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EVGA Warrany Trouble!

Your word...

Customer sends card in a box, hard wrapped, well secure.

Does he have proof? At first glance that appears to be a very large box. Just how much bubble wrap did he use? Enough to prevent the card from moving at all? or was there room around it for it to move around?

I'm glad you are sure, because if not then you could be committing either libel or slander right now so I would watch what you say because EVGA are not some two bit outfit with no money.

Going back to the box. It's huge. The corner of a PCB is very sharp. There is a hole in the outside of the box right around the same size as the corner of the PCB. This suggests that an impact force hard enough would allow the PCB to cut through the bubblewrap and then through the cardboard before hitting the ground underneath. Let's say for example the package was flown to Germany and tossed off the plane at the other end, missing the truck it was being thrown into.

To me that explains what has happened perfectly. Thus, it's not the sender's fault or EVGA's fault. All it means is that it's UPS's fault and he should be filing a complaint and claim with them, not ripping EVGA a new one because some monkey can't catch.

I'm not even going to quote the rest of what you said, because you are only digging yourself a hole. I would be a bit more careful before jumping to conclusions and playing judge jury and executioner.


Because of this thread, the backlash pushing into EVGA into a corner. Should've been delt with straight out instead of accusing said customer :o

They didn't accuse him of anything. All they said was that the card had been damaged and they were rejecting it.

And it had. And after looking at the pics of the box it's quite clear to me how it became damaged.

So EVGA are responsible for UPS?
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Haha, I never went back to EVGA after the 680i motherboard incident.

Wait, you're POS motherboard which was the flakiest thing ever has broken?! Oh no, send it to us (at your own expense) and we'll replace it!

Wait you're NEW POS motherboard which was the flakiest thing ever has broken?! Oh no, send it to us (at yourown expense) and we'll replace it!

Wait you're NEW NEW POS motherboard which was the flakiest thing ever has broken?! Oh no, send it to us (at own expense to Germany) and we'll replace it!

Wait, we're just going to ignore your emails now and leave you with a broken, top of the range motherboard. Pfft.

can't say about your personal experience, unlucky i guess. but that board is a great board with good OCing. in fact i have that board still running on another comp w/ an E6600 @3.4 and it is still mint after all those years.
Balb0wa, you will be contacted ASAP with details of this, but I can confirm RMA is good and you will be sent a new card. I have also spoken with the chaps in Munich and you might also get a t-shirt or two...even some mouse pads. They will contact you soon to arrange.

Note to all customers: Warranty/support is something EVGA takes very seriously. You the customers make EVGA what it is, and we always try and go the extra mile where possible to ensure consumers always get the best experience. However this does highlight a valid point, always take images of how cards are packed when sending away for RMA. It is not the consumer or EVGA's fault if the card is damaged en route, which is why taking a few images to back up your case is a good thing. I hope this and Nic's continued efforts will support the claim that EVGA gives the best possible service to customer at ALL times. It also points out the fact that we deal with customers as individuals, and always listen to feedback.

Top men Nick and Lee. It's great to see you take customers serious and go the extra mile.
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Hi there

Guys every company makes mistakes from time to time and it is how a company deals with those mistakes.

EVGA spotted this thread and the UK part of their business resolved it 100% to the customers satisfaction.

OK not everything always goes silky smooth all the time, stuff does go wrong, fact is though EVGA have resolved the issue and put things right, good show. :)
Does he have proof? At first glance that appears to be a very large box. Just how much bubble wrap did he use? Enough to prevent the card from moving at all? or was there room around it for it to move around?

I'm glad you are sure, because if not then you could be committing either libel or slander right now so I would watch what you say because EVGA are not some two bit outfit with no money.

Going back to the box. It's huge. The corner of a PCB is very sharp. There is a hole in the outside of the box right around the same size as the corner of the PCB. This suggests that an impact force hard enough would allow the PCB to cut through the bubblewrap and then through the cardboard before hitting the ground underneath. Let's say for example the package was flown to Germany and tossed off the plane at the other end, missing the truck it was being thrown into.

To me that explains what has happened perfectly. Thus, it's not the sender's fault or EVGA's fault. All it means is that it's UPS's fault and he should be filing a complaint and claim with them, not ripping EVGA a new one because some monkey can't catch.

I'm not even going to quote the rest of what you said, because you are only digging yourself a hole. I would be a bit more careful before jumping to conclusions and playing judge jury and executioner.

They didn't accuse him of anything. All they said was that the card had been damaged and they were rejecting it.

And it had. And after looking at the pics of the box it's quite clear to me how it became damaged.

So EVGA are responsible for UPS?

Shares in EVGA, or do you work for them?
Not sure why everyone is applauding. If it takes a thread like this every time a single customer has a problem with a product to get an amicable resolution then that's hardly "going the extra mile" is it. As has been said already if the OP hadn't have kicked off he'd have got nothing. That people think that the treatment of this one guy after he had kicked up a huge fuss is indicative of their warranty support as a whole is surprising.

