When I first saw the Toyota patent for a fake manual gear box for an EV, my initial response was ‘why?’.
I enjoy driving a quick car as the next person and I was always a ‘manual till I die’ guy.
I had a total mindset change after I hired a car with a reasonable auto box and covered a few thousand miles in it.
Got back in my manual and just thought ‘yeh I get it now’ in that a an automatic is just better for 99% of driving. I’m more than happy to give up that 1% for the better 99%.
Perhaps I’m just getting old but if you want to drive in a way in which using a manual gear box is ‘fun’, it’s generally not acceptable on a public road anymore and it’s best constrained to track days.
Back to the whole fake manual thing, I just don’t get it. Normal people won’t want or use it and those that do will get bored after 5 mins. The die hards like those in this thread will think it’s a pile of turds.
I enjoy driving a quick car as the next person and I was always a ‘manual till I die’ guy.
I had a total mindset change after I hired a car with a reasonable auto box and covered a few thousand miles in it.
Got back in my manual and just thought ‘yeh I get it now’ in that a an automatic is just better for 99% of driving. I’m more than happy to give up that 1% for the better 99%.
Perhaps I’m just getting old but if you want to drive in a way in which using a manual gear box is ‘fun’, it’s generally not acceptable on a public road anymore and it’s best constrained to track days.
Back to the whole fake manual thing, I just don’t get it. Normal people won’t want or use it and those that do will get bored after 5 mins. The die hards like those in this thread will think it’s a pile of turds.