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EVGA Warrany Trouble!

I began reading this with rage against EVGA, I now think they did the right thing, I wont buy EVGA in the future mind.

That is all.

So you'd buy from a company that doesn't bother to listen to their customers and will just flat out ignore you?

The very fact that EVGA watch this forum and saw this thread says it all to me.

Had it been some one like Power color you would still be arguing with some dude in Malaysia who speaka de Engrish.

This has been dealt with quite wonderfully IMO. I don't care how people read into it or if they think that they only did it because of this thread, because the fact is they read this thread and they did it !

Meaning should you ever have a problem with their products they are there and they are listening and they will sort it out !

Can't say any bloody fairer than that surely?

Can you see Asus or zotac turning up in a thread and giving that extra personal touch? That's why I will buy EVGA again, a simple post in these or their forums can get things resolved, where with other companies you would get nowhere.

^ That. If anything it has simply boosted my confidence in them. I am absolutely dreading having to deal with XFX. Well, I'm not, because XFX simply won't deal with you and leave the middle man to do their bloody dirty work.
So you'd buy from a company that doesn't bother to listen to their customers and will just flat out ignore you?

The very fact that EVGA watch this forum and saw this thread says it all to me.

Had it been some one like Power color you would still be arguing with some dude in Malaysia who speaka de Engrish.

This has been dealt with quite wonderfully IMO. I don't care how people read into it or if they think that they only did it because of this thread, because the fact is they read this thread and they did it !

Meaning should you ever have a problem with their products they are there and they are listening and they will sort it out !

Can't say any bloody fairer than that surely?

Dealt with wonderfully after first rejecting. Only when pressure applied did they change mind.
Dealt with wonderfully after first rejecting. Only when pressure applied did they change mind.

Pressure applied? How so? a bunch of nasty people slandering them?

I'm not being funny, but I am a reasonable chap. If I logged onto a forum to see people slagging off my company and hurling around accusations I wouldn't even bother to respond.

EVGA (like OCUK and any other company) have terms and conditions. IE - "Look man, we don't replace stuff that was broken on the way here".

If they did they would soon go bust. I don't see any fragile tape or labels on that package, I don't even see it written in marker.

The very fact that they did bother to step in (after reading all of the spiteful stuff being posted about them) speaks volumes IMO.

But then I guess if you're a nasty person deep down then you will simply interpret it however you want to.
Could be courier's fault or Evga who dropped it and trying to cover up, who knows. At least its resolved, after much effort (for me anyway).

Trying to cover up an RMA on £120 GFX card, now that would be desperate. :p I think both parties are genuine and it probably was damaged in transit. It's all good now and we can be thankful that there are companies out there that are willing to go the extra mile to help out the consumer.
Could be courier's fault or Evga who dropped it and trying to cover up, who knows. At least its resolved, after much effort (for me anyway).

Or it could actually have been down to the OP placing a sausage in the London Underground and not thinking about it moving around?

Doesn't really matter now. EVGA have gone above and beyond.
1. Guy has a faulty card.
2. Guy requests RMA with EVGA. EVGA's RMA explains that they will not repair or replace any damaged goods damaged due to poor packing or because the courier threw it around.
3. Card arrives damaged, EVGA reject it.
4. Customer kicks off, the accusations begin. EVGA are already tried and found guilty of dropping his card on the floor.
5. That really is pretty much that. EVGA are simply abiding by their own terms and conditions.
6. EVGA decide to work with customer and use the "customer is always right" theory, even though any one who has owned or ran a business knows that the customer is usually wrong but you just pretend otherwise.
7. Pics of the box are posted, box is clearly in a right old state, damage was clearly caused by courier.
8. EVGA reiterate that damage caused in transit is not their problem, can't replace card.
9. Customer complains again, telling them to shove the card where the sun doesn't shine, refusing to accept UPS damaged his card.
10. EVGA go above and beyond, even though this is clearly UPS's fault, and promise a new card AND some goodies.

Is that simple enough for you?
None of that alters the fact that your assertion was that EVGA would've resolved this WITHOUT this thread existing, when patently that is not the case.

The OP already had an answer from them - no warranty service, £150 charge for repair. Do you think that if he had just kept ringing them that he would've ended up with a brand new card and t-shirts, etc?

This thread is what prompted them to resolve the matter, if you can't see that then I don't know what else to say.

If the OP hadn't posted this thread he'd still be looking at a card with a voided warranty and £150 to replace it, like every other poor sap in the same boat past and in the future that has the same problem and doesn't have the clout (by posting here) to resolve it by means other than just phoning them.

