Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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The only good thing tonight, is that Corbyn will not be Prime minister, and we won't be in any danger of the moronic idea of the "progressive alliance".

He has done better than expected, but considering the massive advantage labour have with the way constituencies are formed and still not managing to get any where winning the election, it's not the remarkable result he is going to claim it is.
if there is you would hope both parties would massively change their policies. Who knows how that would play out.

Well I don't know where Labour go from here to be honest (They put together a manifesto that was 'good' by leftwing standards). But the Tories have a lot of scope to put foward a good platform. For instance, I'm a conservative (not a Tory) and I found the Tory manifesto to be an absolute monstrosity. Hopelessly out of touch to small c conservatives.
Real shame Rudd didn't lose her seat... But Boris as conservative leader? That oddly sounds much more pleasing than May as PM.

Imagine someone just as politically awful as May, but with the charisma and popular touch necessary to get away with it. That's what Boris would be.
I have been struck by the blatant lack of spin from our politicians this morning, not a word from the Krankie, Nicholas Sturgeon and what about the, 'I would go to the opening of an envelope if it meant I got my picture on TV or in the papers' Alec Salmon who lost his seat, hooray.

There has been some half hear hearted attempts to paint a rosier picture by some members of the Tories but all in all it has been pathetic and not what one has come to expect in an election result.

Most pleasing to see little Jimmy get on the receiving end of a beating.
What a disaster a tory landslide would have been for the average citizen, regarding Brexit negotiations. Get them out!.
Totally agree, still can't believe how badly she has done it's almost like she didn't want to win!

The outcome is garbage for the country though as there is 0 chance of a strong coalition forming after the electorate destroyed the lib dems for doing it last time. So the only option I can see is a pretty swift return to the polls.
A couple of shock losses for the Cons could mean no majority even with the DUP.

NE Fife might go down to 1 vote!!
Well I don't know where Labour go from here to be honest (They put together a manifesto that was 'good' by leftwing standards). But the Tories have a lot of scope to put foward a good platform. For instance, I'm a conservative (not a Tory) and I found the Tory manifesto to be an absolute monstrosity. Hopelessly out of touch to small c conservatives.
they both need to move towards the centre. and Tories need to take a step back from authoritarian as well.
labour moving more central isn't likely to loose the left votes, who else are they going to vote for, but they could gain central ground votes.
they both need to move towards the centre. and Tories need to take a step back from authoritarian as well.
labour moving more central isn't likely to loose the left votes, who else are they going to vote for, but they could gain central ground votes.

Yeah thats entirely what I mean. The Tories can throttle back the cuts and remove the JUNK like Fox hunting, clamping down on the Internet, school meals, dementia tax etc. I mean who in their right mind would vote for this crap?

And a leader who can actually articulate a vision and go out and fight for it.
This is going to go down as one of the biggest underestimation and disasters in British political history! No need to do it and she was very badly advised. One good thing comes from it though hopefully we will hear a lot less of that idiot sturgeon
The only good thing tonight, is that Corbyn will not be Prime minister, and we won't be in any danger of the moronic idea of the "progressive alliance".

He has done better than expected, but considering the massive advantage labour have with the way constituencies are formed and still not managing to get any where winning the election, it's not the remarkable result he is going to claim it is.
Why are the constituencies considered to favour Labour?

Currently looking at the vote share (in millions), Labour got 1 seat per 48,700 voters. The Tories got 1 seat per 43,200 voters.

Why is that biased towards Labour?
I have been struck by the blatant lack of spin from our politicians this morning

Don't worry - Yvette Cooper just made up for it all with her acceptance speech! She managed to plug Tom Watson in her speech and it sounded like she was really frustrated that Labour had done so well and that it would now be really hard to unseat Corbyn.
Would a Con government with their potential angry rebels be able to actually even get anything done even with a DUP helping hand to prop them up?!
Given how things are falling I guess they could potentially put it forward as an option for consideration?
looks like the mostly likely, con minority and a deal with Dup and then two options unstable government, or they do what the country needs and forget party politics and work together like the con/lib coalition did.
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