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EVGA Warrany Trouble!

What worries me is that if this was not publicised in this forum and the OP was trying to get an RMA I think the outcome would have been very different. It's only due to these forums that a replacement was given.
Good on EVGA.

Some wee poor testing guy was just following protocol.

OP did what I woulda done, kicked up a fuss in the biggest relevant forum (not mumsnet!)

Good on the EVGA reps for getting this "relooked at"

A happy customer will tell his friends.
A disgruntled one will tell the world.
The main lesson to be learned is that you should always, always, always keep the original packaging.

If it was returned in the original packaging chances are this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

On the subject of blame, it's never ever going to be resolved(although tbph, imo the card has hit the floor outside the box).

My personal opinion on Evga is that it wouldn't put me off them for future purchases(although I do prefer a return to base method).

I do think however their image has been slightly tarnished as imo the op only got a result because of the power of OCUk's forum which caused alarm bells going off in Evga HQ who then backed down to damage limitation.

They could have made a better gesture of goodwill by providing the op with a Kepler card without an nda though!;)
Credit to EVGA, they done the right thing.

Indeedy ............ after exhausting every other possibility

reminds me of

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they’ve tried everything else. " - Winston Churchill

This is not the OP fault , original packaging might have got it to EVGA safely
... but they told him not to ... weird

It is terrible that you have to publicly shame the company into doing the right thing (had to do it to OCuk a few years ago myself)
Don't see How what EVGA did was wrong. Te box looks a bit battered, but surely not battered enough to make that chip to the card!

I think it was fairly likely that it was UPS' fault. (based only On the info we have)

nonetheless, EVGA did the right thing and have sorted it out, which is good, as I have two 570's that need replacing :(
I think it was fairly likely that it was UPS' fault. (based only On the info we have)

It was quite a specific area of damage, UPS couldn't have done that unless it wasn't padded properly or unless they opened the box, dropped it on the corner and put it back in and sealed it up :)

Don't know why they say to not send the original packaging. It's not like it's useful for anything so might as well post it back in it to protect it best.

nonetheless, EVGA did the right thing and have sorted it out, which is good, as I have two 570's that need replacing :(

Take lots of pictures of the cards and packaging before you send it off ;)
It was quite a specific area of damage, UPS couldn't have done that unless it wasn't padded properly or unless they opened the box, dropped it on the corner and put it back in and sealed it up :)

Don't know why they say to not send the original packaging. It's not like it's useful for anything so might as well post it back in it to protect it best.

Take lots of pictures of the cards and packaging before you send it off ;)

The original packaging is pretty crap to be fair
EVGA are a waste of space..
back when the gtx 460's were first released, i bought one, payed for it, all delivered perfectly..
Opened it up to find the card was half there, the pcb and that was there, but no plastic surrounding and no cooling fan, just the pcb with the metal I/O plate and an in your face exposed GPU core chip.. no sign of the plastics or cooler itself..
So i got in contact with EVGA, and explained my issue..
They said there were not prepared to help me with my issue and refund me my money or send me out another one because if there is no cooler then there is no warranty sticker, therefor they will not accept any warranty on my card...
Then after calming down from my rage, i continued to chat to them about how they are legally abliged to refund me or replace the item because it was not recieved in a satisfactor nor a fully working condition etc.. they said if i payed $270 they would send me out a new one (had to pay because of them refusing warranty), absolutely desperate for a graphics card i just gave up the losing battle and payed for a "brand new card" like they said.. waited for the delivery, ring ring, postman turned up with a nice parcel for me... opened it up, they had send me the plastics and the cooler for my current gtx 460, and not another fully intact card that i payed $270 for.....
I will never touch another EVGA for aslong as i live.... you couldnt even pay me to own one...
EVGA are a waste of space..
back when the gtx 460's were first released, i bought one, payed for it, all delivered perfectly..
Opened it up to find the card was half there, the pcb and that was there, but no plastic surrounding and no cooling fan, just the pcb with the metal I/O plate and an in your face exposed GPU core chip.. no sign of the plastics or cooler itself..
So i got in contact with EVGA, and explained my issue..
They said there were not prepared to help me with my issue and refund me my money or send me out another one because if there is no cooler then there is no warranty sticker, therefor they will not accept any warranty on my card...
Then after calming down from my rage, i continued to chat to them about how they are legally abliged to refund me or replace the item because it was not recieved in a satisfactor nor a fully working condition etc.. they said if i payed $270 they would send me out a new one (had to pay because of them refusing warranty), absolutely desperate for a graphics card i just gave up the losing battle and payed for a "brand new card" like they said.. waited for the delivery, ring ring, postman turned up with a nice parcel for me... opened it up, they had send me the plastics and the cooler for my current gtx 460, and not another fully intact card that i payed $270 for.....
I will never touch another EVGA for aslong as i live.... you couldnt even pay me to own one...
No offense...but I don't see why you are contacting EVGA for this problem, when you should be contacting the whoever it is that sold you the card if you bought it new from them...

If you bought it from some random seller off auction site or non-major retailer, then as I always say it is at your own risk...and pretty much think of the warranty as non-existing...
No offense...but I don't see why you are contacting EVGA for this problem, when you should be contacting the whoever it is that sold you the card if you bought it new from them...

If you bought it from some random seller off auction site or non-major retailer, then as I always say it is at your own risk...and pretty much think of the warranty as non-existing...

hi there

I bought it directly from EVGA website..
When the gtx 460 was first released, i had quite a hard time finding it available in a lot of places.. especially reputable places... they went out of stock like poo off a shiney shovel, so my last resort was to buy directly from EVGA and wait for delivery.
As you will see, at that point in time, i was in big need of a graphics card, and didnt want to go and pay for another card just to use for the time being until i got my hands on a gtx 460.. so i was patient and waiting for delivery directly from EVGA.

and No.. No matter where you buy something from, even if its a non-reputable seller but brand new, and the item has got its security seal then the direct manufacture is in full legal right to deal with issues. whether you bought it brand new and still sealed from a bloke on the corner of a street or from a reputable seller.. the item still came originally from original manufacture (in this case EVGA), so they are still legally binded to forfill my actions for warranty, aslong as the item is untampered with and the security mark (n this case a sticker) has not got any signs of being tampered with..

I spent 3 years at uni studying Law as a degree....

And yes, Even if i bought the item from a reputable seller other than directly from EVGA, Its still upto EVGA to carry out my point of warranty. because when the reputable seller recieves it and sells it to customers, the box is sticker sealed, so has not been tampered with or opened. so for it to be half missing, had to be directly from manufacturing.

Its like when your xbox 360 gets the RROD, you dont send it to the shop you bought it from, you send it directly back to the manufactures (microsoft) as its upto the manufacture to send out fully working items to the reputable sellers
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