What about the guys who have been in a similar situation that haven't had recourse like this forum to vent? How many of them have gone through this before, and will in the future? Don't delude yourselves into thinking this is some kind of sea change in EVGA's warranty support - this is one example of a company getting negative press and making it go away.

That's nothing against EVGA specifically - got nothing against them, the same applies with pretty much every company in these circumstances.

That being said we only have the OPs word about how well it was packed internally. I have sent bare cards in the past with enough bubble wrap that they would not have moved in any direction inside the box, certainly not enough to touch the sides of the box regardless of the impact.
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Shame there was no picture of how the card was packaged to see if it was possible for it to move and then become damaged during transit. Box does have a bit of damage but I have seen worse and the product still fine inside as it was well packaged within. Hence like I said shame we can’t see a picture of the inside packaging.

Is EVGA’s RMA in Germany then? If so I never knew that
Shares in EVGA, or do you work for them?

Nice try.

Just a reasonable chap capable of, you know? seeing reason.

I just find it utterly unfair how the spite crew have all come out to bash on EVGA without seeing the situation for what it is.

I find it even more unfair that after busting a nut to fix it and going out of their way they then get accused of only doing it because of this thread.
Nice try.

Just a reasonable chap capable of, you know? seeing reason.

I just find it utterly unfair how the spite crew have all come out to bash on EVGA without seeing the situation for what it is.

Again in YOUR opinion, so you pick on the people that show the other side of the coin even so much as threatening them with Libel and Slander?... Yeh that's fair ;)

I find it even more unfair that after busting a nut to fix it and going out of their way they then get accused of only doing it because of
this thread.

Which is what happened, they saw this thread got involved, it got sorted as the situation kicked off :confused:

Do you not see this?
I find it even more unfair that after busting a nut to fix it and going out of their way they then get accused of only doing it because of this thread.
Are you simple?

They already told him that he was S.O.L with getting a replacement card, and wanted £150 to fix his existing card. It wasn't until this thread surfaced that it was resolved at no cost (with extras to sweeten the deal).

How can that possibly not be because of this thread?
Are you simple?

They already told him that he was S.O.L with getting a replacement card, and wanted £150 to fix his existing card. It wasn't until this thread surfaced that it was resolved at no cost (with extras to sweeten the deal).

How can that possibly not be because of this thread?

1. Guy has a faulty card.
2. Guy requests RMA with EVGA. EVGA's RMA explains that they will not repair or replace any damaged goods damaged due to poor packing or because the courier threw it around.
3. Card arrives damaged, EVGA reject it.
4. Customer kicks off, the accusations begin. EVGA are already tried and found guilty of dropping his card on the floor.
5. That really is pretty much that. EVGA are simply abiding by their own terms and conditions.
6. EVGA decide to work with customer and use the "customer is always right" theory, even though any one who has owned or ran a business knows that the customer is usually wrong but you just pretend otherwise.
7. Pics of the box are posted, box is clearly in a right old state, damage was clearly caused by courier.
8. EVGA reiterate that damage caused in transit is not their problem, can't replace card.
9. Customer complains again, telling them to shove the card where the sun doesn't shine, refusing to accept UPS damaged his card.
10. EVGA go above and beyond, even though this is clearly UPS's fault, and promise a new card AND some goodies.

Is that simple enough for you?
really sometimes these couriers... last month they brought some desktops to our office and also some a4 paper and I was just going out to the market for a lunch, as I walked past I kept watching him unload the stuff. He litteraly threw the A4 boxes from out of the back of the truck on top of the new desktop machines :S **** like that happens, it's probably even worse at some sorting centres.

I'm happy the OP has got what he deserves. Credit to EVGA for sorting this out, I know for one I'll be buying a EVGA product again but only because they took care of it and I think ALXAndy kind of has a point aswell. But the fact is we don't know what happened. Balb0wa could be lieing, EVGA could be lieing, they could both be lieing, they could both be honest but the courier ****ed it up. Import thing is it is resolved now and EVGA took care of it.
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EVGA are very good customer service wise, by all rights they could have just denied the RMA as it breached their RMA policy, but they didn't. Yes I'm sure bad publicity my have played apart in their move but the fact they are even in this thread shows they care. Just got to look on their forums to see how well they respect their consumers and help them out.

Enough of the EVGA hate.
I work at Universitys post office. And i send and deliver boxes/packets each day.
90% of time stuff is damaged cos of bad packing.
When stull is lose inside of a box that is crappy packing.
Old papers bubblewrap anything. So when stuff goes on top of it it wont get crushed.
Besides that where is FRAGILE sticker or something on the box ?? Delivery drivers do handle them better.
I began reading this with rage against EVGA, I now think they did the right thing, I wont buy EVGA in the future mind.

That is all.
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