Can you see Asus or zotac turning up in a thread and giving that extra personal touch? That's why I will buy EVGA again, a simple post in these or their forums can get things resolved, where with other companies you would get nowhere.
So basically you're saying that you're fine with the idea that you'll buy a EVGA product, it becomes faulty, you telephone them and get nowhere and end up having to drum up support and negative press on a third-party forum like this to a sufficient level to the point where their reps feel obliged to keep you sweet and provide the warranty service you sought in the first place?

I'd like to think that when you get a warranty that's what you get - without the need to post threads like this every single time a fault develops to atually make it happen.

Whether or not the OP was fully or partially at fault for the packaging (or lack thereof) is somewhat academic to the grander point that it took this thread to progress the matter from "sorry no dice, £150 to fix it" - which is all he was getting on the phone - to a brand new card and free t-shirts, etc. Does anyone think that this outcome would've been achieved with the OP just calling them?
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None of that alters the fact that your assertion was that EVGA would've resolved this WITHOUT this thread existing, when patently that is not the case.

The OP already had an answer from them - no warranty service, £150 charge for repair. Do you think that if he had just kept ringing them that he would've ended up with a brand new card and t-shirts, etc?

This thread is what prompted them to resolve the matter, if you can't see that then I don't know what else to say.

How can you resolve something you know nothing of?

So Ze Germans stick to the rules and regulations of their company? You can't blame them for that. The card arrived damaged.

Makes me laugh. If some one sent you a broken card and then accused you of breaking it you'd go berserk.

I've been sent numerous items that got smashed in the post. Who did I blame? Either the pleb who sent it in a padded envelope or the courier who decided to use it for a friggin football.

Enough of the double standards already.
How is it EVGA's fault?

Customer packs card.

UPS then proceed to throw the box around dropping it at random.


Then EVGA receive it. Quite frankly what they have done is marvellous. Taking the wrap for a shoddy courier and giving out goods at their own expense is not something you will find many companies doing.

The very fact that they jumped in to this thread and have sorted the matter out speaks volumes to me.

Yes I agree, very admirable of them to eventually resolve the issue as it should have been done in the first place. He

I've sent many an item mate, hell even the last Item I received was a GLASS vase, box quite battered, doesn't matter, packed well so all in one piece.

GFX card, Anti Static bag, wrap in bubble wrap, tape carefully to avoid any water ingress into package, rock solid packaging that could take a few kicks without even nicking the card.

The damage to that card was from the card clearly being knocked whilst being unpacked, it's too clean a dent. Maybe the guy who unpacked it finally admitted it and that's why the u-turn on EVGA's part. They clearly state he has to contact delivery company then do a complete U-Turn
None of that alters the fact that your assertion was that EVGA would've resolved this WITHOUT this thread existing, when patently that is not the case.

The OP already had an answer from them - no warranty service, £150 charge for repair. Do you think that if he had just kept ringing them that he would've ended up with a brand new card and t-shirts, etc?

This thread is what prompted them to resolve the matter, if you can't see that then I don't know what else to say.

Yes I agree, very admirable of them to eventually resolve the issue as it should have been done in the first place. He

I've sent many an item mate, hell even the last Item I received was a GLASS vase, box quite battered, doesn't matter, packed well so all in one piece.

GFX card, Anti Static bag, wrap in bubble wrap, tape carefully to avoid any water ingress into package, rock solid packaging that could take a few kicks without even nicking the card.

The damage to that card was from the card clearly being knocked whilst being unpacked, it's too clean a dent. Maybe the guy who unpacked it finally admitted it and that's why the u-turn on EVGA's part. They clearly state he has to contact delivery company then do a complete U-Turn

If it could be proven beyond doubt that EVGA damaged the card by dropping it then yes, I would never buy anything from them again.

To me ? it just, well, is what it is.

The card arrives damaged. EVGA at first say they can't replace it, then think twice about it and decide to.

So far all I have seen is a pic of the card, then a pic of a truly dishevelled box. A box with a hole in, right around the same size as the end of the card.

Now if I had seen before pics of that box, and a card wrapped in 8" of bubble wrap and then secured inside the box with more tape to prevent it moving, and then fragile labels slapped all over the box (or even better fragile tape !) and everything that I would do to pack it properly (including lots of foam as it doesn't tear or pierce like bubble wrap) then fair play.

But I haven't. Neither has any one else. I don't do judgements based on what ifs.
Really sounds like I'm EVGA bashing when I'm not intending it to be such. I guess I'm more cynical of a company stepping up only after receiving pressure, when if this thread didn't exist the OP would still be out a card and potentially £150 to get it repaired.

The way it has been resolved only really restores the status quo he assumed he would have in the first place.
What we gain out of this is, after you have your RMA approve take photos/video of the item with a newspaper showing a date after the RMA approval. Pack in original box (if it had one), then pack in additional box making sure the original box doesn't move around inside, you can use the newspaper to fill out the space. :)

Packages will have to deal with a lot of banging about and may well have other heavy boxes placed on top, chances are they won't be handled with kid gloves.

