Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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11 Oct 2004
· It concludes that the rest of the Commonwealth will represent a market over nine times greater than that of the rest of the EU by 2050. Competition to export to & invest in the developing world will be fierce. British exporters will need to maximise their strengths: which is why, over the next forty years, the Commonwealth has the potential to become a valuable component of British trade policy.

The EU has just signed a massive trade deal wth Canada and has trade deals with many other commonwealth nations. When we leave the EU, we won't be just leaving the single market. We'll also be leaving EU trade agreements with nations around the world.

The biggest growth in the commonwealth is likely to come from India. India wants freedom of movement in return for a trade deal. Is that something that you'd be happy with?
5 Jun 2010
May is looking to do a deal with a party that would deny 19 members of her own Conservative Party their own civil rights.

The woman is desperate.
29 Dec 2014
May is looking to do a deal with a party that would deny 19 members of her own Conservative Party their own civil rights.

The woman is desperate.

Yeah it's ridiculous, 'no deal is better than a bad deal' - ok, I guess everyone has lost the meaning of exactly what a 'bad deal' is, when you have to get in bed with these people, simply to make it across the line.
20 Dec 2004
The biggest growth in the commonwealth is likely to come from India. India wants freedom of movement in return for a trade deal. Is that something that you'd be happy with?

There is absolutely zero chance India will open up it's market to the UK without extracting some serious concessions in return, probably regarding as you say a free movement arrangement.

Not that India has shown the slightest interest in a deal. They don't need it.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
I'm disappointed that May is still the pm. She's a crazy women with crazy thoughts. I realised this when she changed the spousal visa and other immigration laws when she was Home Secretary. £18.6k a year to bring a spouse over from out of the EU? Yeah because everyone does earn over 18.6k Theresa. She basically made it so those on low income could not marry from over seas.

Some people took it to the Supreme Court saying it breached human rights but the judges said it didn't. I wonder if they got back handers.

I know of those still struggling to bring their spouses over as they can't get into decent jobs even though they're qualified.

I really dislike her. I would like her to be gone by the end of the year tbh. She isn't fit to be a PM.

But to be fair, you are talking about preplanned immigration of vast numbers of people by the back door for no reason other than to keep a minority custom alive.
I don't disagree with May on that one.
26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
But to be fair, you are talking about preplanned immigration of vast numbers of people by the back door for no reason other than to keep a minority custom alive.
I don't disagree with May on that one.

So you think it's fine to impose a condition on those who want to marry from outside of the uk, but then want to live here? It's crazy in my eyes. I don't disagree with having an income threshold but the threshold she imposed outside of London is rare to achieve for the average joe.
30 Nov 2005
not at all, i just don't keep links im my back pocket.

Probably how you got that link which didnt support your argument, you tried a quick google search didn't read it and failed.
Its pretty simple to google average WTO tariff and UK exports to eu in bn, Then split of uk exports in goods and services and realise how much of economy isnt even in wto remit.
No that link has been bookmarked for years.
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
So you think it's fine to impose a condition on those who want to marry from outside of the uk, but then want to live here? It's crazy in my eyes. I don't disagree with having an income threshold but the threshold she imposed outside of London is rare to achieve for the average joe.

I think it's an issue when a certain section of society exclusively chooses to marry from outside the UK for their own reasons. Yes.
9 Apr 2012
The reason Labour did so well was I think down to two things: the youth vote and anti-austerity.

The first one is a real danger for the Tories because the youth now feel even more engaged and I feel they would vote in bigger amounts at the next election, for Labour, unless the Tories offer them something. The only thing the Tories can offer is also free tuition fees (which ironically they planned to introduce if they won the 2005 election), which Labour already offer.

The second one was the people saying that they're fed up with austerity and don't care about debt anymore. They're fed up with seeing their hospitals get worse, they're fed up with seeing public services cut, etc. Labour ran on a clear anti-austerity message and unless the Tories stop all austerity IMHO I think they are screwed here too.

All these are what I have perceived and I don't necessarily agree with any of them. Based on her past performance, May won't see any of this and do the opposite.

I predicted a Hung Parliament correctly and I am now predicting a Labour Government.
29 Jan 2008
I'm disappointed that May is still the pm. She's a crazy women with crazy thoughts. I realised this when she changed the spousal visa and other immigration laws when she was Home Secretary. £18.6k a year to bring a spouse over from out of the EU? Yeah because everyone does earn over 18.6k Theresa. She basically made it so those on low income could not marry from over seas.

Some people took it to the Supreme Court saying it breached human rights but the judges said it didn't. I wonder if they got back handers.

Judges getting back handers? Or perhaps they simply applied the law correctly and you didn't see the decision you wanted. Not everything is a conspiracy, despite various loons on here seeming to think so.

As for people earning less than £18k not being able to bring a foreign spouse on, I don't see too much issue there (or even if it is raised) - if that foreign spouse is really worthwhile having (highly skilled etc..)then he or she could have course immigrate here on their own merits. If they're not and that route is the only way to immigrate then then it doesn't seem to be too unreasonable that the UK partner ought to be earning a certain amount... 18k is pretty generous and they're still probably a net drain on the system tbh... that limit could well be raised.

You're talking about someone paying very little tax who, most likely, wants to start a family and so will end up costing the NHS money having kids, costing the education system money etc.. could well be eligible for benefits/tax credits etc.. it is probably not really a net benefit in a lot of cases.
4 Apr 2003
The reason Labour did so well was I think down to two things: the youth vote and anti-austerity.....

And the biggest one above all others was that once he started rolling on TV and Radio, lots of people started to realise Corbyn is a nice enough down to earth normal person who relates to 95% of the population.

At the same time they saw the current Tory regime and senior leadership for what they are. David Cameron in contrast always related well to the majority even if it was clear he was from an upper class background.
11 Oct 2004
The first one is a real danger for the Tories because the youth now feel even more engaged and I feel they would vote in bigger amounts at the next election, for Labour, unless the Tories offer them something. The only thing the Tories can offer is also free tuition fees (which ironically they planned to introduce if they won the 2005 election), which Labour already offer.

I don't think that the youth vote comes down solely to tution fees. Many young voters aren't at university.

There's so many other issues that affect young people in this country: unemployment, the lack of affordable housing, the removal of benefits to young people, cuts to youth services, the constant blaming of this country's problems on Millenials by the older generations...
25 Nov 2009
I'm very surprised to see overclockers community vote majority Labour, but for me the cuts within the tory party have run very deep already so seeing them hang out to dry over the next 5 years will be hard and unless theirs some big tax cuts and more well paying jobs then the tories are going to be the most hated party in history.. I have a bad feeling they'll remove working tax, increase NI and parents will have to start giving schools more money..

Can we expect a recession with more service cuts and leaving the EU ? Have we got the potential for IRA and so called ISIS bombings in the UK ? and the army walking the streets more as police numbers fall further...
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
I think a lot of the public would prefer someone who says things they don't agree with but is honest about it (Trident), rather than someone who tries to pretend to be everything to everyone. Or at least Corbyn appears honest to most people. Theresa May appears honest to no people.
28 Jan 2003
And the biggest one above all others was that once he started rolling on TV and Radio, lots of people started to realise Corbyn is a nice enough down to earth normal person who relates to 95% of the population.

At the same time they saw the current Tory regime and senior leadership for what they are. David Cameron in contrast always related well to the majority even if it was clear he was from an upper class background.

I think this was the thing that swung so much in favour for Labour, coupled with their manifesto it was a pretty good campaign. Then throw in a dash of the mainstream media thing to bring him down at every turn and the young people probablydidmt take kindly to that as they are more wary of the media.
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