaving the EU.

I can't wait.

I am voting leave but I think the vote will be rigged.

And then there is nonsense like this. A majority might just vote to remain, you know. Just as a majority might vote to leave. Lets at least bloody wait and see.
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It will be fixed, the Tories will commit fraud and nobody will batter an eye lid

There's nothing Cameron wouldn't stoop to. He's as slimy as they come.

As was proved when Dct. David Kelly was killed on a Welsh hillside, a UK govt. will stoop to absolutely anything to achieve it's aim.
And then there is nonsense like this

Do you mean like the nonsense on election expenditure now being investigated by several police forces? (also bent).

They'll probably find a few hundred thousand postal votes under the sofa if it doesn't look like it's going well...
Corbyn despises the EU, but now he's leader he can't say that.

He voted against the single market in the 1975 referendum, and this shows his views up until he become leader.

Why can't he plenty of others have.

But then i suppose that makes him a spinless and worthless leader.

If he despises something thinks its terrible for the country but suports it because if he doesnt he may lose his leadership role that kinda classifies him as utterly unfit for leadership
If you'd used that argument here with regards to Scottish independence you'd have been ridiculed.

The UK has the veto and doesn't need to down the deeper integration path.

Also who said this is a once in a lifetime decision?

If in 20 years several European countries gave up their parliaments (never going to happen btw.) there would be nothing to stop the UK voting again.
Well the scotish were gambling on oil returns which we know for a fact arent a dafe long term investment.

They were going for the exact oposite of my argument.

Using a few years of positives to justify being ****ed long term

But even then theyd have been ****ed ahort term given what happened with oil prices.
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