Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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27 Jan 2009
What could anyone young see in the tories and may ?

You only have to seee the couple of young Tory boys commenting on Tv...

This is not what the youth of the uk are like.

some of the young might think that May was far from great but the only alternative was Corbyn... Who has a long, long track record of being generally anti establishment so could rightfully be approached with large swathes of skepticism with regards to how he would approach important issues such as:-

defence (long history of being anti defence spending and anti trident)

police/ security forces (repeadtely opposed terrorism bills, showed clear antipathy towards police in the past, clearly, showed sympathies to terrorist organisations with aims completely against the UK establishment and often ones with appaling approaches to human rights)

the economy - appointed a Marxist as his shadow chancellor - one who wants to move away from an economy were 'profit' is a factor..... Because that's worked out so well when its been tried elsewhere

basically some of the youth (if not a lot) may have adopted views similar to mine that the Tories especially under May were a wretched choice but the only realistic alternative was a man and his colleagues whoose track record could raise reasonable fears that they would present a clear and present danger to UK economic prospects (via capital flight and disincentivising innovation and graft) and a clear danger to both internal and external security by weakening the police and armed forces
23 Dec 2012
The Labour Party has changed in the last 24 hours...there is more support for Corbyn than ever .

They can't win an election without the centrists vote and they won't get that vote under Corbyn. He's destroying the Labour party from within with his hubris and whilst good for the Tories it is bad for the country having no effective opposition.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

This is delicious watching the Tories slowly implode - it's almost better than a Labour win!

Strong ans stable my **** lol!
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
THE Conservative Party has reassured Britain that the government being propped up by swivel-eyed, religious lunatics will be ‘totally fine’.

Ulster’s Democratic Unionist Party was founded in 1971 by the late Ian Paisley while he was stabbing an Action Man he had dressed up as Pope Paul VI.

It is now looking forward to influencing government policy in a wide range of demented areas.

DUP leader Arlene Foster confirmed the party would support a minority Conservative government on condition that Theresa May stands on a massive orange Bible and denounces Roman Catholicism as ‘Beelzebub’s Travelling Circus’.

She added: “Obviously we’ll also be needing a wee ban on abortion, the gayness, scientists and strong liquor.”

A Downing Street spokesman said: “It’s very important we have a strong and stable government. But it’s okay if it’s also a tiny bit insane.”

THE Democratic Unionist Party is ready to do a deal based on a ‘soft’ Brexit, a guarantee on state pensions and the total rejection of evolution.

As coalition talks with the Conservative Party began, DUP leader Arlene Foster stressed it was vital to focus on the key issue of why the Bible does not mention dinosaurs.

She said: “Yes Brexit, pensions, all that stuff, fine. But this dinosaur thing is absolutely central to everything.

“We know that dinosaurs are an evil hoax made up by homosexual atheists in the late 19th Century. But why do so many people still believe that these ‘gigantic lizards’ ever existed?

“According to our research the most passionate advocates for these so-called ’dinosaurs’ are gullible children, the gays and of course Roman Catholics, who will, frankly, believe in anything.

“We need to throw them all in prison.”

A Downing Street spokesman said: “We are very flexible on the existence of dinosaurs.”

Man of Honour
29 May 2004
Tall building nearby
So apparently when May goes to deliver her queen's speech, I have heard on social media (not necessarily reliable I know) that potentially 60 or so Tory mps may get up and sit with Labour. It is probably nonsense, but stranger things have happened. And to be quite honest, if they do, I think that would be a good thing. Maybe we do need a change. Maybe we do need a collaborative alliance to sort this mess out, and to sort out the Brexit negotiations properly. In WW2 there was an a Tory-Labour coalition Government, and Churchill appointed Labour mps in his Cabinet because it was the right thing to do at the time in the situation the country faced. We face similar turbulent and uncertain times, and perhaps it isn't such a far fetched proposal who knows?

You expect too much common sense from the rabble that sit in the house of commons, if they could sit together and work to represent the whole of the population/electorate the negotiations would probably over run so long with infighting that we would end up with no deal.
24 Dec 2005
some of the young might think that May was far from great but the only alternative was Corbyn... Who has a long, long track record of being generally anti establishment so could rightfully be approached with large swathes of skepticism with regards to how he would approach important issues such as:-

defence (long history of being anti defence spending and anti trident)

police/ security forces (repeadtely opposed terrorism bills, showed clear antipathy towards police in the past, clearly, showed sympathies to terrorist organisations with aims completely against the UK establishment and often ones with appaling approaches to human rights)

the economy - appointed a Marxist as his shadow chancellor - one who wants to move away from an economy were 'profit' is a factor..... Because that's worked out so well when its been tried elsewhere

basically some of the youth (if not a lot) may have adopted views similar to mine that the Tories especially under May were a wretched choice but the only realistic alternative was a man and his colleagues whoose track record could raise reasonable fears that they would present a clear and present danger to UK economic prospects (via capital flight and disincentivising innovation and graft) and a clear danger to both internal and external security by weakening the police and armed forces

20000 police job cuts under Tory

And now the torys in bed with homophobic creationist terrorists....

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

They can't win an election without the centrists vote and they won't get that vote under Corbyn. He's destroying the Labour party from within with his hubris and whilst good for the Tories it is bad for the country having no effective opposition.

Oh you're such a comedian.

This is just the start of Labours resurgence. They we never going to cut through the deutrius in the press and Tory lies about Corbyns leadership ability and Labours fiscal credentials enough to win the GE outright. Now people have started to wake up, the next GE is where it's at.
20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
Abolish political parties, policies developed on common sense and fairness rather than ideology, it will never happen though as the majority of people just love to screw each-other over.

I've thought for a long time that a system not unlike the jury duty system should be in place for government where people act, for fixed terms, for the best interests of the country and it's people and not have a bunch of self important ***** who seem only to be interested in their pay masters or own self interests.

I can dream, they haven't taxed that yet.
21 Jul 2012
Oh you're such a comedian.

This is just the start of Labours resurgence. They we never going to cut through the deutrius in the press and Tory lies about Corbyns leadership ability and Labours fiscal credentials enough to win the GE outright. Now people have started to wake up, the next GE is where it's at.

If the Conservatives had a better manifesto it wouldn't have been a problem to get a majority - Labour are celebrating coming second in the GE like they just won the World Cup.
10 Aug 2006
You expect too much common sense from the rabble that sit in the house of commons, if they could sit together and work to represent the whole of the population/electorate the negotiations would probably over run so long with infighting that we would end up with no deal.

Yes I do. I expect them to put aside squabbles and not think only of themselves for once. But I realise that is expecting a lot.
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