Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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13 Jan 2012
United Kingdom
I'm disappointed that May is still the pm. She's a crazy women with crazy thoughts. I realised this when she changed the spousal visa and other immigration laws when she was Home Secretary. £18.6k a year to bring a spouse over from out of the EU? Yeah because everyone does earn over 18.6k Theresa. She basically made it so those on low income could not marry from over seas.

Some people took it to the Supreme Court saying it breached human rights but the judges said it didn't. I wonder if they got back handers.

I know of those still struggling to bring their spouses over as they can't get into decent jobs even though they're qualified.

I really dislike her. I would like her to be gone by the end of the year tbh. She isn't fit to be a PM.

Well there are two sides to this argument, if a spouse can't support their partner and themselves then who will? The taxpayer?

Our services are strained as it is as well
19 Feb 2007
The Tories have got some ******* front, blaming advisors now, and one has just resigned (Nick Timothy).

Tories = nothing to do with us, it was the advisors fault, utter ********. It is bordering on "please feel sorry for us".

I hope people are seeing through this crap.

e: I wonder how many Tories will welcome the DUP with open arms, just to stay in power, shameless bunch of *******.
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3 Feb 2009
The Tories have got some ******* front, blaming advisors now, and one has just resigned.

Tories = nothing top do with us, it was the advisors faul, utter ********. It is bordering on "please feel sorry for us".

I hope people are seeing through this crap.

You can't square "strong and stable" with "I did everything my advisers said to do, it's their fault."

Are you trying to say that the Tories are lacking personal responsibility? You know, something that they have championed?

Well I never, they appear to be a bunch of spineless shysters after all:p
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
The Tories have got some ******* front, blaming advisors now, and one has just resigned.

Tories = nothing top do with us, it was the advisors faul, utter ********. It is bordering on "please feel sorry for us".

I hope people are seeing through this crap.

I think you really need to calm down a little. The advisors were as important to her as Mandelson was to Blair and they influenced her poor decision making.
It's really that simple. There really is no crap to see through.
19 Feb 2007
Are you trying to say that the Tories are lacking personal responsibility? You know, something that they have championed?

Well I never, they appear to be a bunch of spineless shysters after all:p
Hahaha, yes, you put it better :)

Can the Tory supporters on here tell me what their opinion is on jumping into bed with a bunch of knuckle dragging backwards religous believers called the DUP? Esp those who slagged Corbyn off over so called IRA links?

The whole thing is an utter shambles, surely everyone can see through this bull, even the Tories who lost their seats\jobs are having a love in now, just **** off, you lost your job, we all go through it.

One cannot make this **** up.
Man of Honour
29 May 2004
Tall building nearby
That's only because making decisions that effectively kill off the disabled isn't naughty in her mind. Mainly because she has God on her side, as she says.

Theoretically how would that work? It seems wrapping up a policy in a union flag these days and blaming groups for our deficit/inability to care for the ill, disabled, old has been the fashion of late. I'll leave out the unemployed and explore a little.

  1. Government pass a bill to legalise assisted dying/euthanasia.
  2. NHS and social care continue to struggle to meet needs and expectations, government says the finances just aren't there to finance the services due to the aging population and growing number of people with long term illness and disability.
  3. The groups are demonised in the press as selfish drains on society.
  4. The NHS and social care services begin to buckle under the weight of the problems. Those working are virtually unable to receive medical care for minor ailments.
  5. The crisis explodes in the media blaming under investment.
  6. The government issues statements saying the money is just not there.
  7. The media once again turn on the "selfish ill, old and disabled" for expecting more from the system than they put in.
  8. Euthanasia is offered as a solution, to be patriotic and unburden their families helping society at large these groups are offered a way to finally be once again useful to their country and fellow man. Incentives such as death benefits to families and paid funeral expenses are offered as carrots to seal the deal. All wrapped in a union flag of course, because you can sell anything wrapped in a flag.......

All hypothetical of course.

Back to the thread topic, I don't think May can survive very long.
30 Jul 2013
May has to take responsibility as well.

Are they seriously suggesting the manifesto was only draw up by those two advisors with no involvement from any MP's?

May parroting "Strong and stable" for 7 weeks in interviews was so nothingy.

The whole election was a built around the personality of Teresa May, and she doesn't have one.
6 Sep 2011
Timothy.. Her advisor said

I take responsibility for my part in this election campaign, which was the oversight of our policy programme. In particular, I regret the decision not to include in the manifesto a ceiling as well as a floor in our proposal to help meet the increasing cost of social care.

Why are they taking the wrap. It was all down to may. She's the decision maker... Cant beieve the crap they come out with. Take some bloody credit for once.... People see right through it
21 Jul 2012
I doubt it, they actually increased both the number of voters and vote share at this election.

If they have a more charismatic leader, don't mention fox hunting and support pensioners again then they could do even better.

I agree with this to be honest with you. With new leadership, and a manifesto that didn't actively target the 'grey vote' they will probably get to number 10 again whenever the next election is. I would imagine that would be within a couple of years - maybe a lot sooner. I'm finding it a little strange that Corbyn and his supporters are painting the result as a massive victory when in reality they are at Gordon Brown levels of support among the electorate - May has damaged herself and caused a huge mess, but the party is still leading the country.
23 Dec 2012
Timothy.. Her advisor said

I take responsibility for my part in this election campaign, which was the oversight of our policy programme. In particular, I regret the decision not to include in the manifesto a ceiling as well as a floor in our proposal to help meet the increasing cost of social care.

Why are they taking the wrap. It was all down to may. She's the decision maker... Cant beieve the crap they come out with. Take some bloody credit for once.... People see right through it

Because they wrote it.
30 Jul 2013
I don't buy it. The conservative MPs would need to sign it off first.

And if we are really dealing with a ruling party who let advisors write their entire manifesto with no input from elected officials, its very damaging for democracy.

Labour consulted with MPs, unions, members etc
4 Apr 2003
Hahaha, yes, you put it better :)

Can the Tory supporters on here tell me what their opinion is on jumping into bed with a bunch of knuckle dragging backwards religous believers called the DUP? Esp those who slagged Corbyn off over so called IRA links?

Don't panic, there will be a number of journalists and interested groups currently digging dirt on the DUP, it's leadership and member's. The exposés will keep on giving over the next few months.

The DUP had remained off limits and out of public interest until now. There is a wealth of intelligence on them.
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