Chances are in this case it was shipping damage, with maybe not enough internal packaging to cope. But any one of the 3 parties could be at fault, the OP or EVGA could be lying nothing posted here is conclusive either way.

Fair play to EVGA for replacing it in the end.
How can you resolve something you know nothing of?

So Ze Germans stick to the rules and regulations of their company? You can't blame them for that. The card arrived damaged.

Makes me laugh. If some one sent you a broken card and then accused you of breaking it you'd go berserk.

I've been sent numerous items that got smashed in the post. Who did I blame? Either the pleb who sent it in a padded envelope or the courier who decided to use it for a friggin football.

Enough of the double standards already.

Someone send him a tee shirt for the love of god!
Really sounds like I'm EVGA bashing when I'm not intending it to be such. I guess I'm more cynical of a company stepping up only after receiving pressure, when if this thread didn't exist the OP would still be out a card and potentially £150 to get it repaired.

The way it has been resolved only really restores the status quo he assumed he would have in the first place.

It's not uncommon for a company to abide by their terms Durzel.

It is uncommon for them to respond as they have and then put things right.

I can't even tell you the amount of people I have had to ask to trust message me so I can send them MSI's email address that deals with UK RMA and any problems.

Why? because MSI make it so chuffing hard to find. If you really think that EVGA are bad then do read this.

So my card (MSI 6970 TFIII reboxed not tested properly or at all Lightning) takes a dump. However, it's a temperamental dump and I can't get it to flop each and every time. This worries me, so after reading OCUK's T&C I decide that I don't want to deal with them.

I make videos of the card crashing and take still photos of what my desktop looks like when it does.

It then takes me two days just to find some one to email. First I post on their forum, they don't bother to check it or reply to it, as many others have found out.

So I try to find an RMA or customer service email. But, as others have found, they don't advertise one for graphics cards, only notebooks and laptops.

So then I try looking them up in a directory, only to find they are in The Netherlands. Eventually I break and I phone the 0871 laptop repair number, only to be greeted by a chap who can barely speak any English.

He tells me they can't help me. I kick up a fuss, and after a call cost of £3.70 they finally hand over an email address I can use.

It worked, but it took me close to three days and cost me money.
How can you resolve something you know nothing of?

So Ze Germans stick to the rules and regulations of their company? You can't blame them for that. The card arrived damaged.

Makes me laugh. If some one sent you a broken card and then accused you of breaking it you'd go berserk.

I've been sent numerous items that got smashed in the post. Who did I blame? Either the pleb who sent it in a padded envelope or the courier who decided to use it for a friggin football.

Enough of the double standards already.
You're making a lot of assertions for something you (and I) can't know for sure.

You're stating (as fact) that the card was received broken and definitely not dropped whilst in EVGA's custody. You don't know that.

You're blaming the courier company, and the OP, for insufficient packaging and incompetent courier service - again without direct insight into whether this was actually the case.

The fact you are taking everything one side (EVGA) has said as gospel speaks volumes about your lack of impartiality.

As I previously said IF the OP failed to pack the card properly OR the courier company failed to handle it appropriately then this clearly isn't EVGAs fault. no one - including you - can make any assertions about whether it was dropped or packaged badly (the OP strenuously said it was well packaged, and UPS - in my experience personal and business - aren't incompetent). It is of course possible that either the OP, UPS or EVGA are at fault, or a combination thereof, but I wouldn't assert any of that as fact as you seem keen to.

Ultimately this matter has been resolved to the OPs satisfaction, but it took this thread to get that resolution - and others who have been in a similar predicament in the past, or in the future, will I'm sure receive the same treatment as the OP originally got on the phone. As such the eventual resolution this one specific EVGA customer got is not and should not be considered indicative of past or future warranty support.

EVGA deserve praise for resolving the matter to the OPs satisfaction, however if I were in the OPs shoes and packed something very well, and was then told that it was damaged before they received it (when I know that would not be the case), and felt like my only recourse was to post a thread like this - I would still be left with a sour taste in my mouth. I don't think the OP has had a victory here, he has had the status quo restored that he always believed he had - full and fair warranty support.
Someone send him a tee shirt for the love of god!

LMAO I was wondering when someone would call him on this.

dude just write EVGA a letter...

Dear EVGA,

I will defend you to the hilt on any and all websites I visit if only you
would send me a Tshirt, mousemat, pen and lanyard, ooh and maybe a cap, not that I wear caps of course but I would make sure it was in all the pics I post of my setup on various forums.

I cant wait for your reply,

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