Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells

She called the election with a 20pt lead in the polls and JC being about as popular as a fart in a lift....May has gone from having a Govt majority to not even having that, when her aim was to consolidate power with a much larger majority and Corbyn has increased his seats

Thats because suddenly they started campaigning and the media and celebrities started sticking their oar in which seems to be all it takes for the youth to decide who to vote for. I don't think the tories imagined that anyone would take the labour manifesto seriously when it appeared to be based on pipe dreams and a money tree yet plenty did.

Its easy to sit as the opposition knowing that you won't get into power and promising whatever you like. Its a great tactic. "We won't get into power so promise people the world and then when we don't get in, we can always just point at what we would have done if we were the controlling party whenever anything goes wrong for the Tories"

There are only so many idiots that will believe that rubbish though.

I genuinely think labour would have done better if they had delivered a realistic manifesto rather than one most people took one look at and said "Wow, you're going to pay for that how?".
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Disappointing that the Lib Dems won't entertain a coalition... don't like seeing the DUP get involved in propping up May at all :(

Is a bit weird they have nothing to lose now - was the best chance Farron is potentially likely to get.
1 Nov 2002
Labour might have done better than expected but it's hardly a resounding result for them. Their argument that they are the only party who should be able to form a government now is hilarious.
29 May 2006
Nice to see a rational viewpoint on it from you dowie, I haven't a clue really but I feel cosying up with the DUP could leave a very bad taste in some consistent con voters mouths.

Yep I'm a small c conservative (not a Tory. Im always at pains to make that point) and I find the Tories lurch to the social right to be horrifying.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Because a matter of weeks ago, this election was going to be the final nail in the Labour coffin. They were supposedly done for, Corbyn apparently the man who was going to steer the ship so badly they risked a Lib Dem 2015 style crushing.

Instead they've gained seats and the Conservatives have frittered away the majority government they had.

They couldn't have hoped for much more in this election, a straight up majority win was never on the cards given the 2015 position.

Corbyn is still a pillock but at that time he was a pillock without a manifesto that appealed to people who think budgets are something that should just be a block hole as long as they get everything they want.
5 Apr 2009
Thats because suddenly they started campaigning and the media and celebrities started sticking their oar in which seems to be all it takes for the youth to decide who to vote for. I don't think the tories imagined that anyone would take the labour manifesto seriously when it appeared to be based on pipe dreams and a money tree yet plenty did.

Its easy to sit as the opposition knowing that you won't get into power and promising whatever you like. Its a great tactic. "We won't get into power so promise people the world and then when we don't get in, we can always just point at what we would have done if we were the controlling party whenever anything goes wrong for the Tories"

There are only so many idiots that will believe that rubbish though.

I genuinely think labour would have done better if they had delivered a realistic manifesto rather than one most people took one look at and said "Wow, you're going to pay for that how?".
Conservatives might have done better if they campaigned on a manifesto at all, rather than one gigantic slur effort aimed at Corbyn.

Then again, maybe not as people might have realised what sort of policies and ideologies they are actually supporting beyond soundbites and name calling. :p
31 Jul 2008
Labour might have done better than expected but it's hardly a resounding result for them. Their argument that they are the only party who should be able to form a government now is hilarious.

Yeah - this was apparently the worst Tory campaign ever but still labour couldn't win....
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Agreed, she's an idiot.

But if she didn't, she'd always have the "you weren't elected" hanging over her head

She was 20 points ahead in the polls, calling an election was not stupid. What was stupid was calling it during the Brexit negotiation period, after she repeatedly said she wouldn't, failing to properly prepare for it, and then acting like it was so in the bag she didn't need to bother worrying about popular policies or all that jazz.

The Dementia Tax and Fox Hunting were probably enough to swing this from a majority to a minority.
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